A Day in the Life

The life and times of a single father out to take over the world with nothing but diapers and empty bottles.

My daily thoughts, rants, and guilt trips. Please remember the thoughts and opinions here are my own, unless of course they aren't.


Wednesday, October 31, 2001

Well West Wing was good tonite, Enjoyed it alot. Nice to know that there is good tv out there. And gosh durn (there ya go Doc) I am itching all over. Arrrrgg either we have flees which is no that likly, or I am becoming alergic to my life, which could well be. Weddings all over the tv , grace and will and um providence I think.. wierd.. people have weddings on there mind... Ok well I have to leave at 6 am for work so bed time for bonzo,
posted by Chuck Pierce 10:02 PM 0 comments

Well I went trick or treating with the IF et all after all. We did not do much but he had a blast. And uncomfortable silences were keept to a minimum from grandpa. so all went well.

Now onto good tv night.
posted by Chuck Pierce 8:38 PM 30 comments

Dawson's creek.. thats what she watches. HA. See i do listen when she talkes, I just don't listen real well all the time. Naa just joking, sigh I am so bored... Id much rather be trick or treating with a 6 year old. Yea Yea thats the ticket...sigh.
posted by Chuck Pierce 5:20 PM 0 comments

Well this is boreing. TV is halloween crap. Yuck.And someone left a nasty comment.. heheh I was amused I guess that is good then. I had a real nice post but had a power burp and it went bye bye before I posted it. sigh
posted by Chuck Pierce 4:20 PM 0 comments

I am feeling very lonly today. no one is makeing comments or anything. Sigh
OK well screw ya all. You all are just figments of my imagination anyways. Well I thought of an other major problem today also. The GF likes to watch some yuppy, treehugger, woman show on wed at 7. So I guess I will have to go home so I can see Ed. HEHEH actually I don't even remember what it is she watches, but I am sure it falls into one of those catagories. hehe such fun should not be had.
posted by Chuck Pierce 1:48 PM 5 comments

The Newt yest was saying how he helped deliver his son.. And ok I can see that, though I alos have to say I remember him freeking out over blood more than once when we were kids. But I am glad it worked so well for him. I am just not convinced. Christ thats the whole problem with society today, the only person saying what should be happening in the delivery room is the Dr. We pay enough cash for them to be in charge so why do we add conditions. Sigh.. If ya give me time I will come up with a rational reason why it also is unconstitutinal, indecent, condemed by the Bible, and causes weight gain and cancer.
I really think I allready lost this battle, but never let it be said I did not struggle to the end.
posted by Chuck Pierce 11:03 AM 11 comments

Pretty sad I am still snickering about my denile joke. Sigh. I just got up and walked over here, and I really don't have anything to say. Sad huh. Guess I will play or watch Ally Mcbeal sigh. i am sick of tv.. OH BUT WAIT today is good tv night. Woohoo. and it is Halloween. Sigh ok thats not a good thing. I really wanted to be the little stepdad doing stuff with the IF. But I am working and that makes it hard. Oh well. Good day for Halloween though, full moon.
Was so bright last night I had a hard time sleeping.
posted by Chuck Pierce 10:10 AM 2 comments

We are haveing a so far polite discussion about Dad's in the delivery room. I would rather have a finger amuputated. She of course wants the support of someone there. And this one we shall have to see on. Not that I wont help anyways I can, but frankly being in a room when someone you love is in major pain and not happy about it is not my idea of fun. I offered to give her a cell phone, but she for some reason does no think that is a good substitute. Sigh. Who was the moron who came up with this idea anyways.. I would much rather be outside smoking heavly.
posted by Chuck Pierce 8:20 AM 6 comments

"Denile is not only a river in Egypt."

Ok well I was amused.. Wow woke up 9 mins late today. Had to break speed records but I got here on time. And some moron had moved stuff all around for no reason. hehe I think they wanted to get on the computer, but I have it locked down.
Should have thought about that before they abused my equipment. Weird ass night. Was dead tired and crashed at like 9.. but then woke up at 4 and had a hard time going back to sleep. That damn book gave me nightmares.
Been reading "what to expect when you are expecting" YUCK. 80% of the stuff in here I really did not want to know. Only good thing is I am gonna make the GF's life hell now I know all this stuff. I am SURE I will catch her eating something eventually that she shouldnt. If nothing else it is gona piss her off when I say, oh that is perfectly normal from week 4-12. heheh Revenge is mine. But really lots of stufff in there I really do not want to know.
posted by Chuck Pierce 8:16 AM 23 comments

Tuesday, October 30, 2001

posted by Chuck Pierce 8:18 PM 0 comments

damn my comp is not online. wierd..Audrey is though...
posted by Chuck Pierce 8:16 PM 0 comments

Well the Newt showed up after all. Very cool. We sat and had a long chat and shot the crap. He has a cute boy who I have not even met it has been so long since I have seen him. Kinda neet to see a good friend who ya havent seen for a while. Now I am gonna chow though. He showed up just as my food was ready so I waited and now I am starved..
posted by Chuck Pierce 6:21 PM 0 comments

OK Done. Heater took a long time and sucked but it is all done. And since I was so good today I think I am going to make some Chowda. Very very cool to start the car from the house. Now if I could just get it to bring my phone to me when I leave it in the car life would be good. hehe.

Ok food time, err breakfast tiem that is.
posted by Chuck Pierce 4:23 PM 0 comments

Ok well I guess I am a genius. Cause it actually works. WoohOo baby. Very cool might I say.. And only took me 2 hours to instal it. Course, gonna be 2 more hours to clean up and then I have to replace the blower moter.. But still, this is cool. I just love it when a plan comes together..
Still no word on my friend, he mighta got busy, NFC.
posted by Chuck Pierce 2:08 PM 0 comments

Ok well long run home today, made a few stops. Now I am gonna go play on the car. A good friend who I havent seen in years might stop by and say howdy also.. So that will be cool. Got a new blower moter and gonna instal that too. the old one has a sqeek that is driveing me NUTS. ok here we go, time to rip the car apart again.
posted by Chuck Pierce 12:14 PM 0 comments

OK good progress for before 8am. Figured out the prob I was haveing net wise.. and got it fixed. And doing that fixed Audrey who has been unhappy last few days. Woohoo.
Somehow I had put in a bogus DNS and it was still finding a good one, but it was looking at the other one first.
So today I am gonna work on the car. Looking forward to starting it from inside. I also think I am gonna replace the heater fan at the same time that has been makeing a sqeek and driveing me GAGA. HAd wierd but happy dreams about the gf and her family. We were all being buddy buddy and all that and we were moveing in just down the st. Wierd huh.
OK well I guess I should get moveing. Sigh
posted by Chuck Pierce 7:19 AM 0 comments

Well hmmm net is flaky this morning. Hopefully it will be ok by the time I get back. I decide to work this morning after all. So if the brakes fail least I will be in the car not TFR.
posted by Chuck Pierce 6:56 AM 0 comments

"I am no longer in a loop, I am commited to makeing all new disasters this year."

Least it stays interesting...
posted by Chuck Pierce 6:45 AM 6 comments

Monday, October 29, 2001

OK here is my basic idea.. And yo, gf, turn the brain off for this one.,. just cause its about you doesnt mean its about you.

OK well I have been thinking marrage latly. And I was before this happened. But to put it nicely I avoid marrage like oil does water. BUT god damn it I am goona have to do it eventually. And if I am gonna due it, might as well be with some I care about. BUT I am not gonna get married just cause were haveing a kid. Cause that is complete crap and no it isnt gonna happen. Screw the general public, most of you are frigging sheep anyways.. (Baaa) buy here, wear this, fit in like this. I wanna get married for the presents. Err no wait no that isnt right. But the concept of one woman and all that for like ever is frigging scary. I think we have already established I have a problem with commitment. I think we can saftly say I had a glass of wine tonite too.... I am only awake hopeing a friend will call. Sigh, basicall so i can ell him he has no chance with the NGF cause were kinda a thing now, so um great to see ya but dream on. naa that isnt fair, he could just have called her to say HI. And I asked for his number it is not like she told me to blow him off or anthing.
I need a frigging Diamond
Why you ask? well cause she wants one. She says its ok and all that, but well. She wants a damn rock. Now don't get me wrong Ill buy the stupid thing. And i got NO problem with showing my devotion and how much I care and all that. But what pisses me off is they are NOT rare and they are only expensive cause debears has a frigging mopnopoply on em. Sigh. you know how many get buried and or heirloomed every year? people keep grandma's and great grandma's and all that.
See now I got this great idea, you should give them to someone you barly know to pass on the love and careing. (My address is on the main page) It is like a chaine letter you get ggod luck giveing it.
Ok well it was worth a try. I figure I can spend 12 billion on a ring or I can buy diapers and like a house. sigh. I hate rocks.
Ok well I am getting to sober now to type. Poof.
posted by Chuck Pierce 10:18 PM 3 comments

OK I just have to ask, DOES ANYONE NOT KNOW we are haveing a baby. Ok not that it is like hidden I am proud as a peacock and happy as a clam. And I am talking in animal metaphors.. Anyways, the IF was told tonite. With lots of "you will be the best big brother" and all that. And he is excited. Mommy is a tad bit tired and dizzy att imes so he needs to help out some. Hmm then again Mommy is often dizzy, err, hmm ok thats gonna get me in trouble. Anyways the IF has been told. Crap, we might have to come up with a new name for the cute little bugger, since we kinda have a whole family coming. Christ, time for a page break

