A Day in the Life

The life and times of a single father out to take over the world with nothing but diapers and empty bottles.

My daily thoughts, rants, and guilt trips. Please remember the thoughts and opinions here are my own, unless of course they aren't.


Sunday, September 30, 2001

Well had a wonderfull day so far. Absolutly great. We went out apple picking and then cam e back here and they helped me work around the house. Choping down trees and all kinds of stuff. The IF got good and dirty and the Gf had a good time withthe landlordess. So now I am off to the first ever Heather night. Such fun.
posted by Chuck Pierce 5:42 PM 0 comments

Heather Night.

Tonite we are going to have the first ever Heather night. Me and 2 friend have all had GF/wives named Heather. All in the past I might add and all turned out fairly badly I believe. So... Tonite we are going to have Heather party. Have food, drink heavly and watch Heather's the crappy movie. Should be fun I think.
posted by Chuck Pierce 10:42 AM 0 comments

Well, It might just be a great day after all. Jacko was 1.3 hours late as per usual to relieve me...Must be wonderfull to have a time zone (Jacko time) named after you. But he did show up so progress I guess.
But the big annoncment is....
posted by Chuck Pierce 10:40 AM 0 comments

Well got a few more hours of sleep. But not alot. Anyways, gonna clean up and take down the comp, so I am out of here in a few hours. Might go apple picking today withthe gf and if. Later all.
posted by Chuck Pierce 7:23 AM 0 comments

"Sometimes it is hard to see the Forrest in all the tree's"

Ok that one is a bit of a private joke I am afraid.
I am up at 4:00 am and not overly happy. The tv up here has craped out again and I am not really happy about it. Damn tihng, everyone says it never breaks on them, but it sure as hell is not working right now.
posted by Chuck Pierce 4:20 AM 0 comments

Saturday, September 29, 2001

Just when you thought it was all over, I come back

Ok now I know I have mentioned previously that I watch tv/movies to be entertained, um period. So did a nice sob and cry to msg in a bottle last night and its on again tonight so needless to say I bailed fast and wanderd the channels. Well, I have to say I just found soumthing that gave me 5 laugh out louds in the last 10 mins. And I know it sad but after coming out of the closet on the Buffy issue I figure I am safe. Pop up video, is as most of you know when they play a video and add little funny bits.. Well watching it to the bready bunch. Anf ya know if I was on the Emmy awards list of folks it just got my vote. That was some of the best writeing I have ever rolled on the floor to. Well not that it isnt hard to poke some fun at the brady bunch but man they did a great great job. Cool they are gonna do an other half hour of it. Now I am seriously hooked.
Wow I posted to much today, have a good night all.
posted by Chuck Pierce 10:34 PM 0 comments

Well I have a admition to make. Something I really am not proud of. In fact fairly ashamed. Yes I feel that you all have the right to know that sad though it is I have in fact fallen to the depths of watching Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Sad huh, worse is I was ammused by it. I feel like I should go vist a confesional and I am not even catholic. Anyways, FX is replaying them all from the start and I got mildly hooked. Also rewatching Alley, and I dont think i watched more than a few weeks of it when it first came out. But thta would fit in, ther eare lots of crappy sitcoms that got WAY better when you saw them every day not once a week. So basically, some shows get better after they are over. Nother great example is News Radio. Which I realy like now, and could take or leave when it was new and fresh.
posted by Chuck Pierce 9:24 PM 0 comments

Spinal tap.
I know it dates me in some ways, but it IS one the most clasic movies. My idea of a clasic movie I am sad to say is not allways dependant on the plot, or the story line but often on who is in it. For example the Blues Bro's with cameos from damn near everyone who is anyone. Or spinal tap with Billy Crystal as a mime. Nother clasic to be is Mars Attacks. Anywyas, the GF has never seen Spinal Tap. And that is just really sad, cause it is a clasic. I for one am allways saying I had the readio or tv on 11 and don't realise that some poor people like the GF don't get the line. But then again i am wierd. I tend to remember old movie lines at times. ON that note the GF just caled back to laugh at me. For a good reason I might add, she was asking about tomarrow and I mentioned that Jacko wanted to go on a bike ride w/ me. Theory is good, but since Jacko is relieveing me up her, her valid point was it is not gonna be easy for us to do that. Oh well, brain does not allways work on rational;ity does it. Off to eat my crappy pizza's for sinner. Sigh/.
posted by Chuck Pierce 8:24 PM 0 comments

Well I definatly screwed up my choawda. The crop pot isnt bad for cooking it, but leaveing it on overnight did not add to the flavor I am afraid. Sigh and damn. Oh well I think I still got a Pizza thingy stored in the freezer. The problem is I cant exactly leave and go get food. Well Kev has been fed and has had a good day. And the computer sure does make it go faster. I wonder if being able to play online with remove the timeless sence from being up here. I allways feel like I missed a day, or in this case 2. Think I will go have a cig, make a pizza and call the gf. Miss not seeing her over the weekend, but hey its gona buy her b-day present so she will get over it. There are over a 1000 people reading this weekly, so lets have some idea folks. I do look at the logs and I know where you all live. So feel free to actually add to the conversation.
posted by Chuck Pierce 8:04 PM 0 comments

Its not that I am paranoid but I have to ask, Why are you all out to get me?
Just found/watched a show on Diamonds. Coincindence? I THINK NOT. You all are out to get me. Sigh. Ok so we have this firmly established I have a phobia about Diamonds now, so we can just forget about them for a while.
Wonder how long this excuse will work till she stops buying it.
posted by Chuck Pierce 7:26 PM 1 comment

Well played games on the comp for a few hours. TV is boreing today so glad I have it here. Kev is watching strip tease, Sure its not good for him, but he was not excited about changeing the channel. NBD once a comercial comes on he will forget what he was watching. Ahh see? he is very predictable. Well I could clean up here but no real point. Ill just trash it again before tomarrow. Guess Ill go take a nap.
posted by Chuck Pierce 4:25 PM 0 comments

My Aunt Jane sent me this, I was amused enough to pass it on...

Good evening my fellow Americans.

First, I want to pass on my condolences to the people of New York and all Americans that are hurting in this tragic time. You can rest assured that anything and everything that can be done to assure the safety of our country will be done. This is the greatest country in the world and we will get through this trying time. Now is the time for all people to set aside our petty differences and show the world that no one or nothing can destroy the fortitude of the American people.

To the people responsible for today's tragedy, I say this: Are you fucking kidding me? Are the turbans on your heads wrapped too tight? Have you gone too long without a bath? Do you not know who you are fucking with? Americans are so hungry to kill, that we shoot at each other every day. We will relish that opportunity for new targets for our aggression. Have you forgotten history? What happened to the last people that started fucking around with us? Remember the little yellow bastards over in Japan? We slapped them all over the Pacific and roasted about 2 million of them in their own back yard. That's what we in America call a big ass barbecue.
Ever seen Texas on a map? Ever wonder why it's so big? Because we wanted it that way. Mexico started jacking around with the Alamo and now they cut our lawns. England? We sent them packing. Ask your buddy Saddam about fucking with the good 'ole USA. The only reason he got away the first time is because it's too hard to shoot someone when you're doubled over laughing at them. Our soldiers aren't trained to laugh and shoot at the same time. Now he couldn't stop a pack of cub scouts from taking over his shitty little country. Trust us, Afghanistan will end up a giant kitty litter box.
Go ahead and try to hide, Bin Laden. There's not a hole deep enough or a mountain high enough that's going to keep your camel riding asses safe. We will bomb every inch of the country that harbors him, his camps and any place that looks and even smells like he was there. Hell, we might even drop a few bombs on people that have pissed us off in the past.

This is America. We kick ass. This is what we do. Go ahead and laugh now, but the Tomahawks are coming and very soon we will smoke your sorry asses. God bless America!

posted by Chuck Pierce 4:22 PM 2 comments

"Friends don't let friends sleep till noon."
Thanks doc. grr. hehe naa its ok I was just dozeing. Kev woke up at 7am ate breakfat complained that tv sucked and finally looked at the time. Needless to say he then went back to sleep. So i did to. hheh Got a great mini office going up here. Comp on a crap desk, the little bed that is keept up here for us to use, and of course my blow up bed. Quite amuseing anyways, back to being a slug. I get to go home in abour 24 hours.. cool huh?
posted by Chuck Pierce 10:25 AM 0 comments

Friday, September 28, 2001

BTW as a side note the GF's birthday is a month away. Now this is not gonna be easy. Usually I owuld just get a nice home appliance, but she doesn't need any. And of course she would probably slit my wrists in the middle of the night. So I am open to any and all good sugestions. WTF do you buy GF's now a days. Would love to think I can be more creative than jewlery. And no, no diamonds. 1. I can do diamonds all by myself. 2. the time is not right. 3. then she would slit my wrists.
So anyways, feel fre to toss ideas around. How about a nice scanner? hehe
posted by Chuck Pierce 10:58 PM 4 comments

I am sitting here at work (sorta) watching TV. Message in a bottle is on again. Don't think I can handle watching it all the way through but I am takeing pieces of it in. For some strange reason the lost love and then new love found story is bugging me a bit. And of course I remember watching it with the XGF. Remember it well. Sigh... I am so blessed in many ways, If I sat down and wrote out everything I wanted in a gf/wifeish person the GF matches it in damn near every regard. Ok now that is very cool. But man I feel guilty cause she is alone and I am not. Cause I miss her, quite a bit but a little less every day.Cause the GF might (thats only a might so chill out) be a person I can give all my love to like I never was able to give it to her. Sounds trite and I as usual break it up with something light but it is a big thing. She is out tonite for her parents 30th (i think) aniv. And ya know that scares the crap out of me. I can't usually imagine next week let alone 30 years with someone. And of course I miss my dogs. I watched this movie the first time twice. The XGF used to drive me nuts renting drivel that I really didn't want to see, ok fine though she did. Theory is good but the missing piece of info is she inavarably fell asleap in the first 5 mins. She even failed to make it through the credits more than once. but anyways, I liked the movie so woke her up and watched it again. Also if i remember it was dureing potty training time withthe puppy. NEVER get a puppy in the late late fall. Takeing them out every 10 mins at times sucks when its -10. Anyways, just siting here feelign sorry for myself and missing my babies (dogs) and my life that I had. And that would be a great thing except I have an even better life now, or at least the start of one. I am spending time with friends alot latly, don't sound like a big deal but it is, cause for so long I didn't. I have the potential of something real special with a great girl (prozac moments and all) Got a kid just waiting for me to get with the program and become more of a part of his life. I am even actually spending time with my moron brother and almost, naa scratch the almost, enjoying it.
I don't know I think part of it is all of a sudden the XGF is getting on with her life I guess the fact she doesn't call me all the time is very good, but I feel like I let her down.
Hmm I guess the moral to this story is don't watch soppy movies when you are alone.
posted by Chuck Pierce 10:29 PM 0 comments

YES BABY. We got the modem to work. Or I should say I did. So now, I am not only sleeping and doing my laundry at work I can PLAY too. So now I am jazzed. I tend to have my best rants while I am sitting up here.

Ya know one of the really bad habits I got from my dad is doing nothing.. I just can't. Forced relaxation doesnt work for me. If i go to a beach I get bored silly or fall asleep. Same with up here I am usally watching tv and reading at the same time. I am so glad I got this to work. Now we just need a decent comp for up here. I brought mine up, but thats a pain in the ass. And I have went from 2-3 17 in Mons to a 14 mon. YUCK. damn screen is TINY and it a real old one so it is not even multi sync... Hmm you cant make every thing smaller, it has only one resolution.
Anyways, I am only line baby and oh so happy. In fact I am so happy I think Ill go watch tv. heheh my back hurts I dont need to play on the comp, the important thing is I can.
posted by Chuck Pierce 7:22 PM 0 comments

Well I made a minor opps witht he choawda. Shoulda made the patatoes smaller.. The damn things are just not cooking worth a crap. Been like 2 hours and they are still rock hard.. Sigh. Ojh well prob should not have used the crock pot. NBD I ate a hunk anyways. So I refilled the pot and gonna let it cook for a few more hours.
posted by Chuck Pierce 2:51 PM 0 comments

BTW just had a great non lunch with the GF. She ate, but my Choawda is stil cooking. She brought her own cause she has no sence of taste, opps I mean doesnt like choawda. hehe. But it was great to see her cause I havnt for like a week. Sigh. Worked to much this week.
posted by Chuck Pierce 1:21 PM 0 comments

Here is in my opionion what Bush should do.
It is in two part that should both happen at the same time.

Part 1. Get a coalition of other contries. Then get a massive group of retired militry and office pukes together and start researching. Find out every thing you can about well everything. use every means except of course human intel cause that could get someone hurt. You should have them sit all down and write a report on what we should do. Make it incredably detailed, include every bit of information and what all the experts think. Of course this will take time. But eventually when it is all completed and all the news jerks have picked it apart and leaked it to most of the world, When you have this huge report, tens of thousands of pages, you should file it. In a trash can would be best, but boxes in a storehouse will work.

Part 2. Call the top generals together and say, ignore all the report crap. Here are my orders. Win.
It is in my opionion that simple. We have trained and educated these people. They really do not need our help. You say WIN pat em on the back side and let em go. When they are all done you will find out. Oh heck if you really want have them report once a week, thats fine. But the only msg you send back is "report recieved, good luck and god speed."
Call me strange, but we have this incredably organised military, and most of the time the non military morons try and run evverything. I really have no clue who I first heard this from, but I believe it, "the goverments orders to the military should just be WIN"
Vietnam was not the militarys fault, it was the morons back home. I figure the only reason desart storm worked so well is because it was so fast. Why is it we allow people with no military training to puke orders out at the military.? Go out and win. Period. If people get hurt, well, sorry, next time don't make us come get you.
Now notice please it has nothing to do with religion, race, creed, or favorite ice cream. War is bad, and people get hurt. Deal with it. Your country has allowed other to make war on us. If we knock on your door and the bad people are still running the country then were gonna go kill em. Sorry if your house was in the way, but hey that is life.
So in short, guys, go win.
posted by Chuck Pierce 1:20 PM 4 comments

Time for a minor rant. I have been very quiet about the military actions Bush is takeing, and for that matter the news.. so let me touch on those two.
First the News Media. Fuck you. Why do you give ua a report about how the special forces are on the ground behind enemy lines and without a breath say you don't want to report things that will get people killed. Fine, then shut up till afterwards. I am sure they prob knew people were on the ground, but hey if anyone missed it they know now. Just shut up about military actions till they are over. It is very simple. I don't care about the first amendemnt, you CAN tell us. Just not NOW. If I was king, let me say I WOULD find out who leaked and they would no longer be here. I would drop em out of a plane with the comrades they are helping. Might even give em a parachute if they cooperated real nicly. But then again maybe not. Really, you WILL get people killed if you do a minute by minute report on the war. So don't ok?
posted by Chuck Pierce 1:06 PM 0 comments

Long mornig. I was so tired I had to stop and take a nap at the Maine border. Now I am gonna whip up some more chaowda for this weekend to take with me.

I am going to be doing a LONG weekend. late this aft till Sunday morning.. So if the cable modem is actually in, I might be on here, but dont count on it. Cause I sure aint. Oh and did I mention TFR did all the dishes? wow, its amazing.
Okwell off to cook.
posted by Chuck Pierce 11:49 AM 0 comments

Reread the gf's email yest. now I am a little irritated. she keeps jumping to conclusions. And I can see that, cept she keeps getting the wrong ones. One of us needs to change wavelenghts so we are harmonically related. Or is it that fem brains make wierd ass concusions with out any fact all by them selves. Oh well hopefully gonna see her for lunch, hopefully this issue will be delt with qiuckly. Ok late to head out.. pooof
posted by Chuck Pierce 7:30 AM 1 comment

Sleep is for the week.

Wow am I tired. BUT after sleeping on it overnight I figured out why the gf was cold to me yest aft.. Easy fix cause she misunderstood. oh well shower then work. Poof.
posted by Chuck Pierce 7:10 AM 0 comments

Thursday, September 27, 2001

LOng day so far. Didnt get much sleep but now I am off to go fishing.. Wish us luck. So far we have not cought anything on Sebago lake, but then we don't really try hard.
Later all.
posted by Chuck Pierce 2:53 PM 0 comments

I have been very remise in my reporting duty. A major and absolute heartfelt congrads to my sister who got engaged recently (like 2 weeks, opps)

Her guy is a very cool one and they seem to be a working unit so far. Nothing but best wishes and hopes for the future for the two of them. Mom is makeing mubleing noises about them eloping.. hmm let me call and get an update. Ok no news yet. But we had a nice chat.
And now of course RR is down. So I guess I will have to post this in the morning
posted by Chuck Pierce 2:52 PM 2 comments

Getting married should allways be the last resort (cassanova)

We lost RR for the whole night so here is last nights alst post.
posted by Chuck Pierce 2:51 PM 0 comments

Wednesday, September 26, 2001

Makeing plans to go fishing either tomarrow aft or friday aft. Not to suprising, the scary part is I am inviting my little bro. Scary in that I actually had a really good time last time I saw him so considering he has a new Gf, or actually a new old GF, he might have mellowed a bit.
Pretty funny that all three of us kids are all dateing people the same age. heheh sorry mildly amuseing.

Oh and crap, wait new post.
posted by Chuck Pierce 8:58 PM 0 comments

Well LOST is fitting everyone of my expitations.. um wait I had none. Oh good then the fact it sucks fails to really matter.
posted by Chuck Pierce 8:45 PM 0 comments

Well godd tv night is not off to a great start. Lost is on. Some new crap that people are supposed to believe. Ok follow me on this, they dump em in the desert and hope they live.. and the camera crew eats what?
Anyways, nother thought... the NAVY has a new commercial roaming the airwaves. Amuses the hell out of me... and I sorta qoute. If your life was made into a book would anyone read it?

HEHE well um Yea I guess they do. Havnt checked stats latly but I will once I remember how to do it.
posted by Chuck Pierce 8:06 PM 0 comments

BTW had 2 report now of people not being able to add coments. Don't know why but email me if it keeps up and I will go medievial on the servers ass.
Oh and my email is about as easy as it gets, so just remember it.. are you ready? chuck@chuckpierce.com
posted by Chuck Pierce 7:35 PM 3 comments

Other thought of the day is a little bit stanger. And it is in ? form
If my father had not inconviently/conveniently died right after the XGF and I broke up, would we have gotten back together. Did the fact I spent 6 weeks far away in a personal crisis for which I got next to no support from the XGF and a crapload from the GF rule the XGF out of te running.

Interesting stuff to think about.
posted by Chuck Pierce 7:28 PM 0 comments

Long day, never really got around to sleeping.. Ok folks, here it is the first real "good tv" night with no major network takeovers and in the new network year. So far its been a great tv night, but then again I havnt turned it on yet either. So, I will continue the saga as we go. I do miss west wing and stuff. Oh well we shall see.

Hmm 2 other things on my mind today. i am exploring the possibilities of both learning to spell possibility and going to texas this winter for a few days. Maybe bringing the GF and IF along. So we shall see. I really owe my Aunt a trip when I am not on my way somewhere else.
posted by Chuck Pierce 7:24 PM 0 comments

Damn opps sorry Darn.
Woke up at 6. since I got to be up at 7 I know I wont wake up if I fall back asleep so I am up for the day. oh yea. Lucky I can sleep at work I didn't get alot last night. Well Mom should be in the UK by now, assumeing her plane didnt explode on reentry and all that. Boydo's wife brought me over some Crasins last night. Dried cranberry's, yum yum, but I think they were why I was so wound up and didnt sleep. Oh well very worth it. Ok well gonna raom the net for 20 mins and then grab my dirty laundry and head to work. If I am gonna sleep on the job might as well do laundry too right?
posted by Chuck Pierce 6:14 AM 3 comments

It should be illigal to have old John Wayne movies on late at night. i might never get to sleep. Cahill is on next. Sigh
posted by Chuck Pierce 1:37 AM 0 comments

I am haveing a non linear waterfowl issue.

the answer is backwards below.. you get it without looking?

wor a ni skcud ym lla

posted by Chuck Pierce 12:50 AM 1 comment

Tuesday, September 25, 2001

Well. Didn't get to bed, there is a suprise.
Lots of stuff runing through the pea brain tonite. Havent been bloging alot latly but I guess I should get back into it. Got an email resonce from a reader today about one of my rants. Sad thing is I must have a link to an email that doesnt actually exist, so it got stuck in the junk mail folder and I allmost trashed. Any address I dont reconise is usually dumped. Anyways, freeks me out when I get them, the hits for my little views on life are actually amazing. I assume that 1 in 1000 post comments and or email me so it even more scary when I get one. Found out that a supriseing # of my family are reading this, wow, hope I don't piss em off to bad, but if so deal with it. I made a promise to keep this ME and not to edit to save peoples feeling. So far hasnt been overly nessisary. This poor place has been here for over 2 months now, and I don't think I have skipped a day.
Going to be a long ass weekend though, I am gonna pick up someone elses shift and do sat night to sun morn. Loads of fun I can be sure.

I really have been meaning to get on the web page. It needs lots of work I know. But like most things I worked at it hard for a few days/hours and then have not gotten back to it. To many things to do and I have been in a funk and playing alot latly.

Should seperate this into many posts, but screw it, learn to cope. aMy rants have been on a dull roar latly, and that just isnt right. But thats just the way it is. Should have internet up at work by this weekend in theory. Then I have a feeling I will have some great ones. Been kinda nuts around the house... Touch of cabin fever. This place is so small, and we were only going to be here amonth or so and now it is looking like 5 more. long long time./..
posted by Chuck Pierce 11:16 PM 0 comments

Well Mom is off. Or will be. Her plane leaves in an hour but we droped her off at 4. Not really sure why we aimed to be 4 hours early, but it worked well and we had no delays. So i am wiped and think I might just turn in early. Just to be different.
posted by Chuck Pierce 7:28 PM 0 comments

It is going to be a very strange day.
I just walked outside and it is a nice and warm prob 65deg, rainy but not actually raining. Everything is damp and it has the smell that reminds you of fall. Of course what is wierd is it is snowing. Yea you heard me right.Snowing. After a few secs of complete bewilderment I figured it out. At the work site way behind the house here they are burning a I would assume large pile of wood. The wind is just perfect so I can not see or hear any fire but the ashes are droping right on the house gently. Very very wierd. But incerdable amuseing non the less.
Every month I get a copy of readers Digest. It has been a gift from the XGF's Dad for xmass every year for a long long time now. Was looking at this latest copy and wondering how many more I will get. I have a feeling he will probably not get it for me this year. Makes me sad though, I never did anything to deserve the way I was treated by him. I was so looking forward to liveing with him and helping him get around. Oh well, screw him. He is the one that allows himself to be overshadowed by his bitch granddaughter.
posted by Chuck Pierce 9:50 AM 0 comments

Vini, Vidi, Velcro (I came, I saw, I stuck around).

Well tried to sleep in but it just isnt happening I am afraid. And the GF just sent me a very strange msg. Hmmm no email from her for a day or so and no responce to the one I sent her... Ill bet her email is fubared again. Think I am gonna quietly read for an hour or two. Gonna be a long day and I already dont feel great. Ate WAY to much choawda in one sitting I am getting fat.
posted by Chuck Pierce 9:21 AM 1 comment

Monday, September 24, 2001

Well the Choawda was damn good. We polished off a great big pan full. Went over and sat with them and we had a good time and all that. Then My good friend EVL called and came over to say howdy. EVL is his ham radio call btw KB2EVl anyways havnt seen him in way to long but was in the area so came and chatted. Was planning on calling the GF but never had time till now and it is to late. So I am gonna get some sleep and rest up for tomarrow. Be safe....
posted by Chuck Pierce 10:46 PM 0 comments

So I had this great plan. Yucky day, great time to make Chowda. So I went and bought the stuff, and then thought it would be nice to make some for Boydo too so went and got more stuff. Oh well. Mine I am makeing in the Crock pot, just to try it. But I think I will do ther's on the stove. Tad bit easyer. or I might swap whats in the crock top the stove and redo the crock pot. Hmm and I guess I better get to it.. it is later than I thought. Poof
posted by Chuck Pierce 5:28 PM 0 comments

Well was gonna do some work to the web page, but I am getting lazy. So in other words screw it I will play with it some other day. Think my plan for now is to see if I can find any current info online about parking at Logan for tommarrow. Other than that a nice foggy day. Tommarow of course it will rain all day cause I have to drive to Bos.
posted by Chuck Pierce 2:56 PM 0 comments

Well foggy day today, but mornign stuff done and now I think I am gonna play for a few hours. Gonna be a long week so screw it I might as well play today
posted by Chuck Pierce 10:42 AM 0 comments

In fact after sleeping on it I feel you can trace my reluctance to allways do as I am told back to being the only person in the northern hemosphere to miss the last episode of MASH. Oh well. got some sleep and off to do the morning run. Yee Haa...
posted by Chuck Pierce 7:16 AM 0 comments

"Its common knowledge that very few people know"

Thar was my high school hard science teacher btw.Doug Pride..