Ok I want judical notice take that I have used love, we and family in sentances today and I did it sober, err well mostly.
Mother to jesus the Dad idea is takeing a while to be absorbed. I kinda wish Dad was here, but then again, he is probably happier. Dad thought Puppies and kids were very cute, especially when he got to chuckle em under then chin then LEAVE. And to give Dad his due, he was not Mom. hmm let me rephrase that, Dad would be giveing me crap about haveing a baby and being unmarried and so forth. Now don't get me wrong Mom thinks it but she keeps her mouth shut. OK OK OK im doing a page break Conney.
posted by Chuck Pierce 10:00 PM 32 comments

Well got the brakes done. And I bought a remote car starter. Something I really need in the mornings up here. Was different when the car was just out the door but now it is way over there and I am sick of walking out to start it and then walking back inside. Had major frost ever day for a week or so now.. So that can be tomarrows project to instal.. Yea Ha. Such fun. Bout a million wires I have to find and isolate.. sigh.
posted by Chuck Pierce 6:28 PM 1 comment

God darn it, gonna be one of those days. Decided to do my brakes today, on the front. So I stoped and got the parts and ripped the car apart, and you guessed it they screwed up. They did it for a 93 instead of a 94 or something. So nothing fits and I have to go back. Course the car is in 50 parts and I really dont want to put it all back together.. Sigh. What a pain. So I am gonna have to borrow the landlordess's car and go get the stuf.. But she is busy so it will have to wait. Sigh... Oh well could be worse I guess..
And I got a call from my Aunt today, mostly to say hi but also to ask where the hell Mom is.. heheh I guess she forgot to tell people.
posted by Chuck Pierce 1:55 PM 14 comments

Well stoped and got the stuff to replace the front brakes on the car.. so that might be the afternoon project. Think I might just have a relaxing day, my back is really hurting. Course a walk would prob help more.. Sigh...
posted by Chuck Pierce 11:34 AM 0 comments

I don't know why she swallowed a fly, perhaps she'll die?

Well I had a great time yest, the GF was not quite as happy, but WOOHOO BABY send out for a ticker tape parade, she was not pissed at me. WOOOHOO. I KNEW moms had a great purpose.
No really, I like her mom, and I really don't think there is any chance I am gonna retrain her, so I guess I will just write it in big letters and then point to it alot. They tend to say things that mean something else and all that. I don't. So she sometimes looks to deep into me being a wise ass. And I am of that there is no doubt, but it is harmless. I love the gf no matter what she looks like and if she puts on 55 lb instead of 35 lb with the baby I am not gonna care in the least. I am gonna give her crap about it now and then, but I don't really care. It all has to do with different styles. I say hurtfull things once in a while, but they mean nothing and I don't build up resentment. They don't say nasty things, but resent everything you do for ever.
Sigh, but hse is still cute, and I like em cuddly...
posted by Chuck Pierce 7:26 AM 29 comments

Sunday, October 28, 2001

Well we had a great time. But I am tired so gonna crash I think. Not much more to say. I wanted to stop at Diamond stores to look on the way home but TMILFH did'nt so we came home instead...
posted by Chuck Pierce 8:38 PM 0 comments

"I hate to advocate drugs, alcohol, violence, or insanity to anyone, but they've always worked for me."

Well I am up nice and early, going to the Bos science Mues today withthe whole crowd. Got to shave and shower and crap. And then of course I have to clean the car out cause MILFH hates dog hair or something. This time were takeing the Taurus down.. If I am gonna drive a long ways I really like useing my car, but then again, Im wierd.

Oh BTW last night SUCKED. forgot to put the sleep timer on the tv.. God damn infomercials,.. I had dreams all night that I was selling rotisery cooking thingies that you could buy with no money down. Was damn wierd.
posted by Chuck Pierce 6:57 AM 2 comments

Saturday, October 27, 2001

Sigh, I just can't win. I finally start to get a handle on things. The GF was right that I turned white the other day when she called me Daddy. Was just chatting withthe Landlory et all, and they got me again. I honestly had not considered twins till then.. Sigh, I just love all the blood draining from my head at once..
posted by Chuck Pierce 9:45 PM 1 comment

Well long day doing nothing. Did some laundry thats about all. Nap time till i get relieved...
posted by Chuck Pierce 3:31 PM 0 comments

You know there really should be like a test before ya can have kids. Course if there was I woud probably study to fail, bu tthats no tth epoint. It scares me that I can not go down to the local pound and adopt a dog yet I can have a kid. Or then again there is something wrong withthe pound. you choose. I think I will stop and get some food on the way home and cook dinner for the GF et all. I have great theories on birthdays, like you should allways take the day off.. Or I will and you can to unless it means I have to do something.
posted by Chuck Pierce 10:07 AM 0 comments

Well it is her birthday so I am going to do my laundry. hehe not that I don't allways do it, sigh. Allways reminds me of one of my best moves ever. When the XGF moved in with me 12 odd years ago I immidiatly destroyed something of hers in the machine. HHEEH opps. Well the end result was I was never allowed to do laundry again. Boy that was such a hardship huh? ok well; I guess I should get started.
posted by Chuck Pierce 8:55 AM 7 comments

"Will you still need me, will you still feed me, When I'm 64"

Happy Birthday Babe. Gonna be a fun year.
posted by Chuck Pierce 6:50 AM 1 comment

Friday, October 26, 2001

Sigh he got up at 7:30 and he is still up.. Grrr. Wish he would crash.. Its horrid to say hes easyer when he has has a siezure but damn then he sleeps. Course I helped with breakfast, lunch, and dinner and that it all day. but damn I want to goto sleep.
posted by Chuck Pierce 9:19 PM 1 comment

It just occured to me that fems have to say something on the order of To Love, Honor, and Obey. Hmm this might not be a bad thing after all.
posted by Chuck Pierce 8:08 PM 41 comments

Well the other day I did something I NEVER do. I bought someone a card. Since it was a congrads on being expecting you can guess who it was for..(and whats your excuse for not doing the same??)
That is like beyond rare for me. I dont do birthday or xmass or well any cards. I am just not a card type person. But I thought she needed it so I went out of my way and blew $.33 on a stamp. Arnt I sweet?
posted by Chuck Pierce 7:18 PM 5 comments

Ya know I am still a tad bit thrown by this whole kid concept. I mean lets think about this. Ok now we know I am such a good influence on kids, can you just imagine what the first words are gonna be? I think I will put my $ down on it muttering Moron under it's breath.
Hmm I also think that useing the word it to describe it is not gonna go over well with some people.
posted by Chuck Pierce 5:50 PM 1 comment

I am just waiting for the shoe to fall. I KNOW as soon as I fall asleap Jacko will call and think he can get away with it cause I told him to call. Sigh.. I just KNOW it. so I have stayed up all day. hehe I really am not right at times
posted by Chuck Pierce 5:39 PM 0 comments

Well I am bored. Not alot to do and my back hurts to bad to sleep. Sigh. Guess back to watching Buffy the Vampire Slayer.. sigh I am bored.
posted by Chuck Pierce 4:50 PM 0 comments

Bride of Chucky is on tues at 9. Have to wonder if this is mandatory watching for the gf. I have never seen it, but I can only assume it applies....
posted by Chuck Pierce 3:24 PM 1 comment

Some very good friends of mine have a 1.5 ish year old daughter. And she is might I add cute as a button. And though don't get me wrong, they are GREAT parents, I mean they dote on her, I do sometimes bite my tonge so I don't stuff my views on childraising down their throught's. Not that they do anything bad mind you just different than me.. So well I was just sitting there thinking how amused they must be that now I am gonna get to find out all for myself. But thats ok, depressing as that idea is, I can allways get a good grin... heheh Just remember folks it might be a boy... and then it would be MY son.. and you have a daughter, Now who is laughing....
posted by Chuck Pierce 2:20 PM 19 comments

Oh My God.
J C penny is haveing a million $ jewerly sale. 30-60 % off. Could the be a Sign from above? Should I walk don't run?
Oh wait they allways have sales, guess ther eis no rush.
posted by Chuck Pierce 1:31 PM 0 comments

Well tomarrow is somebodys birthday. And of course she gets shit. No just jokeing I already got her a present. And I think she likes it... hehehe I guess you could say she got 2 presents in fact, both of them early. HAHA ok so I crack myself up, whats your point.
Well I am disturbed about things latley, but thats nothing unusual is it. So where are we going from here. Damn good question. And one I do not knwo the answer too yet. But I can almost guarante it will be interesting to see what happens. Sigh. I really do hate change, but I am willing to accept that some changes are for the good. So let's just walk down the road and see what happens. reminds me, lets see how far I get..

The road goes ever on and on.
Down from the door where it began,
Now far ahead the road has gone
and I must follow if I can
Pursueing it with egeare feet
untill it meets some larger way
where many paths and errands meet
and wether then who can say.

Wow pretty good copy for something left over from many years ago. If you don't know where it comes from then you should learn to read. (mentioning no names ..Jacko) HEHE Actually,. on the Jacko subject.. He deserves Kudo's in a nice way. He has made a major attempt to make sure I am doing ok daily since we found out the big news. I think it very unlickly I am gonna go into a depressed funk, but it has been cool of him to be there. Most of my friends are the all attention when around, out of mind when not type. So Jacko has been very cool latly and I shouldnt sack on him so much.. My bad.. ok and even I am getting amased at my spelling latley. hheh I guess I need to actually look once in a while.
SO plans for the weekend.. Well, I am here till 4 ish tomarrow. And she is going over to the folks to have a mini party and then the IF has a bday party for someone else. SO>>> hmm I should prob go over there and make her dinner sat night. Yea well that might be a plan. Sunday the Gf, If, and MILFH are going to go Bos way and goto the meuseum or something. That btw was Mother In Law From Hell.... ANd don't take that wrong, I love the gf's mom dearly. But she LOVES to wind me up. I mean singing little reindeer for my xmass tree type wind up. She is the QUEEN at finding annoying trinkets that will drive me nuts, It is a real talent. But we do get along well, or she has yet to kill me I should say.
Well Ok time for a nap, its about the only way I can get jacko to call me anyways, if I fall asleep he automatically dials my number...
posted by Chuck Pierce 12:19 PM 32 comments

God damn I hate people. I am fairly pissed. Since there is nothing to do up here at work.. I brought some stuff up. We got a cable modem and I brought up a decent computer and a few Monitors. Grabed a table and chair and lamp and all that. And these assholes keep breaking things. Its begining to really piss me off. So, screw em all. I am gonna lock this puppy up solid and they can get stuffed. The chair up here is not the greatest but it is comfortable and it was my Mothers.. And some moron broke 2 screws on the bottom so it leans over now. It was not just a matter of sitting on it, they HAD to lean over or sit on the arm or something. The heads of the bolts were on the floor and they snaped 1/4 inch bolts. So screw em, no one even had the courtesy to leave a note saying sorry or trying to fix it,. People really piss me off, no one ever thinks of the other people they are around. So screw it.
Jacko call me when you get up..
posted by Chuck Pierce 9:14 AM 30 comments

"Two all beef paties, special sauce, lettuce cheese. Pickles, onionons on a seasame seed bun"

Yea well don't look at me, I go no clue how my mind works either.
posted by Chuck Pierce 5:41 AM 0 comments

Thursday, October 25, 2001

Well had a great time over at the GF's tonite.. But I am wiped out and I have to get up for work in only a few hours so I am gonna crash hard now.
posted by Chuck Pierce 11:27 PM 0 comments

All I am gonna say
posted by Chuck Pierce 6:46 PM 0 comments

Well got on Clan Lord for a bit this eve. Been a long time since I have been able to get on and play. Maybe I will wander around this weekend online if I get time while working...
posted by Chuck Pierce 6:33 PM 0 comments

On the subject of thoughts.. I am being wierd. And I do not know why. I was invited to go over for dinner and tv with the GF tonite.. And she didn't get mad, but I kinda been squrming about it. And I have NFC why, but it is wierd. OK it makes no sence, but I have been acting like she has a comunicatable disease. I think I am just trying to put off for as long as I can the inevitable discussions that are coming..And that is dumb as hell cause I want to have them. So the end result is I have no clue why I am freeking out about seeing her. Lord knows I am thinking about her all the time, I hate it when even I can't figure out WTF I am doing. So anyways, I am gonna go see her anyways and just deal with it. But I think I am gonna put off major discusions till I get oriented a tad bit more on where I am going. And I should add it is very easy to tell when I am backing off or hesitant and she has been good at not getting mad.
posted by Chuck Pierce 5:38 PM 0 comments

OK. Mentioning no names of course (Mr. Randal Farr) but WOW. OK I have a friend who has a web journal.. he only updates it every few weeks/months. And I give him a tiny bit of crap about it but not much cause hey, whatever makes him happy right? Ok well let me say this in public,
Jump in, the women out here are GREAT.
Ok now maybe I am just special, and well yea I know the women can't resist me.. hehe. Or it probably is the fact that I am very taken. And I should add in here that I am not implying I am getting hit on by fems cause I am not. But wow, every time I do a post for ladies input I get 5-6 more send me emails. It is just a wonderfull thing let me tell ya. Not to mention they have insightes that I would not get elsewhere, but I just think it is great. So Ladies, I know a few really great single guys and I will be more than happy to point them in your direction if you have any single friends. And I really do have some GREAT friends who are just a tad shy at meeting women. And feel free to post comments in the normal places, I promise, I am about as harmless as you get. HEHE like A. I would cheat on the gf.. and B. like I could hide it when my whole life is open. Anyways, just a thought...
posted by Chuck Pierce 5:24 PM 3 comments

Yum chaowda left overs for lunch.. yea baby..
And then gonna get back to my book. I read FAST. real real fast, but even I can't go through 600 pages in a sitting anymore unless it is really good.
BTW for those interested rereading the unabridged Stranger in a Strang land...
posted by Chuck Pierce 10:52 AM 0 comments

"Shut up and eat you Lima Beans"

OK so I crack myself up at times, but heck someone has too.
Sleep was hard last night, just keept evadeing me. Sigh/.
posted by Chuck Pierce 6:52 AM 5 comments

Wednesday, October 24, 2001

This is nuts.
it is 11:30 and I really want to goto sleep. But I am a tad tense. It is hot in here and I am tossing and turning so fat I have already knocked al the covers off and I havnt even fallen to sleep yet.
also was thinking we need a new headline on cnn

Nation During Crisis: Were haveing a baby.

heheh no I really am happy bout it, but its a little surreal still. I have to find a balance tween going insane and being happy. Course I could just be happly insane I guess.
posted by Chuck Pierce 11:38 PM 0 comments

What a beautiful day, close your eyes and imagine this, or um ok open your eyes and imagine this...
The sun is slowly setting over the valley to the west, the golden rays even for late summer still have heat in them you can feel on your face. The valley is a mix of both dark green long pines and colors so vivid they are hard to imagine. The yellows and oranges mix so you can not even see an individual leaf just a multicolored blob that subtly changes even as you watch it. The birds are singing and geese are flying south overhead. The mixture of the songs is better than any symphony ever created. The grass is still bright green and lush, with a scattering of bright red leaves from the Maple overhead randomly placed on it. the only thing missing is the fragrance of burning leaves, but the goldenrod still in flower makes up for it. In the field to the east you can see both turkeys and deer enjoying the woods line, quietly looking for yet an other good meal before the sun goes down. The sun is slowly setting in to a red haze that only increases its beauty. The ladybugs are flying around like speckled pieces of candy enjoying the warmth of the afternoon. The reds from the leaves look like individual flames in the golden light. It is an other perfect Maine fall afternoon.

Then again, The sun is setting at 5:30 pm damn it, and the heat from it is just barley noticeable. The leaves are about to all fall so all you will see for the next 9 months is gray and ugly pine trees. The damn geese are buging out cause they know it is gonna be cold as hell in a few weeks, and the songbirds are sounding pissed about it also. The damn grass still needs to be mowed once more, and then 2 billion leaves have to be raked up. And of course you can no longer burn the damn things so they all have to be carted off somewhere. Not to mention the goldenrod is driving everyone with allergies to cry day and night. The hunters have a prime location and in about 5 mins the deer and turkeys are gonna be mass butchered since the damn fools are out in the open during hunting season. Course they have to be cause all the food will be covered with 10 feet of snow in a few weeks. The pollution that is is slowly gassing us to death is covering up part of the setting sun like a fire blanket on a burn victim. The damn bugs are in everything and the ladybugs keep flying into my nose trying to find some place warm so they can prolong their miserable live a few weeks. The damn oaks have not even started to drop yet so I will probably have to rake it all twice darn it. It is an other miserable Maine afternoon.
posted by Chuck Pierce 9:18 PM 5 comments

ARGG, come on blogger your pissing me off
posted by Chuck Pierce 9:11 PM 14 comments


After some serious reflection I have decided that I am probably not going to get away with giving her a piece of coal and saying wait for it. In fact I decided if might in fact be harmfull to my health. So I guess I am going to have to start putting some thought into the concept of Diamonds. Be scared, Be very scared.

So ok this is a piece of rock. And I guess women feel the need for them as a sign of affection or something. Ok so I of all people can understand irrational need for things. Got that, and do that. So ok lets talk Diamonds, and I guess the first most importnat question is the old un answered question. Does size really matter? I mean does a small diamond imply you don't care? or just think it is a waste of cash. And if you get a small Diamond are you going to be regretting it for the next 50 years. Ok well that one I think I can figure out for myself.

So ladies tell me your thoughts, well all you ladies but the gf. I figure we can have this conversation all by our self... So what do you think, has a larger diamond improved your marrage? Has it hurt. Is there any body out there. I have a line on a few small stones, how about I just glue them together and she will be fine. Is the use of a used stone a bad idea? And on that note, any one have any spares in the drawer? hmm I guess I could ask Mom for hers, but since she is in fact still alive and um I think she still has her fingers the answer would prob be no.

So what is the big deal for a dumbass rock. Sigh, or should I say I love someone so much I want to do whatever makes her happy.
Ok sorry I need to go be sick... No but really you can email me if you want ladies, but I do want feedback.
posted by Chuck Pierce 9:07 PM 21 comments

growl Blogger just ate a post damn thing.
posted by Chuck Pierce 8:37 PM 1 comment

Well dinner was great as per usual. That chaowda really is great. So a nice little short dinner and now I am gearing up for good tv night. Woohoo. Had a call from the GF, but it was actually her mom.. Was amusing and I am glad I didnt answer in a wise ass way.
Ok well tv time is allmost here...
posted by Chuck Pierce 7:49 PM 0 comments

Gosh durn it I also peeled to many damn patatoes. WTF am I gonna do with spares.. Sigh oh well hmm could be bait, but I have no playtoys here.. Sigh guess I will have to trash em.
posted by Chuck Pierce 5:51 PM 1 comment

Editorial note.