Well I am up late, FX is doing a mMASH marathon ending withthe final mash. I missed this when it came out. It was 2 hours and Mom and Dad would not let me stay up for it. Someday I will prob forgive em too. Sigh. I loved MASH one of the best combinations of sit com and drama ever in my opionion. Oh well. back to it.
posted by Chuck Pierce 12:17 AM 0 comments

Sunday, September 23, 2001

Other than that a good weekend. Ok and before I tell ya why the GF was pissed we need a small explanation. Since it would be incredably bad precidence to admit, afferm, or even hint quietly that I was actually at fault in a argument a few facts have been changed for the greater good of all mankind. I leave the deduction of which ones to you as I press on.

Well the GF got mad cause somehow she got the impression I was gonna see her yeasterday. And then after she called and said so and I of course informed her of her error, she then made up this whole story about how I promised to call her back at a certain time. And since I knew nothing about it I of course comepletly blew her off and had dinner with some friends and drank heavly. So about 10:30 when the drinks I had slurped down had worn off I dragged myself over to her place to explain the errors of her ways. I guess my explainasions were so dazzeling she complete droped the whole thing.
posted by Chuck Pierce 6:18 PM 1 comment

Well I have to admit I feel better. I was a good 8-9 hours on the minus side of sleep. So I had a great nap. TFR woke me up at one point cause he sometimes forgets the doors do not need to be slammed, but I completly on accident got revenge. Boydo came over and asked if he could kill the power for 30 secs, and I did yell quietly to see if TFR was awake, heard nothing.. He was on the comp. Opps. My bad, he is pissed, but I really did yell so...

On that note. Trying to think of an apropriate revenge...Mom ditched me today. Yes want to hear how sad my life can get. I take the IF and GF to the Cumberland Fair. Was a great idea, a bit of a suprise and we had a great time. The if is about the perfect age for that stuff and is really So well behaved. I mean bout the worse thing he does is talk to loudly in the buildings.. Wow such a major transgression huh? So we had fun. And suprise suprise we run into Mom. Had no clue she was gonna be there and all that. She was a tad suprised also I think.. But anyways she was with her friend Betsy walking around. So we said Hi's and all that, and then by's and all that. 5 mins later we bump into them again.. same story. And then a few mins later once again. So here is where Mom unfolds her diabolical plan. We are walking up to a nice little horse and wagon ride and Mom wipes out 10$ and says loudly enough for the IF to hear, "Would he want to go for a ride?" So I of course say NO loudly, and get 2 sets of eyes whip around and start looking pointedly on me. So needless to say 30 secs later we are getting to go on a nice litle carrage ride. 4pts Mom for doing one of the nicest ditches I have ever seen. Now we have to give a small amount of credence to the idea that maybe she was just being very nice, rather than incredably evil. And the only reason she gets any thought to that is she didnt wait to pick up her change. So I made 5$ off the deal but needless to say Mom was not seen from again. And yes the IF did like the ride. I just love spending time on a wagon in close quarters with a bunch of kids who have been playing around horses all day and have 1/3 the manners the IF has.
posted by Chuck Pierce 6:11 PM 0 comments

I am not mad, honest.

Yea well she was.But things are ok now.. LONG weekend.. I will write more later I hope.
posted by Chuck Pierce 2:35 PM 0 comments

Saturday, September 22, 2001

Many years ago Dan Rather basically snuck into Afgan and watched the Soviet invasion. He ran around with a camera and got shot at and so forth. Ok so he is allowed a small opionion. But since then he has sat at a desk. I am just so frustrated with talking head telling me what people are saying. I actually am able to understand large words so STFU and report the news. When or If I want your mostly worthless opionion I will in fact buy your book. Since I so far have felt rearanging my sock drawer was infenatly more imortant than reading your tripe you can assume I do not in fact want you opionion. Bush actually had a pretty good speach the other night. And I have heard some real good constructive critism about it on the local radio, Mostly the placement of the tag phrases.. But damn am i sick of being told what I just heard. Latly the ? on the talking heads so called minds has been do we have the staying power. Yes I agree most people get bored watching the same image for 5 secs. And yes we get sick of hearing the same story over and over. But I firmly belive we are not the problem, it is the news morons. I swear you have to sign a pledge to be a bleeding heart comunist sympasysor to become a journalist. I laughed so hard hearing a moron the other day, before the attack say that we were entering a "economic slowdown" because of the tax rebate. No I am sorry. I will calmly allow most people to beilive damn near anything and not say boo. But don't you try and tell me that if you put MORE cash into someones pocket they are immidietly going to spend less. How does that qoute go, people who don't study history are bound to repeate it. Giveing people more money encorages saveing and spending. Both of wich are good. Takeing money away does the opisite. Look it up. And I swear this moron was saying we are going into a slowdown cause Bush was giveing people cash. I don't mind idiots, hell I try to hire em usually, if all else fails they have great entertainment value. But Jesus get off the airwaves if you want to be an idiot. Anyways, caught cnn for 5 secs and that rant just boiled over a bit.
Off to play with Boydo. working on assorted stuff around the house.
posted by Chuck Pierce 12:02 PM 0 comments

Well I am of course now back home.. May it be ever so humble and all that crap.

I think it is time to say a thank you also.

So here it is in big letters . THANKS AUNT JANE.
My last liveing aunt, hmm on dad's side at least sent me a WONDERFUll magnet. Hand panted and I am sure very special to her. It is in a place of prominance. I promis I will ger pics for you all once I find the damn camera that I have lost somewhere around here. She also sent me some others that were great too. And no, I had no clue my Aunt was reading the journal from hell here. But hey, if she hasn't disowned me yet, chances are she can handle it. Isn't it funny how some things stand out. Relitives you rarly see and all that. Aunt Jane and her husband are the only relitive who I see rarly that I can remember NOTHING bad about any of our visits.. Every time I have had a absoulty wonderfull time. Maybe I should plan a trip down there this winter as a get away, I really should go see them. Then again I also as far as I can remember now owe her 4 Thank you cards, 1 dateing back to 1991 or so. Guess I should do that too...

Ok well I am tired out. TFR relieved me right on time this morning, so I am off till monday. Really want to see the GF this weekend, but other than that I have no plans.
posted by Chuck Pierce 8:51 AM 5 comments

What a really great time I had with Mom. We do actually co exist very well together. And well, I am not allways easy to coexist with. (insert evil cackle here). But heck I even had fun over at my Bro's. And that really is scary. And, here is the REALY scary part. He handed me magnets as I walked in. I didn even know he had a computer. He says he read it while he was down visting moms. but I think he was lieing. Not that I care how he found out I had a journal page..
Btw, has everyone seen the comercial with the girl and a guy and she is breaking up with him because he does not have enough content on his page? That commercial cracks me right up, course the GF will prob ditch me cause of to much content on the page.
posted by Chuck Pierce 8:42 AM 0 comments


Course food is not my worry today. My teeth are. For all of you whom know me and for those who don't, I have crappy teeth. I mean bad. Its partly genitic I am afraid so not much I can do about it. The bad part is 10 years ago I was working driveing all day. And pretty much in a year tween visits my teeth went from not great to useless. See, I had no idea I was doing it but I drank 4-5 cokes a day. Yea I know alot of people drink soda with no problem.. What I did that was so bad was I didnt DRINK it I sipped it.. so a soda lasted me 1-2 hours and then I would stop and get an other one. The end result was my teeth were in an acid bath for a year. Opps. Next time you are eating popcorn drop a piece in a glass of soda.. that was my teeth.

So I have went through a dozen dentists over the years, I do not have all the money in the world, and frnakly I don't like attitudes alot. I don't care if you wifey has made dinner, if my mouth hurts fix it... now. So needless to say not all denists share my sence of urgency. So I finnaly got the worst ones taken care of, but I have a crack in one. It just showed up and it is gonna suck. So I know that I have to start going back and getting more work done. sigh. Dental pain hurts more than almost anything. God I hate dentists. But I really have no choice. It is so depressing though to finally get my life going in a way I REALLy like. and damn it I even have some cash in the bank.. hell I own a saveings account. Life is makeing a major change from hand to mouth every month. And now I get to spend it all on my teeth. Woohoo baby.

sigh. Well I am sick of not being able to eat hard things. And basically allways trying to be carefull.

posted by Chuck Pierce 8:42 AM 0 comments


Howdy Hi all. I am up at work but bored so figured I would use my time wisly and do a rant that has been building up. Of course now I have complety forgotten what is what I wanted to scream about. Sigh well one small one is kinda funny. I told the GF last week to not send me msgs to my phone when I was up here working anymore cause she allways woke me up. Theory was good. Application sucked, cause I had mostly forggotten I had asked her to. So I am sitting up here thinking how she just doesnt send me msgs anymore, and how the "newness" must be off the realtionship. HEHE so I fume for a few hours quiety and then POOF I remember why she isnt. my bad. So for the record, she can wake me up anytime and I will be happy. Hmm on that note, time for a nap.
Naa on second thought I am gonna cook some Pizza first. Trying digiorno. I hate comercials and all that like most people but sometimes you have to buy what they are trying to sell so they continue to buy comercials, hmm the logic there needs tiny bit of work.

So anyways, Yes I am up at work and sleeping. This is a good thing. Cause I am tired and anyways, there is nothing really to do up here. The fact I get paid fairly decent $ to sleep still amuses me anyways. But then again I don't exactly sleep overly well. You have to sleep like a cat with an ear open at all times for noises downstairs. I sleep alot up here, but I leave exausted. figure that one out. Ok what I want to know is WTF was going through my head at 6:30 this morning when I bought the food for today. Why the HELL did I get a spinach, mushroom and garlic Pizza. wierd combination. Oh well hopefully it wont poision me to badly.
posted by Chuck Pierce 8:40 AM 0 comments

Friday, September 21, 2001

"I want my Mommy"

I am awake but sure as hell not alive. Or wait is that backwards. Off to work till tomarrow morning so today is gonna be a boreing non update day. But maybe I will finally do the 2 big rants I have stored up while I am there.
posted by Chuck Pierce 5:50 AM 0 comments

Thursday, September 20, 2001

I am sitting here 1/2 way drunk listening to Bush. And ya know what i hate. No what I absolutly frugging despise? That when his speach is over, some moron who has spent his life behind a desk is going to tell me what he thinks bush said.
i HATE talking heads. If I want your opionion I will ask. Till then report the news and shut up.
I am saying this before they even speek, cause I KNOW what they are going to do. 10 gets ya 10000 that I am right. But Bush is saying the right stuff and hopefully he can pull it off. We shall see. Peace to all who arnt the bad guys.
posted by Chuck Pierce 9:27 PM 0 comments

Well Mom is droped off and actually had a nice time witht he bro. He has a very nice GF and we had a great lobster dinner and actually allmost enjoyed company and all that. be scared, one of us is mellowing, which is the ?.
I am not going to even TALK magnets.. I got like 10.. WOOOHOOOO ill write more later, but I am jazzed. Ill also do pics. But wiped after Moms stay and working all day tomaroow,... so gonna try to hit the sack soon.
posted by Chuck Pierce 7:51 PM 0 comments

Well we are back after an other morning run. Stoped and saw yet an other old friend on the way back, and got out alive.