I really hate peeling patatoes. Its is just really annoying. Ok now apples are also a pain but then you can snack on the peel. Funny but patatoe peel tastes like crap. I also wish I was spelling patatoe right but I am way to uncareing to actually wish very hard.

This morning I was getting gas. Somethng I do every day. Most people only need to fill up a few times or once a week but I drive so much I do it every day basically. So anyways, i am filling up. And blocking the whole pump cause, well its a big ass car. So anyways the Truck stop I fill up at only has 1 gas pump the rest are desiel.. So anyways a truck pulls up and waits for me to finish. I do and he lets me pull out to go pay, and some asshole moves into the pump. Now I have no clue who either of the people are, never seen em before in my life, but being me I just have to feel bad. So I tel the guy that this truck has been waiting for 5 mins for me to finish. Well the guy FREEKS. starts yelling and screaming that there was no one at the pump when he got there and we can't make him move and on and on. Now I am 30 feet away going in the other direction and this guy is just freeking out, and YES i was nice I just told him and then went to go pay. So anyways, the guy in the truck say no actually I was here and you cut in front.. So the guy freeks more. I decide it is not worth getting shot over go inside. I used to get gas here every day for years, now I just do it when the price is lower than Maine, but they all know me. So I go in and the counter people have the speaker on and are laughing there back sides off. I was like ok what is so funny bout this, and they tell me they shut off the pump once the guy started to freek at me. So this moron is sitting there haveing a tantrum in the parking lot, and he has pumped $.67 worth of gas and thats all he is getting. So i crack up to and decide I got to wait for this one. Beth the girl behind the counter is allready on the phone to the local cops who eat lunch there 5 days a week and telling them to get down the road. So anyways, the guy notices the pumps off and go even more nuts and they inform him that his busness is not welcome and please come pay for the gas he did pump... You can guess he gives em the finger and jumps in and drives off. HAHAHH he got less than a mile... When I drove by he was being handcuffed.. heheh Life can be just so perfect at times.
The moral is, never fuck with the regulars...Some co's know who pays the pay checks..
posted by Chuck Pierce 5:43 PM 3 comments

Its a giant conspiracy to never allow me to relax. hhehehe Just had a great call from the Big C in the uk. catching up on all the news and fun stuff. Why is it the first words allways are so when are you getting married.
Sigh. time folks give me time. I am still coming to grips with item #1 lets not dump to much on me at once.
But it works out to basically 3 choices. We get married pre baby. Get married after baby, or we dont get married.
Now, since things are usually wonderfull and I think she is "the one" I think we will probably selelct from the first 2. But which is the ? and well I figure I only got a 50% say in this. So it is tabled for discusion and we will discuss it.

Im ok, sad but telling the XGF made it more real to me also.
posted by Chuck Pierce 5:17 PM 17 comments

BTW My sister is out of surgery and doing fine. They ended up not have to use the really big holes so she should be happier.
posted by Chuck Pierce 4:20 PM 1 comment

I have decided to take the rest of the day off. Curling up with a book and ignoreing the world. Great fun, I should do this more often.
posted by Chuck Pierce 2:19 PM 0 comments

Well, I really should not be trusted to go shoping alone, this is a fact.
I spent 130$ and I didnt get a lot of real food, but I did get a crap load of soups and so forth.
So got food again and that is good. Makeing Corn Chawda tonite for dinner for me and the landlordess and Jacko. The GF hates it so she misses out.
Ok time to clean up all the crap i just madea mess out of unpacking.
posted by Chuck Pierce 12:40 PM 2 comments

Well since the kitchen is now clean enough so I dare cook again I think I am gonna go food shoping. They allways say don't go shoping on an empty stomach, but luckly I never listen well.
This place is pretty cleaned out we havnt went shopping for more than small things in 2-3 weeks so it is definatly time. Big prob is the fridge is TINY so you just can't get to much stuff to put in it. Oh well, I guess in a few more weeks I can start putting stuff on the porch instead. heheh Yea that was a joke.

Ok later all
posted by Chuck Pierce 10:59 AM 6 comments

"When all else fails, drop back 10 and punt"

Well actually mostly slept last night, what a nice change. Sp why am I so tired? sigh. morning blahs...
posted by Chuck Pierce 7:09 AM 0 comments

Tuesday, October 23, 2001

Well that went really well. Had a LONG talk withthe XGf and she took it well. She was VERY upset and I am sure will freek out later, but not much got broken and we had a good talk afterwards. Could have been much worse and I am glad it wasn't.
I kicked por TFR out so he didnt have to deal with it, He has a cold and is miserable so he is not happy but he is better off than if he had been here by a long shot.

So all in all not to bad a night and I feel much better about things. If she can keep it together then I can. HEHE No I really am excited and I hope this is going to be as good as it can be. The fatherhood concept is gonna take a few weeks (read as months) to really set in, but this was a big hurdle and it went suprisingly well. And now I am so tired I can barly type so I am gonna crash and I might even sleep... what a concept.
posted by Chuck Pierce 9:30 PM 29 comments

Well I broke down. TFR and I have had this ongoing battle to see who would break and do the dishes first. He won. For 2 rereasons. 1. things were MOVEING on the counter.. one sausepan was looking for new protien sources. I could here it scrapeing across the counter. 2. I am trying to stay busy to stop my mind from wandering.

The dishes had been ther esome for a month. or longer. It was WAY on the gross side. And the whole debate was the old whos turn was it. Well you can guess who was on whose side. So I was probably in the right, hmm or 50% at least, but I did em. Now I am just basic cleaning.. But the Landlordess brought me over some cookies. A tad on the wierd side, but least they did NOT move on there own so they were aprechiated.
posted by Chuck Pierce 4:38 PM 7 comments

Sometimes I think I am on a suspesion bridge tween the digital devide and the information superhighway.
Thought you all needed to know that.
posted by Chuck Pierce 4:33 PM 0 comments

Well since I left it as a cliff hanger and so many of you (like 17) have asked... Yes we are expecting.
Ok breath deep. Inhale Exhale.
Scary as it may seem, and it is VERY scary, I am reproduceing. Guess I was at least smart enough to pick a wonderfull person to do it with. So I think you can saftly say we are currently in shock, or as I have been saying shaken but not stired. But all in all, this just moves things up a few months...We both want children, if for no other reason but to kill the single child thing in her family. (hehe)
So, the tenitive due date is July 4th I have been told. And yes, this was accidental. The good news is there is no debate at all on the date it happened. Sometimes the best protection fails, but as I said we are ok with this.

So as to other things? we shall see. We are not rushing the time table up drastiacally, but I have a feeling it will be moved up some. We shall see.

Now comes the bad part. I am excited about telling people, My life has, well, basically nothing private at this point. But there is one person I am not happy bout haveing to tell. I could just let the grapevine tell her, but that would be worse. So I have asked the XGF to come over after work. And this is going to suck. Ok true it is non of her damn busness, but there is some major history there. We lost one a few years ago at over 7 months. And it shook her up bad. Since she has now went past the point of no return she knows it was the last chance she was going to get. OK so not my problem.. but I still feel loads of misplace guilt over her and her current life. So knowing this is gonna knock her over is not overly fun. I am hopeing she will handle it ok but if she goes home and kills herself I am gonna feel like CRAP for a long time. And yea I think there is a possibilty of that. Sigh.
Does take some of the fun out of it.
posted by Chuck Pierce 4:00 PM 23 comments

Well long day, Came home and went right to work on the porch railings. Got one whole side done though the last few are WAY crooked. Sigh. But I am beat so thats it for the day.
posted by Chuck Pierce 3:06 PM 9 comments

"It's the end of the world as we know it and I feel fine"
posted by Chuck Pierce 4:14 AM 3 comments

Monday, October 22, 2001

On the subject of little things I am proud to annonce that my sister is gonna be a Mommy. The got the good new yesterday.
She very wisely with the help of her soon to be lesser half to be the mommy of a Collie. And since they are my favorite alltime I am very happy for her. The nasty thing happened a few weeks ago so should be born in dec I guess.
So well congrads to her....
posted by Chuck Pierce 7:59 PM 1 comment

The test results are in, but we are going to wait till tomarrow and make sure. Any last bets???
posted by Chuck Pierce 7:35 PM 0 comments

Well, the GF is going to take the TEST tonite. She was very nice and invited me over but I think I am going to pass. Please don't think it is me being uncareing, cause I do care.. Hmm no let em rephrase that. Please don't think it is me being unsupportive, Cause she has my full support. But contrary to what I said 3 secs ago I dont really care care. Either way I am ok with it. But I got some baggage on this crap. I think this will be the 3rd time I have had this scare/hope. The xgf and I lost 2 over the years last one bout a year ago at 7 mo. Some I am gonna try to just remain calm. Either way, life will hopefully be good.
posted by Chuck Pierce 4:57 PM 9 comments

BTW Thought I would mentions to one and all, that I am on a new month with my phone. So the PLEASE DON'T CALL is no longer in effect. I only went over last month by probibly 150 mins. Opps. sigh, oh well it is only money right?
posted by Chuck Pierce 3:32 PM 0 comments

Every relationship should have some mystery to it. Luckly the GF does not have cable and can't watch news radio tonite at 6:30 on A@E

hehhe I crack my sleft up.
posted by Chuck Pierce 1:08 PM 0 comments

Well did catch a few hours of ZZ's. But today is a TV war day. Sigh, he loves to turn the TV ALL the way up till I go insane. So screw it I just crank the upsatairs one too.
I got alot of crap on my mind and I really need to get bloging it, but I am just not sure I am ready yet. Last week was definatly interesting though.
posted by Chuck Pierce 12:00 PM 0 comments

Up and moveing. I thnk I migh tneed a nap at owrk toaday though.. And gosh am I still stiff.
posted by Chuck Pierce 5:44 AM 0 comments

btw did I mention I kept (read as stole) the rip cord? It is a cheep one but I felt the need to hang it on the wall. Never said I was right in the head....
posted by Chuck Pierce 12:08 AM 0 comments

"So this is what you guys do if you don't like the inflight movie, huh?"