Not sure what the plan is for the day but to hand Mom off to my Bro. Who I should now call.. More later in theory.
posted by Chuck Pierce 12:12 PM 0 comments

"Be nice or I will come live with you"

Eggads. hehe
No Mom has been great, this place is small but doable for both of us. Today I drop Mom off at my idiot bro's. Not my idea of fun, but she is happy and all that. Wish I had the space to let her stay here the whole week, but TFR is prob not happy being tossed out. Anyways, tomarrow I have weekend duty up in Auburn so I am not going to be around anyways.. Oh well.
posted by Chuck Pierce 7:07 AM 1 comment

Wednesday, September 19, 2001

Had a nice dinner and Mom got to meet the IF and they had a great time. Was loads of fun but we are exausted so it is a definite bedtime. Hope all are well. and all that. blah blah blah/.
posted by Chuck Pierce 9:07 PM 1 comment

Well visted a few people and roamed some old haunts and no we are home getting ready to go out to dinner. The GF and the IF are comeing over and we are all gonna go out. I guess I am gonna drive so I can't even drink heavly.. Sigh. oh well. Actually I think I am gonna try and grab a quick shower first.
posted by Chuck Pierce 4:55 PM 0 comments

Well we are back, late and all that but home and cooking lunch. Had a nice trip and Mom had a great time seeing her friend. So on we go, not sure what afternoon plans are but probibly something like sitting around drinking tea with ladies. Could allways be worse, could be beer withthe guys I guess.
posted by Chuck Pierce 1:04 PM 2 comments

Grug. It is way to early to be awake. But we are moveing, slowly but moveing. And it looks like rain.. Great first rain in 8 months and its the day Mom is here. Sigh/. Well anyways, we are going to vist a friend of her's onthe way back from the morning run.. hmm now would be a good time to print directions... Ok thats done. So, today is Take Your Mom To Work day. woohoo.
posted by Chuck Pierce 6:57 AM 0 comments

"Take off your hat"


Yerp Mom is in town... sigh guess I am gonna have to remove my hat once in a while...
uneventfull trip. We made it and all is well. and....TFR actually made the bed, well above the call of duty for him.. so time to crash so we can get up in 6 hrs.. sigh
posted by Chuck Pierce 1:21 AM 3 comments

Tuesday, September 18, 2001

Ok screw it. I can't handle just sitting here. I am gonna make dinner for mom and hit the Highway. So, if ya need me call me. If ya dont know my number and can't find it you don't really need me. So poof later all.
posted by Chuck Pierce 3:05 PM 0 comments

Well if your reading this you are one of the lucky ones. My site is acting VERY funky right now, code red is hitting I believe. One again I just can't help but be amused.. here is the error I get...
[Tue Sep 18 14:29:55 2001] [error] (2)No such file or directory: Can't clean stale key files from directory "/usr/local/frontpage/version5.0/apache-fp" in
FrontPageCleanup(). [Tue Sep 18 14:29:55 2001] [error] (2)No such file or directory: Not running as root in FrontPageCheckup(). Until this problem is fixed, the
FrontPage security patch is disabled and the FrontPage extensions may not work correctly. HTTP/1.1 200 OK Date: Tue, 18 Sep 2001 18:29:55 GMT Server:
Apache/1.3.19 (Unix) PHP/4.0.6 Last-Modified: Thu, 06 Sep 2001 03:28:13 GMT ETag: "e3039-5d1-3b96ed4d" Accept-Ranges: bytes Content-Length: 1489

The sad thing is I don't use front page, Wont allow anyone who uses me for hosting to use it, usually refuse to talk to people who do. Front page is yet an other COMPLETE piece of crap dreamed up by Microcrap. They are so bent on haveing a strangle hold on the world they refuse to make software that actually works.
Sigh Anyways, yelled at my upstream and they are fixing it.. Soon I hope. This place is trashed and I havent figured a politcally correct way to tell TFR to get the hell out of his bedroom so I can change the sheets and vacume. Sigh. Screw it. I am out of here. Gonna do a few more things and then hit the road.. Later all.
posted by Chuck Pierce 2:35 PM 0 comments

God some of the muzac I have on my comp sucks. Most is great but some just blows.. I got to start to trash the junk... Everyone just nod like you care.. I am in bable mode.
posted by Chuck Pierce 12:51 PM 0 comments

Well what else, takeing a break from cleaning to raom the web a bit.. Found a great Charles Pierce site.. if ya ever get bored do a search on google.com for your name, very amuseing.
And basically doing most everything but cleaning...
posted by Chuck Pierce 12:41 PM 0 comments

Well damn, the gf passed allong a link for me and I was supprised to find that yes I do in fact have an FBI file. Be scared. The big question is do you? I still have failed to bother to figure out how to add links so cut and paste...

Ok 8 hrs till I have to leave at the latest to go get Mom and the place is still trashed.. overdrive time I guess. Also stoped and got a 1/2 bushel of apples today, Mac's of course.. so good eating.
posted by Chuck Pierce 11:05 AM 0 comments

Yea yea yea I am awake. though just barly. Its a damn plot I tell you, just so I can never sleep in. Ok well I am awake and getting to drive 350 miles today.. Woohoo I am just so damn lucky. wow I really am a whiner first thing in the morn. Ok so I am off like a turd of hurdles. Have a nice day all and send me some damn magnets.
posted by Chuck Pierce 7:21 AM 6 comments

"The English are comeing, the English are comeing"

Yes Mom is on her way. Zipping up here on a high speed train slower than I have driven it.
And for those of you who worry about her travelig right now, if you don't then the bastards win. And anyways, bad things only happen to good people. And I don't think I allways fit in that catagory. Though someone loves me enough to send me magnets so there.
Ok its 6 am and I am going back to sleep. Poof
posted by Chuck Pierce 6:14 AM 0 comments

Monday, September 17, 2001

Well did not get alot cleaned I am afraid. Wiped a few windows but that was about all. Luckly Mom doesnt come in till late late tomarrow. Course TFR has failed to do anything.. I really didnt ask much either just the trash from the bathroom counter does he need 2 of everything one empty? Sigh, oh well he is usually good if I ask him so ill bug him tomarrow.
posted by Chuck Pierce 8:54 PM 9 comments

Been a fun day at my work that is no work. I specically made sure I had the duty today cause Hist Ch has been running Tales of the Gun all day. I like that show. Its a bit overblown at times, baut very informative. So anyways made for a nice day, reminds me though how much I miss shooting now. The XGF kinda made me feel guilty for going shooting every week, but I do miss it. I got my Dads 300 Savage and I have yet to pop a round through it. Sigh. Anyways, I miss my loading bench and loading 1000 .45 rounda at a time and then going and shooting em all off. Course I was also pretty good, but shooting is one of those things you have to do every to keep good at. Well anyways, I miss shooting and today I almost whipped out the .45 and put a hole in an engine block. Had some idiot in a saturn I would say 3 feet off my bumper at 50 mph. I was so tempted to put a round in his engine block and the way Juries are now adays I could probibly gotten away with it. Needless to say, I didn't , but I did slam on the brakes and see if he would go into the ditch. He missed but not by much...
posted by Chuck Pierce 5:57 PM 1 comment

I really am amazed that I got some magnets.. Truly excited about it
posted by Chuck Pierce 5:49 PM 0 comments

"Danger Danger Will Robinson"
It has just sunk in that I am picking up Mom in 28 hours. I don't think 28 Hours is long enough to clean this place and the car. Hm, nope not even close. But I will give it the old stip upper lip brittish try. then again Mom would not say a word even if it was trashed, but damn I am sick of liveing in a dump.
Well actually I say that but this place is really clean in most ways. The big probs are non female probs. Ya know like wires accross the floor cause I didnt bother to hide em, and the dirty laundry basket in the liveing room cause it was convenient.. So anyways, I guess when I say pigsty, I mean everywhere else. Every time Mom and Dad came to visit I allways made an effort to clean, but Ill say this for the XGF, she wasnt just bad at cleaning she positivly sucked at it. So the house was allways trashed and dog hair in every corner. Well damn it this place is like 750 sq ft and if I can't clean it Ill just remove the furnature and hose it down. But really this palce is small and i can handle cluttered she wont notice that, but dust and so forth I am gonna eradicate. Do it for god, Do it for country, Do it for you Mother..Yes Mom.
posted by Chuck Pierce 5:18 PM 0 comments

You are not gonna believe this, or i should say I don't believe this, but... Dramatic pause. I got some magnets today. WOOHOO BABY. There is life out on the internet. Yes be scared I got 3 wonderfull magnets which are already on the fridge. I promise I will grab a pic and put it up here at some point. I should add I got them from someone I had no clue was reading my little "day in the Life" but thank you oh so much. One is a Buy Texas nice and long and cute.. Also had one for a casino and a Lipton tea one. It is sad how jazzed I am about getting some Magnets. Now we just need some single fems... Naa screw those two I want more magnets.
So Anyways does not really take much at times to make me excited but I was really jazzed about the magnets. If ya have no clue what i am talking about read back a week or so.
posted by Chuck Pierce 5:00 PM 0 comments

"Death is your bodies way of telling you to slow down a bit."
So I feel as I head off into the predawn light. Least there are only a few hours of predawn light, used to be 24 a day. Ok bad joke but wakeing up at the crack of dawn is not fun unless, well it is. Yet an other wierd one ya got to be in the know on. Off to work for the day. Poof.
posted by Chuck Pierce 5:51 AM 1 comment

Sunday, September 16, 2001

LOng long day. Spent the whole day landscapeing. We are gona make this place look nice eventually. The problem is I am makeing garden areas and I hate garden areas. It is there plan but there are so many mor eimportnat things that need doing but thats ok. So loads of fun and I am tired. But it is nice when ya can tell I did something. So many times you spend 5 hours and can hardly tell, well today ya can tell.
Ok well off to watch junkyard wars and then to take a shower,
posted by Chuck Pierce 7:27 PM 0 comments

"How much for the women, I want to buy your women"

Ok folks I need a few fems. I need fridge magnets too, but fems today.
SO pass this on to the single women you know.
I have 2 friends both opisite ends of the spectrum. One very active one not. Both are good looking guys with nothing wrong with em cept they are very shy and have no clue how to meet girls. Both have a habit of only meeting girls who are gay, gonna be gay, or are about to move to antartica for 12 years. So if you know ANY single fems who are not to wierd please have em email me (chuck@chuckpierce.com) They got nothing to loose and hell it might even work. Have em send me an email with a bit of info about them and I will handle the dispatch duties. Since they can meet by email it is about as safe as it gets. Please folks? I am frigging sick of these two being single. If I have to suffer they should too. Opps gonna pay for that. Was just a joke babe, really.
posted by Chuck Pierce 8:39 AM 9 comments

Saturday, September 15, 2001

Ya know, Some things really date you.
This one might take a while but bare with me. I had a Biolegy teacher, hmm Mrs. Something. She amazed me, for one simple reason. She believe in creationism. As in god formed the world blah blah. Not to dump on anyone elses beliefs but that crap. Piers Anthony once made a great argument about the 7 day concept. And his breakdown once you removed the window dressing is define a day. A creation day could be 10 million years and if ya do it that way, ok Ill buy it. But the theory that some supeirio being put in fossles to fuck with our heads is crap. Damn my fingers are screwy tonit, its gonna be a wierd one. Anyways She was a Biolegy teacher and she belived in creationism, this blew my mind. Now you can say biolegy is not a hard science but still... Any ways, we never got along real well, I was much more interested in my lab partner, The girl with kalidascope eyes, None other than the great Beth Horton. Never touched her, never went on a single date, but we were great friends. I still think of Beth every time I hear Lucy in the Sky with Diamond. I mean like every time, wierd.. Anyways, i was not the worlds greatest student to say the least. But I had a real hard time listening to a teacher who I allways thought was a bit touched to start with, and then have her talk about creationism put it over the edge. So anyways I failed Biolagy and English I might add since I think i have spelled it differnt each time. In fact i will have you all know my Latin midyear was once annonced over the school PA. Yes thanks Frank I got a 13 on my mid year. I think it was like 2 points per ? and 1 for signing your name. i needless to say answered the first 6 or so and fell asleap. But anyways, my school carer was infamous to say the least, but I do remember one wierd thing. I was tought that mankind started in the valleys of the Tigris and Eurphraties rivers. Now part of Iraq or something I think. Now adays of course they no longer teach that, hell who knows what they teach. if I had children I would love to home school them, the problem is of course they would be like me.... and that could be a major problem. So anyways I was tought mankind started there and at one point I could even name all the countries down there and capitals and all that. hell now I can barly find it on a map. And that gets to the dateing part, WTF is with counties changing names. I have given up on Atlas's and such cause they keep changing. Is this a plot? do the map makers pay them to change? So anyways, here is my Super Chuck hint of the day. If we invade someplace, or blow it to hell or whatever, send us a friggin map. A good thought is to make a nice one with invasion routes marked and all that and put in like all the weekly magazines adn then after we all get a copy tell us what is going on. Cause frnakly I couldnt find where ever this guy is supposed to be with a bomb if they payed me. That btw for those who missed it was a tounge in cheek slap at the news media. I actually saw one with arrows saying if we invade the best place would be here and so forth. WTF is up with that. Does anyone ever look the publishers in the eye and say you might get some of us killed. So shut the fuck up and only print what we release. Yea I know then they could hide stuff from us, GREAT. I want to know AFTER they bombed the crap out of someone, not before. I don't want a moron with a sat cam siting there saying the bombs are going over head now and hitting all around. I want a pic after its flat. It is a proven FACT as in no debate that Saddam used CNN to see what was happening. I mean WTF do we take out the phones and power so we can strike while they are confused and have CNN tell em right wich way we are coming. Guess what the bad guys watch CNN too. Can ya tell I am groggy. well anywasy the point is and let me say it once again, Change sucks. So pick a frigging name and sick with it. I am sick of haveing to go buy maps.
posted by Chuck Pierce 11:31 PM 0 comments

Well, taken like 4 trial tests for my General License (http://www.hamtest.com/test/index.html) passed em all so I should be able to pass the damn thing If I can find a test session. I took it this spring with out opening a book for like 10 years, and missed it by 3. So hopefully I will find a test soon or at the hamfest next month. I know 90% of you don't care, but tuff.
Would be nice to be able to get on the HF bands legally...well alone that is, i can do it now with someone else in the shack with me....
Ok nuff bout radio, heard today NYC is asking hams for equipment, Unfortunatly I am low on spare stuff so nothing to send down. But nice to see the Hams are in the think of it. Course as usuall no mention on the news.
Ok well watching Grease and getting bored so maybe Ill crash. Stomach is pissed but then I should not have had that whole box of ice Cream sandwiches.. sigh.Were good though.
posted by Chuck Pierce 9:00 PM 0 comments

"I'm Alive baby"

Was a long ass weekend. Did like 34 hours straight up there, very tireing.
So now I am sitting at home talking with Jacko on the radio. Oh yea such fun.
Jacko is just chatting to drive me nuts I am sure he has no real point and the conversation is going nowhere. HEHE but it is kinda fun to see who can be more annoying.

So long weekend and Kevo was a pain in the butt. Hasnt had a seizure in a while so he is a bit testy.
Gonna play on HF tonite gonna listen to the world famous Timtron on 7.415 AM baby
You probably do not have a clue who Timtron is but trust me when I say he is world famous. He is also in the prosses of being yelled at by the FCC for useing the word testacles instead of testing. He is crude but a riot.
Anyways, so thats my plan to catch his show.. woobaby.. always wanted to but didnt have a radio.
posted by Chuck Pierce 5:22 PM 0 comments

Friday, September 14, 2001

"Off to see the Wizzard"
Didnt sleep well. I am grumpy. And I am working for the next 30 hours.
Grunt grunt grunt
Sorry so boreing but it is some ungodly hour.
posted by Chuck Pierce 5:53 AM 2 comments

Thursday, September 13, 2001

Ok time for bed. Went and saw the GF to wich as usual was awesome. See if I can get some sleep now.
posted by Chuck Pierce 9:48 PM 0 comments

Well played on the comp. Read for an hour or so, Ate something TFR made that was very scary but edible and now I am playing on the HF. Got it on AM and listening to wierd ass music, not sure where from but I think germany. Lots of anger and hate on the airwaves. Hmm nope not germany, Well it is slavic, russian or hungaran or something. Its kinda fun to listen to the news in a language you know not one word of.. Guess what they are talking about, heheh New York comes through fine. So does Bush. Oh well I am easy to amuse. Sigh. Going stir crazy... I really need a frigging cig. So I think screw it I am gonan go buy some. Just so I can have a puff a few times a day till I get used to this cut back shit.
Ok yea its a cop out, shoot me.

posted by Chuck Pierce 7:53 PM 0 comments

Long day doing nothing. I am so wiped out. Took like a 4 hour nap this afternoon again. So tinite will once again be a lack of sleep. I know it sounds nuts but this no smokeing is a killler to me.
I can't even type. Sigh
posted by Chuck Pierce 5:26 PM 0 comments

Damn sent off an email first thing this morning inviting the GF to come over and have me for lunch, er I mean have lunch with me. But woulda ya believe her email at work died again.. Sigh. Eating alone...Oh well, could be worse.
posted by Chuck Pierce 12:07 PM 3 comments

Veni, Vedi, Veci.
well I slept. now of course I can't wake up.But I will ev entually.
posted by Chuck Pierce 7:11 AM 2 comments

Wednesday, September 12, 2001

Well I am not falling asleap I guess. So I just poped a little sleepy pill. See if it kills me or put me to sleeep. hmm diff being??
posted by Chuck Pierce 10:45 PM 0 comments

Well called and raised hell withthe XGF. Was great fun. HEHE she could tell I was in a bad mood right away. HA. And she had the balls to complain that I got allmost everything, sucks to be her. I told her she could buy stuff off me. Anyways, was great fun and keept me occupied. Was hopeing at least junkyard wars was gonna be on, but nope gonna do BBC again intsead.

Anywyas, took to long a nap this aft so I am sure I am gonna be up for a while.
posted by Chuck Pierce 9:03 PM 0 comments

I reqally am pissed about good tv night not hapening.
In fact only thing I am more pissed about is the complete and absolute lack of magnets in my P.O. box this morning.
Come on folks, I want some fridge magnets.

Heating up some of the most awesome Choawda for dinner. Then I think I might call the XGF. I am in a perticularly nasty mood so I feel like picking a fight.
Either that or I might get drunk. Sigh. god I hate quiting smokeing.. Of course teh real problem is I am much better at starting than quiting.
posted by Chuck Pierce 6:19 PM 0 comments

Ok it has finally hit home.
yep the full magnatude of the horror is slowly kicking in and now I am getting really pissed.
Damn it, I bet they are gonna not run the new shows tonite.
This pisses me off I was really looking forward to a new west wing.
Ok death is to good for em, Destroy our buildings, kill our residents, but don't ya dare screw with good tv night.
posted by Chuck Pierce 5:44 PM 0 comments

BTW did I mention I spent like 40$ in the radio shack under the world trade? Damn I was gonna return it too. Guess thats no longer an issue.
posted by Chuck Pierce 2:41 PM 0 comments

Well long talk withthe LEC. Don't think I got anywhere, but maybe. Its not even you can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink, Its more you can't convince a horse it will die if it doesnt drink if it doesnt try it its way first. he is so damn sure he can grow wings as he is falling from the top of the cliff he is not giveing it a 2nd thought.

And might I add the basic idea of me giveing someone shit about lack of commitment is jsut to mind boggleing to believe. Proves that their is no justice.
posted by Chuck Pierce 2:35 PM 1 comment

Well had a wonderfull if far to short lunch with the GF. Now argueing with the LEC yet again. Sigh. Sometimes I wonder why I bother. It is HIS life to screw up, but he sometimes (read allways latly) can't see the horizen cause of the tree's.
wow a plane brb.. Was only a P3 roaming around.
Wierd to finally hear a plane flying.
Anyways, the LEC is for a correction or I should say DID NOT have love in first site with the new fem he is messing up the head of. He had a "starburst" and it took a few days. I hope that has cleared it up for a few of you. I think he needs help, but I am not there to do some rough shod counceling like I sorta was last time. So I will continue to support him even though he is a moron. Cause well I guess it is his right to do things I think are dumb. And hell i think i am haveing a heart attack so who am I to judge.
Hmm ok wronge side for a heart attack. I am back on the Nic patch. the 7mg puppies this time. great paln but I just forgot and went out to have a cig. opps

I got to quit smokeing, sigh, I like to smoke is the sad thing. So here we go again.
posted by Chuck Pierce 12:59 PM 0 comments

Someone bring me the head of Bryant Gumbal.Please? Its ok to be a dumbass, I can handle that. But to be a dumbass and think you are as slick as he does infringes on my personal Ego space.
posted by Chuck Pierce 7:06 AM 3 comments

Ok well since I expect most things will be very screwy today I think I might leave early.. God I do miss getting up just in time to goto work. Sigh being an hour early at least every day sucks.
posted by Chuck Pierce 7:02 AM 0 comments

Don't think I can handle watching the talking heads all day again. They are just repeating the same stuff mostly ad infinatum. Wow was that Latin 2 times in one day?
Be scared be very scared, cause my latin sucks allmost as bad as my spelling.
posted by Chuck Pierce 6:52 AM 0 comments

Carpe Jugulum
If ya try hard you will figure it out

Woke up freezing my but off, its about 50 deg in here, but at least I am not trapped under a building.
The prelim reports say the two who flew out of Bos came through Maine. opps. How many airports did they get through? And were they useing ceramic knives? Sad but amuseing to see the news people this morning, the local satations are dredgeing up the 3 or 4th string.. What a suprise Ill bet the normal folks are a bit tired.
The Gf's dad is very high in the national guard so she is a bit worried about if he will be going to help or not.
There are picketers in Portland with signs like Justice and so forth, tad bit early folks. Lets find out the facts or at least the theories first.
posted by Chuck Pierce 6:43 AM 1 comment

Tuesday, September 11, 2001

Hey they just made NYC and the world trade center a disaster area. Wow, what was the first clue. No just jokeing I know they have to make the annoncment so the funds can start to flow.
Well I am still up and with hiccups. Not fallin gright to sleep.
Damn you want to talk about something wierd. I am lucky to be on the major route of most transatlantic flights. Very neet cause they are WAY hi so we just get to watch em not hear em or anything. Damn the sky is free of blinky lights toinite.
Wish I could help em, but I can't so I am just gonna sit her and make wise comments. Like christ, lets kill the damn accents. You think the newsgeeks look around or should I say hear around for the most "knew horka" accent?
Oh well I dont even have the energy to spread hate and discontent. If I prayed they would be with NYC but I only prey so I am not much help.
posted by Chuck Pierce 10:25 PM 0 comments

Damn I hate talking heads. It took less than 5 secs after the end of the speach till they started to give there opionions and slant on it. Screw em, I went back to the BBC. They at least try to not add there own crap. hehe though they are not very accurate. hehe BBC just said mainland america has never been invaded. Learn your histor bub. True it has been a while, but its happened.
posted by Chuck Pierce 8:42 PM 0 comments

Wow, justnoticed a complete dearth of email this afternoon. Usually get at least some spam.. Damn you don't think the spam email people had there offices in NYC. Could there be a silver lineing? naa prob not. ok well waiting for the pres to speek and then I will migrate back to non news tv.

Damn news geeks, actually doing a story on how cell phones get tied up dureing emergancies.
God that pisses me off. Ok bit of background
I am a ham radio Operator, I will bet anythig that hams are on the scene now handleing communications. But ove the last few years alot of places like the red cross have stoped makeing sure to include hams on there emergancy preparedness plans. because of course cell phones are so much easyer. HEre is a hint, they get tied up, if ya loose power they don't work. Hams do. I once spent 2 days and nights in a school with 500 other people during a MAJOR blizzard. I handled all the med and where are my kids calls for 52 hrs or something. Didn't sleep or anything really. So I did my part, but if I had to I could head out in less than 5 mins and help at a shelter or ride with a crew.
Oh well minor rant, but hams get NO press coverage. We are a very small group and we do ALOT every day. Who do you think used to call in all the accidents before cell phones? now of course we still do but other do also, course we tend to be fairly coherent and used to it. Anyways, allmost time for the Bushster to tell us what he is planing to do. Damn I should give the talking heads some credit, they have been on for 10 straight basically.
posted by Chuck Pierce 8:29 PM 0 comments

Wow it is wierd to look out side up at the sky and not see any airplanes. Damn terrorists. But the BBC is very entertaining to watch instead of the normal shows. Got to give it to the brits they report. They dont add on or give there opionions. Wish Browkaw would learn that.Anyways the pres will be on in a bit with some I am sure nice platitudes. Just WTF do people expect him to say? Damn I hate change and even more when the whole world changes.
posted by Chuck Pierce 7:55 PM 1 comment

Christ I am not sure I can moove.
Wow, thanks Bav, good recipe we ate like pigs.
We um have no fridge space so we are trying to eat all we can.. sigh.. I am gonna roll outside for a cig now.
posted by Chuck Pierce 7:44 PM 1 comment

Its a plot. The World Trade Center plane crashes are a plot. Could be for 2 reasons, 1. to put off the primary for the Mayor race. Or 2. Too ruin my corn choawda cause I am watching tv instead.