Still up,I hurt all over. My back feels like a rubber band that got stretched once to many
posted by Chuck Pierce 12:05 AM 6 comments

Sunday, October 21, 2001

Well sad but I really liked it. Jacko knows my tastes.
posted by Chuck Pierce 9:56 PM 13 comments

Well sad but I really liked it. Jacko knows my tastes.
posted by Chuck Pierce 9:56 PM 0 comments

ok things are getting wierd.Few days ago jacko told me to rent office space (the movie)...And it is on tonite..sigh sleep is for the weak.
posted by Chuck Pierce 8:23 PM 0 comments

Well reversed things a bit and worked till 11 ish and then went over to the GF's and stole her Bathtub. We have one hre, but the water heater is just not big enough to fill it up and keep it warm. So I went and used hers. Helped some but I stiffened right up again and I hurt like a bugger now. The GF and I are tenuous. We still got some issues but I think we are on the up side now now the down slope.
posted by Chuck Pierce 4:49 PM 30 comments

"Im takeing a Sunday Drive into a different dimension."

I have hatched a plan for this morning.. See if it works. Then I am gonna come back here and work on the house for the afternoon. Puting in heat tape and stuff, such excitement huh?
posted by Chuck Pierce 7:10 AM 5 comments

Saturday, October 20, 2001

Well I guess I am still dazed and confused.. Went to bed and set the alarm to get up to goto work early.. then just relised its Sat. Hmm
Wow I jumped out of a plane today, I must be nuts.
posted by Chuck Pierce 9:54 PM 0 comments

oh my god. I can't believe I jumped out of a plane
posted by Chuck Pierce 7:48 PM 0 comments

great night...Tired so stayed in.TFR and I sat and watched Pulp Fiction...Great Movie...
posted by Chuck Pierce 7:14 PM 0 comments

Well. Here is a brief rundown of the day.

We left at an ugly cow milking hour, bout 5:30 for the drive down.
We got there way early and basically hung around till 8 ish when we paid and saw the vidio and signed 9 pieces of paper say we could not sue, would not sue, would lose if we did sue, and we would promise never to do it again if we cratored the runway.
So with the paperwork done we waited for the weather...
And waited I might add.
Well finally it starts to burn off and they send up the plane. We are luckly not on it. So anyways one of the women who was experianced allmost augured in. She hit the ground HARD on her but. Nothing was broken though and she went up and tried again. When the tandems sart to comedown one of the first ones the newby was unconsious. Opps. Was never established if he had a problem or his instructor just knocked him out to shut him up. So great start.. I was very good and yelled "CHECK were out of here". But no we stayed and the clouds had come back in. So we hung out...and hung out, and hung out. So finally they start up again.. and we are of course the last to go. So jump # 6 of the day it is Jacko's and my turn around 3:00. So we get our gear on and get the lectures of what to do. I am dismayed to find out I have the same instructor that knocked out the guy first thing.. Sigh.. Anyways, we get jump suits on and all that and they throw us in the plane. I picked out a nice demure blue suit, Jacko went as a bumblebee. We had someone grab a pic before we went up so I will post it if jckao ever scans me a copy. So we hop into the plane and away we go. Now we went Tandem, so ther is basically a guy behind and we are straped to him a little lower. Fairly strange, but ok. So we climb in the plane and I of course tell Jacko's instructer that there is a $10 bill in it for him if he can make Jack puke. I of course have no need for spins, rolls or any of that crap. I just want to have a nice view. Sigh. My guy hated me.. sigh. So anyways we get to 14,000 feet. and they open the door and people start jumping out. Well I can say I did not hesitate, but I was not exactly happy looking down from there. So anyways we roll out of the plane and immidiatly do 3 somersaults. Um ok what part of no stunts did you miss you bastard. So then he finally straightens us out and we fall. And I mean FALL. 120 MPH and we are droping like the proverbial stone. I am on my stomach with my legs behind and up and my arms in the swan dive position. And I might add it HURTS to have your arms ripped off by a 120 MPH wind. So we do this freefall thing for about one min. Droping 8000 feet and going through a small cloud. BTW the clouds are NOT fluffy they are ice and they HURT hitting your face. So at about 6000 feet he pulled the cord and the chute opened. It did not jerk to much but it definatly moved ya down in the straps a bit. At this point circulation was basically shut off for my legs anyways so didnt help much. So anyways the chut opens up. 383 sq feet of sail. And now the ride is MUCH nicer. Gentle swaying and a nice view and all is well. We also loosened my straps so I got feeling back in my legs. So we floated for about 5-6 mins and finally came in for a landing. Was nice and soft and we basically walked it. Very cool since most people (including Jacko) landed on their butts. Was interesting day. I think if I was to do it again I would go static line. I really liked the under chute but was not overly thrilled with the freefall. But it was fun, and WTF at least I can say I did it.
posted by Chuck Pierce 5:09 PM 2 comments

"Why jump out of a perfectly good airplane"

Good ?. Anyways up and getting ready. No clue what time we will be back but I am figureing late afternoon. So if I havnt posted by say midnight assume the worst.
posted by Chuck Pierce 5:09 AM 0 comments

Friday, October 19, 2001

Well a good night after all. I got stood up by the XGF who said she was tired or some such and blew me off. So instead I went out to dinner with friends and had a great time. They are such a cut little family it makes ya want to puke, but we/I had a great time and enjoy being around the kids. So tommarrow I head out around 5:30 to go jump out of a plane. 2 good stiff drinks and so far it still seems like a good idea. We shall see tomarrow. So now I am going to go and play with my new Privs on HF and have some fun. Later on.
posted by Chuck Pierce 8:40 PM 0 comments

Just in case I go SPLAT tomarrow....
posted by Chuck Pierce 12:06 PM 6 comments

I,CHARLES ELIHUE PIERCE II of the town of Yarmouth in the County of Cumberland and State of Maine, do hereby make, publish and declare
this to be my Last Will and Testament, in manner and form following: FIRST: I hereby revoke all former or other wills and testamentary dispositions by me at any time heretofore made.
SECOND: I direct my Executor, herein after named, as the case may be, to pay all my debts and funeral expenses as soon after my decease as conveniently can be done.
THIRD: I give and bequeth the following legacies:
(a) To Boyd Morse and family of Cumberland Maine my collection of firearms to protect him and his family.
(b) To my long time companion Heather Upton of Durham Maine the flying cow hanging in the living room to remind her that cows do fly.
(c) To Randal Farr of S. Portland Maine my Icom dual band Ham Radio so he might finally have a signal.
(d) To John Wright of Windham Maine I leave my collection of Apple Computers located in storage on the condition he never sells them.
(e) To Dawn Forrest of Freeport Maine I leave my hat.
(f) To Mike Grace of Pownal Maine my blow up bed so he can be comfortable anywhere.
(g) To My sister Dorathea Pierce My Apple 9500 so she can learn a real OS.
(h)To my brother Glen Pierce I leave my air conditioner so he will allways be able to stay cool.
(i)To Steve Williams of Yarmouth Maine my Lava Lamp so he will allways have light in the dark.
(j)To Derry Thomson of Bewdley U.K. I leave my HF ham radio so he can meet more people remotly.
(k)To Carol Hinton of Bewdlet U.K. I leave my Audrey so she can have a touch screen computer.
(l)To my brother Larry Pierce my collection of Mac Games so he can allways relax.
(m)To my sister Star I give my motercycle on the condition that she rides it home.
FOURTH: All the rest,residue and remainder of my estate, both real and personal, wheresoever situate, of which I may die seized or possessed, or over which I may have power of testamentary disposition by power of appointment or otherwise (hereinafter called my residuary estate), I give, devise and bequeth to my mother, SHEILA DOROTHEA HAWTREY PIERCE, if she survives me and she and I shall not have died in the course of or as a result of a common accident or disaster.
FIFTH: If my said mother shall predecease me or should we die in the course of or as a result of a common accident or disaster, then I give and bequeth my said residuary estate to my dogs Brandy and Callie
SIXTH: I nominate, constitute and appoint my mother, SHEILA DOROTHEA HAWTREY PIERCE, Executrix of this my Last Will and Testament. If for any reason my said mother fails to qualify or ceases to act as such Executrix, I nominate ,constitute and appoint DOROTHEA SHEILA PIERCE now of North Carolina, Executrix in her place and stead.
SEVENTH: I nominate, constitute and appoint said DOROTHEA SHEILA PIERCE Trustee of any Trusts herein created.
EIGHTH: I direct that no one mentioned in this will as Executorix, Trustee or Guardian shall anywhere be required to give bonds of other security conditioned upon the faithful performance of her duties hereunder.
NINTH: In addition to the powers granted by law to Executors, Trustees and Guardians, I hereby authorize my said Executor, Executrix, Trustee or Guardian in so far as applicable, to sell, morgage or lease all or any of the real estate of which I may die seized or possessed, at public or private sale, at such times and on such terms and conditions as she shall deem best or proper and to excute, acknowledge and deliver all proper writings, deeds or conveyance and transfers therefore; to invest in any securities which she, in her discretion, thinks are for best interest of my estate or any trust created therein, whether such invesrments are legal investments for trust funds or not; to continue to hold securities in the form in which they may be at the time of my death; to use all or any part of the principal of any dogs share during the minority of any dog; to take and hold securities in his or her name individually or in bearer form, provided that all securities are held in such manner as to be segregated from his or her personal funds or adequate records are kept so that in the event of his or her death or disability, that can be accurately identified as being part of the trust fund.
The interest of any beneficiary hereunder shall not be subject or liable in any manner to of for anticipation, assignments, sales, pledges, debts, contracts, or other liabilities, nor subject to attachment, execution, or sequestrations under any legal, equitable, or other process.
In testimony whereof I hereunto set my hand and in the presence of three witnesses declare this to be my last will at noon this 19th day of OCTOBER
in the year two thousand and one.

posted by Chuck Pierce 12:05 PM 2 comments

YEA BABY I am finally updated. Yes Yes Yes...
The FCC finally updated my data so now I am official... A good feeling after so many years.
posted by Chuck Pierce 7:24 AM 0 comments

" Rule number 1. never be honest unless you get cought."

Thank you all for your emails and words of support. Of the many this one amused me the most...
sleep, I remember sleep....
posted by Chuck Pierce 4:53 AM 0 comments

Thursday, October 18, 2001

Well we are sending emails back and forth so I guess that is progress in at least we are not discussing it here. But as to how it going? well lets wait and see. I can honestly say I am keeping an open mind mostly
posted by Chuck Pierce 9:52 PM 0 comments

I think I have had this headake for 24 hours now. Yet just an other wonderfull thing to be happy about. Got no sleep last night and not alot today. Least CSI is on and that classiifies as a decent show.
posted by Chuck Pierce 9:02 PM 0 comments

Well, here I sit watching survivour alone. Pretty depressing. Both the show and that I am watching it alone.
posted by Chuck Pierce 8:11 PM 0 comments

Yea baby we are ON. Got reservations and all set. SAt I am jumping out of a plane on my own volition. That should make things interesting for a few hours. Rev Doc is whimping on us, but thats ok. Maybe he will come and take pics or something.
Ok well Got something to look forward to now..
posted by Chuck Pierce 5:51 PM 3 comments

Well we are thinking of things to do this weekend. Some ideas so far are going and makeing fun of the Amish. Takeing the Scotia Prince over to canada.. but it is full except for sat night. Driveing to montreal, but its a long drive. So the current rush get info is I think were gonna try to go jump out of a plane.
Sounds like fun huh. So lets see if we can do this...
posted by Chuck Pierce 5:13 PM 0 comments

Yea we are developing a plan I think. I will bug out for the weekend and go somplace new. Meet new people pick up strange girls.. err no scratch that one. I need something for me I think. Open to any sugestions if anyone has a favorite place. Hmm never been to Niagra falls bit of a drive but could be amuseing. Problem is I have done most everything worth doing in Maine. Sad but I started on the list of things in the gazzetter many years ago..Nothing good left to do.
posted by Chuck Pierce 2:06 PM 27 comments

Ok well I guess todays show is over. I feel cheated cause I dint do anything wrong but once again I am the one being punished. Sigh I guess you can't just win. And does this end it? no I doubt it cause next time she gets mad it will be worse. Christ this is still the courting time, when your supposed to be on your best behaviour. What are her tantrums going to be like in 5 years. Lord knows I have my faults but the fact I get coldly logical in an argument is a good thing. I think I am gonna let it sit for a week and then we can start over from scratch. I am probaly the only guy on the planet who gets in trouble for being to honest, and lord don't that just suck?
I need a vacation. Maybe I will go take a trip this weekend. Lord knows the travel industry could use a boost. Yea I think thats a plan.
Hey jacko want to goto Bos for the weekend and play? Or hell LEC go hop on a flight and we will paint NY red again, err ok bad use of words but. Hmm no actually I think I might go up to canada just for the hell of it.
posted by Chuck Pierce 1:36 PM 1 comment

Sigh I also get irritated when I goto all the trouble to write a 4 page email and it becomes moot before I even send it.
Has this whole thing hurt us? yea,
Will we recover probably.
Are we makeing way to much out of it, almost certinly.

But does that mean we are back together and all is well hell no. I think we need some time apart and to figure things out. Or failing the we I think I do. Please once again don't get me wrong, she is the best thing to walk into my life. But I don't allways know if I am ready to have something good walk into my life yet. I have said all along that I needed a year before we could really be. And well i am still sticking by it. I do not want to have an other long relationship that dies. Next time I am working on a bit longer.
posted by Chuck Pierce 1:03 PM 11 comments

Damn she is also fast off the mark. Ya know I really did not plan on makeing this a group counciling session but WTF lets continue on the string.. I am posting here rather than in the comments cause I hate posting in there. So for the record this one is a responce to "I did not and do not think like we are already married. " posted at 12:04 10/18

Nope I can't stop hiting forward and reverse at the same time. It just don't work. I am testing the boundries on how far I can feel before I shut down and well then the shuting down kinda follows. So you have a simple choice either stop asking for minute my minute updates on how things are, or deal with it.
The sad thing is I really did not mind you getting mad, or hell even mildly piss when you misunderstand. What I hate and will not put up with is you going nuts and then hanging up on me. And or sending me emails that if I don't do this then you will never see me again. Thats where I see red. I have no problem discussing things untill we either agree or agree to disagree. Really I don't. And I love doing it via email rather than verbally because I have a record of what I said. No I thought you ment this or that but here it is in black and white. Sure makes it hard to misunderstand. Ok well I actually have to go work for 20 mins.. be scared.
posted by Chuck Pierce 12:24 PM 12 comments

God damn. Boy that girl cracks me up. I was upset for a few mins but then I started to crack up. Why you ask? Well I just got upstaged on my own stage. And that is funny.

And not a damn thing I can do about it either, hahah I have made it clear that this place I try and be honest, and not pull punches. So how can I fault her for discussing things i was holding off discussing for her sake. HAHAh + 20 pts for style babe.

Im still pissed mind you, I think she represented me badly and the perspective was very squwed, but she got the basic facts right. Was I wrong, yea maybe, the timeing could have been better I am sure. But I have based the whole relationship on honesty and well I had to talk about it with her. So the whole story is, the XGF is comeing over on friday. And it will be the first time in a long time I will see her in a non public place. And well I have like major guilt over the XGF. True most of it I should just ignore and blow it off but I still feel the guilt. Her life is now changed way for the worse, she is sad, lonely and depressed. And do I plan on her hitting on me? no, but if she does I wanted to get it figured out before hand how I was going to handle it. So I asked, and I explained what I was feeling and why. I think I did it in a way to show how little it had to do with the GF. Cause the faults and feelings are not hers. I spent 12 years with the XGF. Thats easly 1/2 of my adult life. And yea I am doing much better on getting over things but I am not there yet. It would have been so much easyer if we had broken up because of us. But we didn't it was all about her family. Now of course she wants me back and I really am not interested in a relationship with her anymore. But that does not mean I do not miss her at times. It is the whole grass allways greener in the other pasture thing I think. So anyways, all the GF had to do was say, she had a prob with it. I told her 3-4 times that if she told me not to see her I wouldnt. But she did not say that, she went bezerk and started threatining and makeing accusations. OK I can understand stress and all that but she has not learned when I say lets table this till tomarrow that its a good idea.

As to her being pregers. well I am freeked out. The basic prob is I have some hangups about being with her and not the XGF all of a sudden so we really have not been together alot. LIke average less than once a month, so this does freek me out a bit. And once again the problems are not with her, they are with me, and I was/am working on them. When I was young I was a very bad boy many times, I dated alot of girls, err alot. And I am a bit freeked out about this whole new set of things with a new fem after so long being with only one. Me and the xgf had a great sex life, err at least from my side. She would prob not use the word great but anyways. The GF on the other hand has these wierd newfangled ideas about things being equal. Yes that was a joke. But you get my point. So I have a few selfconsious issues to work through.

So anyways, this was getting boreing so at least it is back livly again.lord save us all.
posted by Chuck Pierce 12:09 PM 12 comments

Well last night late the GF and I basically broke up.
Oh and mom got home early this morning.

I have lots to say about stuff but I am not going to right away. She called me first thing this morning to say she was sorry, but I am not sure if that is the end of it. But I will keep it off here at least for a few days.
posted by Chuck Pierce 7:10 AM 14 comments

"If you love something set it free. If it comes back to you it is yours, if it doesn't then it was never ment to be."