Yes I am jokeing about this so chill before you get upset.
posted by Chuck Pierce 6:43 PM 0 comments

Well the Choawda is a cooking. Damn there is alot of it. Have a feelign we might be eating this for a week. Hmm kinda shame I filled the fridge today. Still watching news and BBC is definatly more interestng to listen too. Guess we are not atacking Karbal or whatever its called.. Good. Not that we shouldnt flatten the place, but lets make sure they did it first. And then screw samll bombs, lets just flatten it.
Frankly I like the idea of makeing it clear that if you make war against our citizens we just nuke your ass. Guess though that might upset some folks. AHAH continuing our Up Sum. hahah ya mean Sum Up. Damn english need to learn how to talk English. (hehe)
posted by Chuck Pierce 6:28 PM 4 comments

26 channels covering the disaster. 19 not. Well glad I want to watch the news I guess. If not I am mostly down to shoping channels.
posted by Chuck Pierce 6:08 PM 0 comments

Aww shit, the co pilot on one of those flights was from NH. had 2 teenage kids and so on.. I don't mind so much when massholes die.. well ok a bit. But NH folks are just so nice. Cept of course that damn Tnpk toll booth.
I really am bad, my thoghs watching this morning were for my family. well thats not to hard cause its mostly me, the gf, and then Work and Tak and Robin. all of whom are in NYC. Then I admit I thought about the XGF's daughter and got a good smile thining of her watching the trade center come closer out of her window. But I shouldnt think like that, and unfortunatly she prob wasnt on the flight. And anyways, much as I hate her I don't want the rest of the plane to have to bite it too.
posted by Chuck Pierce 5:37 PM 0 comments

Alot of people do not read as prolifically as me. And years ago I was amazed that Tom Clancy use a plane crashing into the capital in a book. It was a great idea for the book but it really is so easy to do. Are the planes all down now? yea I hope so. But people don't really understand how the national radar system works. And I of course am no expert but it is not that hard to have a plane dissapear off the radar. You have to wonder about Logan airp[ort. 2 of the planes were from there. Since mom is leaveing from there in a few weeks, I hope they find the security hole fast.
Rambling a bit, but very much enjoying tv.. TFR found BBC on tlc and its slant is so differnt it is great. getting sick of the talking head saying the same thing and coloring it the way they want. the BBC at least reports.
posted by Chuck Pierce 5:08 PM 0 comments

Well fell asleap watching the news, and it is still going on.
I unfortunatly can not give blood since I spent to much time in the uk last year.
watched all diff channels and settled on msnbc they are not great, but could be worse.
Pretty nuts to be looking here at this ticket from the World Trade Center.
nosuch.org has like ground zero coverage for anyone who has not looked. I have heard from all my friends now in NY, Robin checked in last so all are accounted for. Guess I am the lucky one.

Oh and I stoped off and delivered her mail to the XGF today. was loads of fun, I felt very uncomfortable but just droped it off and said thanks for returning my calls. And then fled. Sigh
ok poof.
posted by Chuck Pierce 4:45 PM 1 comment

Well I dug around in the trash and found my ticket again. 7/19/01 2:48 pm
christ was not that long ago. And let me tell ya, I would not have enjoyed doing a highdive off the top.
Wonder if I should save this.. Anyone want to put it on Ebay for me? Might be worth $.
The news coverage is getting a tad boreing.. god like it becomeing boring is bad.. but anyways.
Best pic of the day i saw 2 firefighters huging.. was very teary eyed.
Worst qoute so far was a Dr. saying "he was here for the bomb aftermath and this could be worse."
You complete fucking twit. The buildings are GONE. like no longer there. You really think it might be worse???
posted by Chuck Pierce 2:55 PM 0 comments

Screw this I am not gonna sit at home and watch more. I am gonna go grocery shoping and move on with the day. Life goes on, badly at times but it does.

The road goes ever on and on.
Down from the door where it began

I am gonna go make corn chaowda.. Bav sent me a recipe so we shall see.
posted by Chuck Pierce 12:50 PM 0 comments

It is way to early to come to conclusions. And to early to assign blame. But in MHO balmeing the intel folks for not finding out is crap. You never hear about what they catch only what they miss.
I am able to listen to places most people are not able to, and folks are scared.. the folks that arnt supposed to be scared.
posted by Chuck Pierce 12:46 PM 1 comment

That was both a statement and a qoute for the day.
I was there at the top not that long ago.

Might I just say, the fact its on the aniv of the peace accord, and that palasitne has been a major pain in the ass.. I have a predection. If they were involved they will cease to exist in a few months. I am not a war hawk, but its time. They will NEVER allow peace with israel and its time to just shoot em all and let god,mohammad, whomever sort em out.
If it wasnt the PLO ok fine, I am sorry. And let me make it very clear I am not talking about the general public, imigrants, or decendants. I am talking the goverment.. But here is the chrisis the bush admin needed.. Damn it sucks, but if we can prove who lets kick some ass.
posted by Chuck Pierce 12:38 PM 4 comments

posted by Chuck Pierce 12:33 PM 2 comments

Monday, September 10, 2001

Well I allmost got myself in major I am sure trouble. Helped the GF ferry her Mom's car around and passed an old Ex XGF. Like real old one. With I am told her new husband, Luckly they were gone as we came back so I dint have to ask him if he liked the way I broke her in. Very bad, but oh so tempting to ask. Ok well I am gonna go work tonite. Someone called in sick so I get to do an all nighter too.Not like I do anything but sleep....
posted by Chuck Pierce 6:18 PM 0 comments

Did I mention we have purple dishwashing soap in the house. WTF is up with that. Course i picked it out, and yes it does smell of grapes.. quite amuseing.. Not that I am not hard to amuse.

Well i am home for a few hours and then I am heading back to work. Picked up a overnight up in Auburn, and the cash is way to good to say no to it.

Anyways, Im old and tired and I ate 4 plums today that needed like a week to be ripe so I am allso a tad bit sick to my stomach.. Sigh, Im such a dumbass.
posted by Chuck Pierce 4:03 PM 4 comments

And I am not revionist, its just the world changes sometimes after it happens and fails to tell me.

That qoute would of course be me..
its 1 am and I am up argueing with the LEC about love at first sight. Lord save me.
I don't think I believe in it anymore, cept maybe with dogs and playtoys. But with fems, nope. I strongly believe in lust at first sight though.
I am in many ways incredably lucky (cept I have no fridge magnets) got a GF who is 90% the time absolutly amazingly wonderfull. Well her cooking has so far failed to impress the hell out of me, but she hasnt poisoned me yet either.. anyways..

If you are happy in a relationship, then I don't think you can fall madly in love just by looking at someone. I can see if you are in a relationship that is bad or one where you are scared to make a commetment (hint hint LEC) but as for just haveing your socks knocked off spare me. It is an excuse to justify your actions and its complete crap. Hell blame it the frigging solar cycle and I might buy it. Blame it on combineing prozak(R) and viagra(r). (damn it I can't remember how to do the little register trademark r's. And I way to lazy to search...)
Frankly, I guess it all comes down to defineing Love.. With a cap L that is. I spent many years trying to define it, hard to do when your emotionally crippled. So anyways, after many years I guess I ended up with something one of my fav authors once said. He defined love in part as when someone elses welfare is more important to you than your own. Now this is as close as I have ben able to come, frankly tingles in your stomach and all that have to with wether or not your gonna get her in bed more than anything. So anyways, and here is a scary one, seat belts on and tight? I think after we have been hasta for 5 months and I have percolated fairly thourally I can saftly say i loved the XGF. Fairly major thing for me to say actually. Cause lord knows I never felt like I did when I was with her much. But anyways, I think that it is good, cause I know being apart is better for us in the long run thaan together.
Anywyas, expect tangents at 1 am.. So as I was saying, Love at first sight is complete crap for people. You might think it but till you actually know someone how can you put them higher that yourself. Oh btw back on the tangent, I can say I did love the XGF and she didn't me.. yet she said it regularly and all that, and hell still does. oh well maybe I am just a shallow SOB. hmm make that to a statement, not a interogitive.
Anyways to sum up this whole rant that didnt happen.
I loved the XGF enough to let her go.
She didn't love me enough to be nice about it.
I don't love the Gf yet, but damn its doing better daily.
The LEC is a moron.
Love at first sight only happens in B movies, and dog pounds.
I tend to rant on and on aimlessly at night.
Doing yardwork when its 90 deg outside is dumb.
I have to be up in 4.5 hrs and it all your fault.
posted by Chuck Pierce 1:09 AM 6 comments

Sunday, September 09, 2001

Oh and I am gonna keep on mentioning this till I get enough to hold up the pictures I want to put on the fridge.
posted by Chuck Pierce 11:27 PM 0 comments

Hey i just had a really good idea. So listen up ok?

Got a plan, notice the words were plan, not good plan.
I need some fridge magnets. And I just had a great idea, you are gonna suplly em.

ok follow this thought, a magnet with like your town/state/country name is gonna be like .50$ or so and add 33 for shipping and for less than 1$ Ill put it on my fridge. Cool huh. You can even send em anon, I am easy. Should be fun to see from how many places I get them from.
So anyways, send em to Chuck
P.O. box 189 Yarmouth Me. 04096

Now listen you guys, I know your like me, your thinking yea, but you will forget, so print it out and give it to the females. And ya ladies, please no more panties. I don't wear em and I get strange looks when I give em to the salvation army.
posted by Chuck Pierce 11:26 PM 0 comments

Growl. Blogger is DEAD slow.. no clue why.. Oh well.. Working up in Auburn tomarrow so I will be gone all day. I will try it first thing in morning and when I get home.
posted by Chuck Pierce 8:48 PM 0 comments

Growl. Blogger is DEAD slow.. no clue why.. Oh well.. Working up in Auburn tomarrow so I will be gone all day. I will try it first thing in morning and when I get home.
posted by Chuck Pierce 8:48 PM 0 comments

Sorry folks, Blogger has been acting up so no posts for the last few hours.
Well I for one had a great weekend. me and the gf went climbing, then TFR joined us for a quick dinner. good time had by all. Got a new pair of boots, thanks Benas and your return policy, though the boots were very defective, they didnt quibble just got me a new set. Came home an took a nice nap and all in all had a really good weekend.
posted by Chuck Pierce 8:44 PM 0 comments

"Cold hearted orb which rules the night, removes the colors from our sight, but we decide wich is right, and which is an illusion"

Can ya guess what I was listening to last night? Well yet another wonderfull day. Think today is gonna be an outside day.
Got a pair of boots Im gonna take back to Beans and throw a tantrum over, should be entertaining for a few mins. Then I am considering grabbing the GF and going mountian climbing for the day. Take a jaunt up Bradbury Mt. Its likea week or 3 early, the leaves have just about started to start to turn. So lets beat the traffic and go climb it now. Or I could just screw around here and get some outside work done..
Hmm no clue. I guess I am gonna go play beachhead for a bit.
posted by Chuck Pierce 8:15 AM 0 comments

Saturday, September 08, 2001

Well we went out to a very nice dinner though she says her stomach is upset... hopefully we didnt get poisoned.
Then we brough back Scary movie cause she had not seen it and it cracks me up. I am SO easy to entertain.
Oh and I bought a router firewall and poped it inline also for grins and gigles.. should be interesting to see how well it works.
posted by Chuck Pierce 11:01 PM 0 comments

I think I am gonna go out and buy a router/firewall when I am out. We need one, bad. Christ I remember my Cicso 1601 I think it was, cost 1600$ now a days they are like 100 for a combination one.. sigh. Anyways, were maxing out the modem here and I want to put my priner on also. So thats the plan.. Course don't know how the GF will like going shoping for me while we are out.. but she will get over it. i have great faith..
posted by Chuck Pierce 5:04 PM 2 comments

Well did some nice cleaning. And got this place a little better. Now I am off on a date withthe gf. Dinner and a movie. Ya know I wish I knew anyone else who was "dateing" cause I really don't. Wierd huh. Love to go out withthe gf but would be fun to bring someone else ( a couple) along once in a while. Oh well, I sure got a lot to bitch about huh.