God I just love throwing up when I have to be at work in like 5 hours.
posted by Chuck Pierce 12:43 AM 0 comments

Wednesday, October 17, 2001

Ok well guess I steped in it again full force with both feet. So before good tv night begins, let me do a quick um, not retraction but more a fuller explination. When I say we should try it for 6 months and then see if we kill each other. I had also said on a set timetable. To me that was me not SAYING but MEANING the big ugly E word with the diamond that goes along with it. I was not implying it was a crap shoot, but since I break out in hives considering this stuff dont push it.
Damn I thought it was a good first step.
posted by Chuck Pierce 7:54 PM 11 comments

I mhave to use the term loosly a good friend who is 180 deg off. He works nights so I try really hard to not call and wake him up when he is trying to get some sleep. But the annoying bastard has learned I guess and shuts off his phones when he crashes. I on the other hand don't. My phone is allways on in case some one needs me so much as to dare wake me up,. Well damn it EVERY time I crash during the day or any wierd time he calls., It is a tad annoying. I guess it is my fault for not turning things off, but I really hate to have a phone so people can allways reach me and then leave it off if ya know what I mean. Anyways, I am planning my revenge...
posted by Chuck Pierce 4:42 PM 10 comments

Opps I am being more of a moron than usual. Mom is on the train as we sppek and will be till midnightish. Opps. train is a nice way to travel, but it is damn slow compared to plane....
posted by Chuck Pierce 1:57 PM 11 comments

God I am glad it is good tv night. Cause let me tell ya, it sure sucks dureing the day. Oh well only 5 more hours till I get to go home and suffer in silence.-yea like I am ever silent.
Think I am gonna call my Mommy and see how her trip was.
posted by Chuck Pierce 1:54 PM 0 comments

God damn the FCC they still have not updated my licence. Been 1.5 weeks, grrr.
Wish they would get off thier asses though. Ahh heck the examiners have probably not even sent in the paperwork yet. Sigh....I want ot go play on my new privs
posted by Chuck Pierce 12:04 PM 4 comments

God damn the FCC they still have not updated my licence. Been 1.5 weeks, grrr.
Wish they would get off thier asses though. Ahh heck the examiners have probably not even sent in the paperwork yet. Sigh....I want ot go play on my new privs
posted by Chuck Pierce 12:04 PM 5 comments

So anyways, this is not something I take lightly. I was blessed by a father and mother who though don't get me wrong, were not I am sure everyones idea of a perfect marrage, were happy. And hell they didnt grenade when I was a teenager and that musta just been a barrel of fun let me tell ya. So anyways, I got wierd ass ideas about marrage/slavery. opps I mean just marrage. And I have been keeping things at low roar with the GF, And I can't speak for her, but I have a feeling, she is not allways happy about it. But I so qoute a dumb ass saying and going slow so it lasts. And I really hate it going so slow at times, but at least in my mind this is the way I got to do it. Isn't it amazing how time flies and things change. Have I mentioned I REALLY hate change? Course part of this is all the landlordies fault. Since I see them at least a few times a week, I have to deal with thier absolutly sickning love for each other. Come on folks its been a few years, kill the honeymoon will ya? No really I can't help but hope I can have what they have and well the GF is like the best thing to come into my life since Taco Bell. OK this is getting just plain maudlin so i should let it go now. But here is an interesting and or wierd ass train of thought. The first survivor I was under strick orders to try and keep the XGF awake so she could watch it. The 2nd one for the first 1/2 she tried to come home once a week long enough to watch it with me, and then when I was down with Mom and Dad, the GF and I started comparing notes about it. And now #3 I am going over to her house to watch it everyweek so far And no I d no realy like it THAT much, but it is something we are doing "together". And that is just a good thing yes? Ok break for station Id.
posted by Chuck Pierce 11:51 AM 0 comments

Well been thinking alot about marrige latly. The GF has really been wonderfull about this stuff, but I can see the writing on the wall in 20 ft flaming letters. I figure I am about 3 weeks and 4 prozacks from a "My Cousin Vinny" ticking clock/stomp episode. And to be fair, I am the one who brought it up. I really have been thinking that it is about time, and she might be the one and all that crap. But after dodgeing the bullet for oh about 12 years now incredably well, I am not gonna submit gracefully. Even when it is me I am submitting too. So anyways, its sure as hell and you can bank on it not gonna happen soon. But I also have made a life desion. next time I aska fem to move in with me it will be on a set timetable. As in if we don't kill each other in 6 months we either split or do the nasty deed, err get married. Course I should say she might have a small say in this, but, then again i am me, so she can't do better.
Ok a pause for angry comments.
posted by Chuck Pierce 11:39 AM 5 comments

Well an other long day hard at work..Hmm wait no thats not right is it. Ok well let me put it this way, I am at work and not actually asleep. Looking forward to tonite believe it or not. Yea I know so it is wed. But it also is Good Tv Night... And tonite for me is a special good tv night. New Ed, ok .. New West wing, cool... But the history channel has a feature tonite. They were as I understand it just finishing a feature on the building of the world trade when um, it became unbuilt. And what I hope was a brilliant move they decided to finish it up like nothing happened. Now I LIKE shows like this. I like them more when I have been there and they were the first of their kind. And of course now it is no more so it is even more interesting. AND on that note. I need an errector set. ANYONE have one left over from a son/ brother, hell whatever could be a daughter I guess. I got a 5 year old about to turn 6 and I can think of nothing better to get him. His mother must also have the joy of steping on a #10 bolt at 3 am with bare feet. So I will even pay for it, but the today stuff is crap. I want a bunch of old partial sets I can combine for him. I will even take Lego's . Sigh the games now adays and toys really suck. So folks, I should warn you that if you guys fail to come through I will be forced to get something with a LOUD siren that makes lots of noise. Now this could and or um would cause strife tween the GF and I and then you all would have to hear about it for days and days. So remember it is all in your hands. hehe
Wow catcha load of the curve on that paragraph.. ok till later..
posted by Chuck Pierce 9:29 AM 11 comments

"Port out, Starboard home"
Grug, got to stop takeing naps in the afternoon. A friend I havnt heard from in a while sent me a wierd criptic email at this ugly cow milking hour and it woke me up. ok well back to bed.
posted by Chuck Pierce 4:39 AM 12 comments

Tuesday, October 16, 2001

Well Boydo and I ran over to see progress on the new house. Yes, they do have a basement.. now I guess walls are the next thing needed. Took a small nap and then found one of my favorite tv shows. I do like british comedy. The xgf I am fraid to say rarly got the joke, but she did improve with time I might add. Took her a while but she eventually got them. Anyways, "As time goes by" was on, I liked to the manor born better cause it reminds me so much of Mom, but they both are good.
Its one of those great things in life. BBC makes some good stuff and some crap, but they only send us the good stuff. In return we only send them the crap. Cool huuh?
posted by Chuck Pierce 9:44 PM 0 comments

Well the bird withthe broken wing has landed. We took her to her fairly posh hotel and then came back to Maine. I called before I left and arranged to have her helped onto the train and so forth and same at the hotel so all should be well. God I am sick of driveing though. Grug.
posted by Chuck Pierce 4:53 PM 30 comments

Ok im up and alive and just about to head S to go get Mom. Exciting huh?
wierd dremas last night, but then I was pretty stoked so thats ok I guess. Well i am way overdue a few rants, but not this morning..but they are percolating I promise.
posted by Chuck Pierce 8:36 AM 1 comment

"She is repeating herself, but thats ok.."

fun night, glad I only drink a few times a year. but least I got some sleep. Hmm on that note pooof.
posted by Chuck Pierce 5:46 AM 25 comments

Monday, October 15, 2001

ok folks, if ya lean close and listen carefully I will tell you the trick to drinking heavly. Espeially if ya only do it a few times a year. you ready? Ok her eit is Bananas. Yerp thats it. Dad proved it many years ago to me. A banana is basic, most booze is acidic.. so they counteract each other.. Or if that fails, at least it tastes good coming back uppp
posted by Chuck Pierce 11:21 PM 0 comments

hi ho. hi ho. off the druk tank i go.
I am now sending audrey scribbles with myfoot. And i finished the bottle3.
posted by Chuck Pierce 8:56 PM 0 comments

New birthday wisdh list.
I want a boston waler with a 50 Cal on it..

Yea baby the coasties have em in NY harbor
posted by Chuck Pierce 8:33 PM 0 comments

Woohoo I have found the secret to life the universe and everything. Yes I have figured out how to choose wine baby. Yes I am a wine choosing god. I have finally gotten the trick figured out. The absolute trick is to ONLY goto the little standup cooler they have filled with cold wine. Yes thats where the good crap is. Got a pinot grigio made by Bolla and it is almost GOOD. So I am fairly tipsey at the moment.
posted by Chuck Pierce 8:14 PM 0 comments

OK went out and grabbed some chix and wine. hehe. So got the chix on the gril and makeing some rice with garlic and wine to go along. SHould be edable. and sure is a 20 min no effort dinner. Been liveing on popcorn for like last week so it is time for real food.
posted by Chuck Pierce 7:08 PM 0 comments

Well tomarrow is gonna blow, got to go get Mom at Logan. I am not a major fan of driveing in Boston, but NBD. The changed Mom's flight around so instead of coming in late afternoon she is coming in around noon. So I figure she will either be wiped out by jet lag, or need to be entertained. So we will find something to do I am sure. Damn I have got to stop eating out but there is like no food in the house. So I guess I am eating out again. So I guess I am gonna drive into town and get some food. TFR whacked the crap out of his leg this morning on the coffie table, painfull but mildly amuseing cause he is blameing me and it hasnt moved in weeks. But I cleaned all the crap off it so maybe it is my fault. Ok food....
posted by Chuck Pierce 6:19 PM 0 comments

OK well I did take a nap. Mucho needed. My back has been bugging me for the last few days and I am just worn down.
posted by Chuck Pierce 6:10 PM 0 comments

Yea ok I never did take a nap. But did not get alot done either.. Oh well, put it down to a mental health day.
posted by Chuck Pierce 3:02 PM 2 comments

Nap won....
posted by Chuck Pierce 11:10 AM 0 comments

Yea we did have fun yesterday night. I sent one of my emails just to the Audrey, hmm who I really have to name, and told the big comp to not check that account. Well I sent more than her, but I had like 64 sitting on the ccount this morning. Twas amuseing.
So now I am actually doing some work. Building a web page for a client.. Thank god they don't want anything tricky, just basic blah blah we are an insurance company info.
Ok so I am gona get this done, then I got to set up Doc's page.. And then in theory I might work on my own if I am not burnt out for haveing worked for a few hours... Hmm or I might take a nap. 50/50
posted by Chuck Pierce 11:07 AM 0 comments

"So ah what direction is North again?"