I relaly need to bring down an other KB. but oh well. or I need to slow down as I type.
posted by Chuck Pierce 5:01 PM 0 comments

Well both good news and bad.. The check from the Trust fund that was like 15 days late finally came. Course I can't cash it till monday and thats a pain.. But at least I should be able to pay off some bills on monday. And thats a good thing. The great news is the car is performing flawlessly again.. I was so worried when the trany started to act up, but all is still well with it. WOOHOO. Poor car, I figure its got about 200k on it now. But its a work horse and I rack up miles FAST.
That reminds me the XGF is still blowing me off, begingin to upset me. i got to get her to sign off on the car or I am gonna stop makeing payments on it and go get one in my name. It amuses the crap out of me that it took me 10 years to get something in both of our names, and when I do we break up. Bloody ironic huh?
Ok, before TFR gets back gonna crank itunes and do some fast cleaning.. Since it is 90% my crap I can't expect him to... Well i can but,,,
posted by Chuck Pierce 2:20 PM 0 comments

Well havn't done crap today that I had to do.. But I did get a few things done.. nothing exciting though. Oh well. this place is trashed so I got to get on cleaning...
posted by Chuck Pierce 1:08 PM 0 comments

"light travles faster than sound, That must be why some people appear bright till you hear them"

Im tired, but saw the GF last night and had a wonderfull time. The car was acting up all day yesterday and this morning it wasn't.. Wierd.. what is up with that.. So I guess I will give a few days then see if it needs proffesional help.. Ok off to play this morning.. I got rid of TFR till this aft, so I went and got a few new games.
Don't ya know I got to get good at em before he shows up...
posted by Chuck Pierce 8:53 AM 6 comments

Friday, September 07, 2001

Well wierd it was only 1/5 posting today. Anyways, didnt catcha fish.. no suprise buit it was beutifull and had a great time. Also got pulled over ont e way home and got a written warning and a lecture for speeding and running a stop sign.. Oh well. I guess I am bad.. Funny though last time I got pulled over was coming back from going out on the boat.. wierd.
posted by Chuck Pierce 8:43 PM 0 comments

wierd it is publishing one late latly,. hmm test....
posted by Chuck Pierce 8:32 PM 0 comments

Well just got back from the morning run.. Did a load of errands and now I am gonna go drop off the car to get some work done and go fishing with Annoying John. Should be fun. Ill let ya know if we catch anything this time later.
posted by Chuck Pierce 1:33 PM 0 comments

Nothing is more beutifull than the stars on a nice clear night, cept mayby a female, or the fall leaves, or a really hot car, or the look a child gives his mother. Ok so actually alot of things are so WTF am I doing up so early to see the frigging stars for?
on the road looking for the body of Charles Karault.
posted by Chuck Pierce 7:25 AM 1 comment

Thursday, September 06, 2001

Put a call into the XGF again tonite. She was so adamant about haveing to talk to me a few weeks ago, and then hasnt called since or stoped over. So NFC what all that was about. So anyways, I put in two return calls, thats my fair part. She wants me she can call me. BTW you might notice more typos than usual.. TFR spilled something in my KB I think though he wont admit it.. a bunch of keys are sticking. Not really a big deal I have a few 100 up in the barn. Just got to remember to bring one down soon.
posted by Chuck Pierce 8:38 PM 0 comments

well, long ass day. Worked for a few hours, then played for a few hours then went and worked on a tower. Was fun too, the first time I have ever said screw climbing up there and takeing all that stuff down to just remove one antennia, lets just shoot the bolts off. Well, its a damn good system. loads of fun too. So we killed the antennia and called it a day. Was good fun for all. So tomarrow i drive and then I think I might go insure and register the motercycle. Me and the GF are going out this weekend and we will have to take the bike. HAHHA yea thats a joke. I don't know how I feel about her on the bike. I offered to take her for a ride on my old one years ago, and she said no. And this one is still a bit scary, and I do worry about takeing a single mom out on the bike. So anyways, I guess I will get used to it first then we shall se.. I only brought one helmet down from the barn anyways so she can breath easy again.
posted by Chuck Pierce 8:36 PM 0 comments

Well damn here I am woken up with a qoute in my head, and now I don't need it. Well tough.

"Mama's don't let your babys grow up to be cowboys"
and the reversal
"When I grow up I want to be a COWBOY"

not even 6 am. aint this just a frigging blast. Lots of funky dreams last night about my old house and the friends I bought it from. And toss in some abuse from the mega bitch and it was a fun dream ctcle. Ok well off to Frog Town north. Hope no one on here is French and insulted by that... hmm no rephrase, don't really give a rats ass if you are. I know I don't dislike the French more than anyone else so its just a name. But than I do dislike damn near everyone at 6 am....
posted by Chuck Pierce 6:00 AM 0 comments

wow feel the hate.. I like hate. It might not be good but at least its a clean emotion. No wishy washy sorta. its clean cutt and dried. Since there are very few I hate... cept mabey the morons who add comercials for other movies on the front of a movie I rented to get away from the comercial.. and of course the demon spawn bitch.
Anyways, hate is good in moderation, let us all raise our glases and make a toaste to good old hate and dicontent. Where would we be with out it.
posted by Chuck Pierce 12:45 AM 0 comments


I was gona send out an email to everyone saying I was back on my comp.. But then I figured Why bother, no one cares. Or the ones who do read here.. so I did'nt

But for grins and giggle and cause I am awake at 12:30 I looked at the address's in my group...DEBORAH_UPTON@fleet.com
HAHAH gues what when I sent out the email to family and friends I sent one to the mega bitch. Yerp thats funny.
I got to wonder though if she ever looked. And if so does she realise what she did to her family?

I mean her grandfather needs basically someone around 24/7 and we had it covered till I got tossed.. now he doesnt. Wont even go into the she is gonna have to support him and her mom bit.
Anyways, if she is reading, all I got to say is congrads, I can honestly say, you are the only person alive that if I was in the middle of the desert with and I had the only water I would enjoy watching you die of thurst.You are a despicable shrivled slug of a human who never loved anyone but yourself. At least I loved your mom enough to do what she asked and got out of her life for your sake. Shame you couldnt have done the same thing and jumped off a bridge 10 years ago. Hope you have a long and miserable life. I hope you find the perfect guy and on the day of your marrage he wakes up and runs screaming never to come back. In the words of your grandfather "I want to live with my family and you are not part of it" well I want to live with the human race, and you are not part of it. Hope ya suffer every day as much as you have made others, and if there is an afterlife, I will die with a smile knowing you will pay for a long long time. And for gods sake let us all pray she never propagates.
posted by Chuck Pierce 12:42 AM 0 comments

Oh god I crack myself up..

Ok tech weenie warning.. if your not then skip this.

goto my main home page and look at the source. can ya tell i ripped off the meta tags from someone. HAHAHAH
BTW gren send me a robots.txt formatish page.. damn things check like 5 times a day and sick of the error logs.

Ok end of tech weenie warning
posted by Chuck Pierce 12:15 AM 0 comments

Oh shit today is now tomarrow.. opps. thats what i get for sleeping for 4 hours while I worked today. Damn and I have to be up in 5.5 hours. oh well I will just sleep on the job tomarrow too.

Hmm now I got to have my daily qoute... damn that usually what i think up as I sleep. Oh wait I got it...

"Im so worried about the baggage retrievement system theve got at Hethrow"

Ok and that one is a weird one so here is a hint. It is from the refrain of a song.. 25 Super Chuck Pts to the first person who posts song title or group.
posted by Chuck Pierce 12:12 AM 11 comments

Hmm ya know allways said I should do the talk show circut, I mean I was liveing with my Jr. High School Secretary for 18 years. And we got destroyed by her bitch of a daught who was 3 years younger than me.. That should make a great talk show, they can bring the bitch out and I can attack her with a chair and everything. Would be great fun. Then we camn bring out the current Gf and they can go at it in a cat fight. WOOHOO everyone loves a good cat fight. Course the GF would win I think, hmm no actually I am not sure. She is stronger but she does not have the anger and desperation of the XGF. Damn it would be fun to watch though.
posted by Chuck Pierce 12:09 AM 1 comment

Ok I give up. WTF is up with psycos who think they can talk to the dead or read cards and tell you about your life.

O I know lots of people believe this shit, but think about it for 10 secs, I mean really.
Ok if I can talk to dead people, first off is there a phone book. I mean there are alot of frigging dead people. Hell there are like 30 people with my name who are alive, let alone dead. Anyone with your name? go to google.com and look. Ok so lets say ther eis a phone book, and you can find an idividual person, and for discusion sake they want to talk to you. Ok now what.. are you gonna pass on msgs for 5$ a throw? Hell no. Think of how much trouble you could cause talking to Chandra Leavy or who was that white house moron who died, hmm can't remember. Hell I can't remember the people I know who are alive, dead folks get second tier memory storage. Anyways, mp point is, if ya could talk to dead folks, there are lots better ways to get $ than talking to poor folks about there Aunt Margeret.
Ok so lets explore reading cards and crap, ok you can tell the future. And your not gonna goto the races out of moral duty to all other wierdo's... Yea right. Or hell screw the races, what about bank account #'s and pins and crap. If ya wanted it you could make a bundle. Christ do you really think they are gonna talk about if your boss is gonna fire you at 2.90$ a min?
Do ghosts exist? sure, damn some days I can't even drive cause of all the dead bugs and deer and woodchucks that clog every road. Oh I am sorry you have to have a soul to be a ghost...um yea right. Ok so they exist but they only can show up to whack jobs in the middle of the night. Once again might I recomend Prozack for your thinking pleasure.
Ok dreams, yerp. They exist, I have many times felt I have been somplace I saw in a dream. But then again thats usually cause I have been there. And again if you have a dream that your gonna get hit by a bus, how come you never remember it till after you go splat and the whacko is paying 5$ to ask about it? Dreams are the mirror to our soul. Well that easy, I don't have one and the mirror is a two way clown house one. Ya know where ya look fat and short then tall and thin.

Deja Vu. Yea now this one I believe in, Course it can allso be solved by Prozack. No I have often had the feeling I have done this before, it is unfortunatly a complete figment of my imagination. Now I can saftly say allmost every day I get Vuja Da. Which of course is the felling I have never really been here before.
Ok well end of rant, anyone DARE to disagree with me here is what ya do. Submit scientific proof, write your own damn journal, and go on Haraldo.

posted by Chuck Pierce 12:07 AM 8 comments

Wednesday, September 05, 2001

What is up with shaveing every day. I have been makeing an attempt to since I got dumped on my ass, mostly cause I know it pisses off the XGF that I shave now. hehe deep down at haeart I am an evil bastard. Anyways, I usually dont get closer than every other day, but I am makeing an attempt. So anyways, I just went and shaved, course not shaveing much cause I got this ultimatly sexy van dykeish thing groweing on my face. Anyways, even when I was growing a beardish thing, people used to expect me to shave my neck. WTF is up withthat. Ok follow this thought, shaveing, no shaveing. So if I am not shaveing then WTF would I shave my neck. Anyways, I am sorta shaveing, but I think I might just shave it all off and deal with it. Wow can ya tell I am rambling a bit.
posted by Chuck Pierce 10:23 PM 0 comments

Yet an other great tradition ruined. Sigh. Good Tv night really sucked. A bunch of new (real) shows. OK now I liked survivour hell I even liked #2. But big brother bored the hell out of me. And this new one "the great dumbass race" already bores me. I can see how some people might like it, but its just too fake in my mind. Yea ok they are in a desert or something, but they are not gonna starve or die of thurst cause they have a frigging camera crew with em.. Like um think they have a phone? Ya want to do it real, have the people show for the audiotion or whatever, pick the ones you want. Call and give em 4 hours out of the blue and then dump em somewhere with GPS transmetters and let em goto town. That would be amuseing, kinda like the premise for Rat Race. Anyways, now a "all new" law and order, well I am on drugs then cause I have seen it. Sigh. this is not what I call good tv night.
posted by Chuck Pierce 10:08 PM 0 comments

Well I forgot it was good TV night, though so far thats debateable. Anyways, so no calls, went out and grabed some proccessed crap for dinner and now piging out.
Oh and ladies, might I just say, Damn I look good.
Van Dykeish beard, jeans, white teeshirt, Black Leather, and berks,. Sing along with chuck.. "I'm to sexy for my socks, to sexy for my socks. So sexy it hurts."
Don't ya feel better when ya get to sing along?
posted by Chuck Pierce 8:53 PM 0 comments

Ok well I went up to the barn today and got my Motercycle Helmet and my Leathers so tomarrow ill get the bike road ready, or start the ball rolling. I think I am gonna treat myself out to dinner tonight. Mky D's (golden arches and all that 4 billion survived)
TFR is like a bug in a rug in there with his new comp.. its a riot last 10 mins only noise either of us have made is typing clicks and me yelling how do you spell psyco.
So anyways, off like a terd of hurtles.
posted by Chuck Pierce 7:57 PM 7 comments

Oh and a BIG ASS HI to the Big C woman and her mom. Welcome to the internet ladies. Wish I could stop over so you caould make me dinner, I miss Brit food. Hope the family is well and all that and you have so far not built any gun emplacements in case LEC decidedes to visit.

Feel free to call if ya get stuck and do try to figure out Email.
posted by Chuck Pierce 7:54 PM 0 comments

Got into a bit of a spiff withthe GF over kids.
Now I put up with the absolute bitch from hell for a long ass time, I did everything I could to be nice to her, and she allways hated me. I am of course talking about the XGF's daughter. Now I know I am not perfect, damn close, but I do have my small faults. But this girl is like the poster child for thorazene. Yes ok she was only 2-3 years younger than me, but I made her mom happy. I am sure she would debate that point, but fact is she only heard about me when the XGF was not happy. Since she never hid how much she despised me the XGF didn't exactly kill her self to mention good things. The other basic prob is she is spoiled rotten in many ways (aside from being a psycho bitch from the nether reagions of hell) and never actually cared about her mother. Now lord knows I should never talk about anyone haveing the world revolve around them...but um...
So now she has suceded and guess what her mom is like 100% unhappier than she ever was. Opps. I have to admit I sometimes wonder if she realises what she did to her mother. I mena I know it was planned to get rid of me, but WOW you just got to be sick to screw up your mom's life for your enjoyment.

Ok so what you ask does this have to do with the GF. Well I have been feeling guilty for takeing her away from her son. He is 5 he needs a tiny bit more attention than me (barely) so anyways I was trying to leave her lots of time with him, she thought I was ditching her or something.. Women, they just don't come telepathic anymore
posted by Chuck Pierce 7:52 PM 0 comments

Well we have passed the 5 months since the XGF told me to get fucked. And things are moveing along nicely. All in all things could be much worse. I tried to call the XGF today to say hi and ask her waht the hell it was she wanted last week when she HAD to see me then never showed up.. But no answer on her cell phone.. hehe and I don't remember her home #.
HEHE I crack myself up.. have "forgotten" to store her home # in my phone, cause then I don't have to worry about calling it. So far a working system. But I might look it up tonite and call her.. would like to know what she was tweeked about. But the GF was asking me being incredably insecure this weekend if I was gonna go back to her or something. God nothing could be further from the truth. I feel better, all my friends have said they notice I am a better person, I think I was slowly being crushed by the weight of the family crap. Hmm new post for this one.
posted by Chuck Pierce 7:43 PM 0 comments

"Doing the right thing is easy, Figure out what I would do and then do the oposite."

Sorry for a post so late in the day, the network was fuubarred this morning. And since I had to be at work real early I said screw it till now.
posted by Chuck Pierce 7:38 PM 0 comments

Tuesday, September 04, 2001

Well, makeing it through the day.. TFR computer showed up like 4 pm damn you Fed Ex. So we are getting it all set up now. Such fun. Got lots of stuff to copy to it and so forth.. Then I think we will play a game and I will let him win for once. heheh Now that his comps almost as fast as mine he might just win all by him self. We shall see. Bump still hurts, but only if I touch it. Gonna give it a day or so and see.
posted by Chuck Pierce 5:39 PM 0 comments

The worst thing is that I think I am to old for the "make a wish" foundation. Cause if I am gonna die then I got some great ideas for last wishes. please insert evil cackle of your choice here...
posted by Chuck Pierce 6:51 AM 5 comments

"Uhh, Houston we have a problem."
This could be very not good.. I want you all to clap your hands together and do some serious bible thwacking that I just slept wrong.
To put it in a nut shell I got bumps. Now my dad had lots of bumps, I only got a few. They don't hurt, they just sit there.. Now one of the ones I have is on my jaw. It is a little bit smaller than a dime and rolls around usually under my jaw. I can't remember when I first had it show up but it was in I would say 2-6th grade. Mommy being ever so dutyfull actually took me to the doc for it and he said tell him if it got bigger and blah blah. Ok well it has just been there since, no pain , no nothing. Well this morning it hurts. And I think it is bigger.. I could have just slept on it wrong, but well, I hope thats the reason. Anyways hopefully it will stop hurting in a bit. A bit scary though, I don't like bumps that hurt showing up.
posted by Chuck Pierce 6:49 AM 15 comments

Monday, September 03, 2001

Well TFR and I just got back from the Movies. Went and saw Rat Race... And yes it was pretty good. It was a stupid dumb ass movei that was very amuseing and kept me very entertained. So long ass day, and I think I missed a good point of it. Tomarrow TFR should get his new Comp.. so he will get his ass off mine.. Woohoo. Be nice to have my comp back.
posted by Chuck Pierce 9:02 PM 0 comments

Well I think she sorted her self out. Still not sure WTF was going on but I am sure she will explain in words of one sylable easily understood at some point. The annoying thing is we were rapidly progressing to the good part of the argument (the lyeing down argument overpart) when TFR came home an hour early. Sigh.
You just can't win
posted by Chuck Pierce 9:00 PM 0 comments

The I think basic prob is when she is upset and runs out crying she wants me to follow her. Well I am not good at doing that, its allways harder to actually talk rather than just cry and run. But untill she can answer when I ask whats wrong then she is gonna cry alot. Sigh I just can't handle all this emotional crap yet. I think i am gonna read a book and decompress. Sigh, the worst thing is, when I tell myself I need a weekend to unwind I should just do it. I figured when a beutifull lady wants to take you to dinner you just say yes even if you don't feel like it and look at the trouble I got in. Oh well I did have fun this weekend, shame she got so flaky about it.
posted by Chuck Pierce 2:21 PM 0 comments

Well I handled that just frigging wonderfull. I still have no idea why she is pissed at me, and eventually I just gave up on trying to understand. Yea I know, but damn it I have not been trying to get into a major relationship. I want to go slow and make something that lasts. Sigh. I know I am a prick but I am all so easy to be mad at. I am real good at saying thats a dumb ass reason to be mad at me, or yerp I deserve it for that. But I think she is being upset just for the sake of being upset. Oh sorry she is hurt not upset. sigh. It comes down eventually to simple equations. I am me, and this is all that I can give her right now. She either accepts it or not, but I am not going to eat myself up inside, again, for nothing.
posted by Chuck Pierce 2:17 PM 0 comments

Well she is on the way over, pissed I guess. Sigh. The upseting thing is she probably has a good reason to be pissed but it is almost certianly a reason that I can do nothing about. so. Sigh we shall see. I think I might go and get out of the house tonite. Just go catch a movie alone or something. I don't think I have ever beento the movies alone so might be interesting. Sigh, it is sad that when we talk latly it makes it worse. But i have a feeling this will just blow over when she calms down..least I hope.

Sigh life was so much easyer when it was a long distance relationship. hehe ok well wasn't that great but was alot easyer. okwell I should get dressed.
posted by Chuck Pierce 12:36 PM 0 comments

Well last night sucked. The GF was a major pain in the butt, and freeked me out again. It has been 5 months tomarrow since I got to told I was not important enough to stay with the XGF. I left everything I loved, my dogs, my life and basically everything. Then I loose my Dad a month later and she sometimes forgets I have a bit of baggage. I know I should have not gotten into a relationship with her right away. And I know that I need to work my way though all this crap before I can give her the attention she deserves. She is so great 90% of the time and I just love to be with her, but then she freekes out and scares the crap out of me. And the almost funny thing is she says stuff she doesn't really mean, or believe in and is just not used to me takeing her as she says, or actually listening I guess. I have a feeling her X hubby didn't actually listen alot. Anyways she said something about how we are more like friends than BF-GF and the prob here is I hope so. If we can't be friends over relationship then its never gonna work. Yes I have known and loved her for like 18 years but the girl back then is not the same woman she is now. I think alot of it is she just hasnt learned how to tell when I am getting pissed. I really am pretty slow to get mad, and you can see it coming a mile away if you watch, but I guess thats something that just takes time. Time, what a concept. The big prob is I think I have made a decicion and I should tell her about it. I have decided I would rather loose the "us" for now if I have to rush into it. I really want this frigging relationship to work but I need to kill off the XGF first. We went to a party with my friends yesterday. In the house accross the street from my old house. A house I really really loved and put alot of myself in. And I think she sometimes fails to think that it is not realy easy at times to be with people who I have ALLWAYS been with in the company of the XGF. The amuseng thing is she is still aprehensive about the XGF. I don't know if the NGF and me are gonna work all the time, but no matter what I am not going back to the XGF. I am moveing on with my life. As to today? I was gonna spend it with her, but I don't think I am gonna now. Not to punish her or any of that crap. I am just depressed and I don't like to be around her when I am nasty and not good company. She of course will take it personal, but tough. It's my life and I am gonna do it my way. Guilt trips will allways get you what you want short term from me but long term I resent them. Oh and on the NGF rant, damn it. I am trying to quit smoking.. and I am reall good at it, I just am better at restarting. So the ONE thing I don't need is her starting damn it. All i really need to add to my ongoing guilt trip is to have her smokeing too.
posted by Chuck Pierce 9:27 AM 0 comments

Sunday, September 02, 2001

well I am playing on HF. Had a great time at the party. A friend brought me an HF ant so now I can actually get on.. and WOW its great. Haveing loads of fun so far. Lots of people out there.. I really need a new upgrade though. Ok well the GF is pissed at me and I for once don't really know why. Other than the normal things I do. I had a good weekend all in all. But I guess she is pissed about something. Have a feeling I will here about it monday. Sigh
But HF was great fun.
posted by Chuck Pierce 10:17 PM 0 comments

So anyways sorry the site has been so boreing latly to all my fans. But its a crap shoot sometimes I am in a rant or funny mood and sometimes I am not. Ya never really know till I sit down, or at least I don't know. So anyways, been in a funk latly. Just have not felt like getting too twisted off.
But soon, very soon, I have the feeling building.
posted by Chuck Pierce 1:25 PM 0 comments

Well it is time to be scared. Yes I said scared. Thanks to the Rev, Dr. I know am on HF.
For those of you who are not hams HF is High Freq. Or basically I can now raise hell around the world. Scary huh. So the radio is like 1979 vintage. Its old, its a certified POS. But ya know what, the damn thing works.. and it works WELL. I have it hooked up to what has to be one of the WORST things to use as an antennia but damn if the stupid thing is not actually hearing people around the world. WOW. Heard bunch of UK, Germanny and alot of diff states. Its a major mind change I am SO used to talking on the radio for 10-50 miles.. now I can talk accross oceans. Or listen at least. I need to upgrade my license to do alot of talking. Still it is scary to hear a couple guys just chatting clear as a bell and then look up the calls on qrz.com and find out they are like in Indana or NY state or something. So got a new playtoy, and life is good. This should motivate my ass to upgrade my license and raise some more havoc on the world.
posted by Chuck Pierce 1:22 PM 0 comments

"Learn The Words"

Ok this one is REALLY obscure so I will give it to you..Written on the wall of the scorpion pit, used by Lord Vetinari to inhume Mimes.
I agree that one was very very obscure, but it cought in my mind so deal with it. Well had a fairly peacefull night, got some sleep till the frigging sun came up. We GOT to do something about the curtians or complete lack there of in here. Today really shoud be fun I hope. Think I am gonna play with my HF radio till noonish and then see the love of my life (little bit of sucking up for being such a jerk last night) and goto the Buffalo Roast. Should be interesting if nothing else..
posted by Chuck Pierce 8:39 AM 5 comments

Saturday, September 01, 2001

Anyways had a cute little family sorta dinner. I was rude and a pain in the butt, but it was still fun. And the GF never actually threw any cutlery at me, though I think she was tempted a few times. Anyways all in all a good night. I need to unwind a bit though, still freeked a bit by the whole family dinner concept. It's only been 5 months since I was dumped on my ass by the XGF so time is good I think.
posted by Chuck Pierce 10:27 PM 2 comments

Well went out to a wonderfull dinner. At a restuarant I had never eaten at before.. Sigh, let me leave a space for her to correct me,
posted by Chuck Pierce 7:37 PM 2 comments

"No matter where you go, Thats where you are."
Well thats an obsqure one for ya all.. but Ill bet a few of ya get it.
Well worked a long 24 hrs this weekend so far but now I am home. Was looking forward to a bit of R+R tonite, but gonna go out to dinner with the GF instead.. heheh such scrafises I make. Anyways, long weekend and was gonna just wind down today.
Got a party tomarrow gonna bring the IF and let everyone meet him. Should be fun. Ok well Other than did everyone notice yesterday was the first day I did not blog since I started? scary huh, naa just got up real early and didnt have time.
posted by Chuck Pierce 3:38 PM 5 comments

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