I am alive, I think..I really needed like 12 hours sleep last night and I didnt come close. Sigh. OK up and moveing...
posted by Chuck Pierce 7:17 AM 1 comment

Sunday, October 14, 2001

Watching Disney. The Emprors new groove.. Damn amuseing. I never see the animated movies.. And well, ya know. Hmm how to phrase this. The IF is like almopst 6. I have this tiny feeling that I am gonna get so frigging sick of them before he gets to old for them that I am gonna want to Kill olf walt buddy. So anyways, i have not went out of my for them yet. But damn i have to admit they are funny. Oh well, disney does kinda over blow the we are Disney you will grovel bit though
posted by Chuck Pierce 8:30 PM 18 comments

Well we took a great walk in the woods beside the river. Had a wonderfull time and the IF was jazzed.. Then I came home and tried to take a nap and the whole world figured it was time to say hi. Sigh. Oh well my fault. Dont try and sleep on Sun aft. We really did have a good time and actually god forbid talked like future crap. Egads.
posted by Chuck Pierce 7:08 PM 0 comments

Ok well, still not sure where we are going to go. But I have great faith that I can improvise with the best of them. So I guess we shall head over to Bradbury State Park and then maybe drive up N or something. I got no clue. We will just play it by ear. Hmm food, we also need food....
posted by Chuck Pierce 10:05 AM 0 comments

well damn I prob should not have stayed up watching that damn movie so late. Today is an exercise day. I am getting like um fat. my one inch of all new padding is now almost 2 inches and when I sit there are like folds... this is not good. And my back is KILLING me so today i am going to exersize or die in the attempt. And to be really fair I am gonna drag the GF and IF along and make them miserable too. heheh
Also only day I can walk in the woods..
posted by Chuck Pierce 8:48 AM 5 comments

"Diamonds are forever"
then again so is the smell of a dead skunk
god they killed this movie.,err book
starship troopers...
posted by Chuck Pierce 1:09 AM 9 comments

Saturday, October 13, 2001

Oh god what have i created. Ok when I gave her the Audrey I had set the email sig line to say, um "I sent this via Audrey and Chuck. I love my birthday present"
Cute huh, well she found it and changed it. It has now went from that through "I love Charlie Brown! The Little Red Haired Girl" to "Tell Chuck to get me a diamond ring." to the end all "The wedding is next June and you're all invited "
Oh god what have I wrought.. sigh I need sleep... bad.Poof
posted by Chuck Pierce 11:36 PM 4 comments

Well I can post from audrey, but it is a bit screwed up window wise,.. oh well. got Shell working on it and haveing fun, and so is she I think.
posted by Chuck Pierce 11:28 PM 0 comments

BTW anyone know a non java, html style chatroom? Need a place we can chat, me and the GF open to ideas. Audrey is not a real happy java user.
posted by Chuck Pierce 7:03 PM 0 comments

Well the Audrey's are up and runing. Very cool.
Hope she likes it. I am wied out after a wrok weekedn. Mostly sleep but it is a very light sleep so i am still tired.. Think I am gonna play with audrey later and get a shel running on her.
posted by Chuck Pierce 7:01 PM 0 comments

"women, how much for the women"
Damn this really is cool.Yes I am on Audrey, and she is a happy camper mostly. On the dialup but will broadband it tonight. Ordered a few flash cards too so I can back the little girls up. At least in theory. At 17$.00 each they are so cheep.
posted by Chuck Pierce 10:38 AM 0 comments

Friday, October 12, 2001

Anyways to get back to the depressing train of thought. We had our NY bound one, Our off to the seed artsy one. And then the one that keeps going and coming back. And me, the one who never left. It is actually sad that the longest I have left Maine was to go down when Dad died. But I am and probably allways will be the home town boy. Sad I only have like 20 people in my phone, and well thats all the people I call. Yet I love a town where I know so many. Oh well, could be worse, I could be a CFM.
posted by Chuck Pierce 10:58 PM 0 comments

Watching a very old movie. St' Elmo's fire. I remember when it came out and how it made me think where people would be in 10 years. Funny thing is I was so right about so many of them and so wrong about others. Sure as hell did not see where I would be but then who ever does. Ya know sometimes I really dislike the GF. I have easyily had the worst year in history times 200. Loosing the XGF and then Dad in chronalogical order basically made this a shit year as it stands. But damn it, I can't even be happily miserable and slide into a nice depresion. Sigh nope, she has to be a great big damn ray of sun shine and it realy takes all the fun out of being depressed. Sigh. Sad thing really is she is slowly makeing this the best recovery of a year in history also.
But I am not useing the L word. THOUGH. and this she has no clue about, hehe I think I spent more on her B-Day present than I did on both xmass and bdays for the xgf in the last 10 years.
posted by Chuck Pierce 10:41 PM 1 comment

It is really crazy that i am useing netscape 3 that is like 5 years old and sucks but at least it can keep up with my typing. Sigh. Well, been here for 13 hours now, only 20 more to go. HAHAH christ someone shoot me.
Pissed I can not sit on my bed here with the laptop and play online but this modem hates everything. And yes I mean here on my bed. It is so cool to be an upwardly mobile Man. Err in other words I sleep on an inflatable bed I can take with me. Hell I even bring my pillow. Sad huh. But WTF it is amuseing and comfortable at least. I figured out this great contest but some of you guys would cheat, so it wont work. But still, it might be amuseing. The idea is to take all the entries for say a week and count the spellign errors., And then compare it to the other weeks. Anyone want to make bets on how many I average a week?
Been alll most 3 months now that this has been chugging along. Lots of good crap buried in here, and alot of raw emotion and all that crap.
posted by Chuck Pierce 8:34 PM 30 comments

OK, now I really am getting pissed. God damn, will someone shut up the talking head. Ok follow me on this, we are attacked on 9/11. Ok got that? now there have been at least 2 seperate cases of Anthrax in th country. But they are in now way related to the terrorist attack. Ok then STFU about them. Jesus, do you think the terrorists know what they are doing sending it to NBC? Christ allmighty. Either it is news or it int. period. And god I lost it listening to NBC give a press conference and say they wold notrelease the name of the female at nbc, cause it would invade her privace. What COMPLETE CRAP. if it was at say, oh a tabloid do you think they would not be banging on the door and publishing the name everywhere? They would be standing in a line waiting to get in, but since it happendto them they are "respecting her privacy" What complete crap.
All I can say is thank god for the BBC. They suck too, but only 1/2 as much.
posted by Chuck Pierce 5:09 PM 0 comments

Well, I just can not make Audrey talk to the damn cable modem up here. Damn modem is such a POS. But that being said I love this littel gadget. I can see it is gonna be a major part of my life in the future. The one for the GF is ready to go. I just got to get it to her.. Sigh, guess it is not going to happen today. But oh well, I guess it isnt actually her B-Day yet anyways. I just hate to wait, and hate to make others wait. Course the other problem with my current life is netscape 6 sucks bad. it can not even keep up with my typing damn it and I am not the fastest typer in the world. I use a very strange method of touch typing to a point and alot of not touch typing.. I call the Chuck way. Anyways, I hope she likes the Audrey. Or failing that does not tell me she hates it.
I also told her I was gonna get her a list of stuff for my birthday wish list. But, hasnt happened yet.
posted by Chuck Pierce 4:36 PM 4 comments

Yea baby. the new fems are IN. Hopefully TFR is gonna do me a bigass favor and deliver em to me up here. I am definatly jazzed about playing with them.
Dumbass tv on at the moment unfortunatly. But News radio is on in a bit and I actually like it so we should get through Well got the 8100 running and netscape 6 on it. Which I hate, but hell beats the crap out of exploder.
That reminds me I saw a bumpersticker saying "Support ABM"
Cracked me up. To some that means one thing, but to me it will allways stand for Anything But Microsoft.
So get me a bumpersticker and I might even put it on my car. Hmm so waht else is going on, Lots of emotions today, but they are way to jumbled I have GOt to stop watching soppy Alley Mcbeal and crap, makes me too damn romantic. Yea Yea Yea shut up babe, don't even go there.
posted by Chuck Pierce 12:31 PM 9 comments

Well got the computer to work.. Was not easy though. The cable modems up here really suck. It takes it forever to get its act in gear. Anyways, about last night. I tried so hard to get her birthday present to her, but it just did nto happen. Boydo worked feverishly to get it done but it just did not happen. I was so bummed. Well got a few hours of sleep up here this morning, but not nearly enough... I was wiped out last night. Think I am gonna play for a while. OH btw, I get a big kick out of people. I do not have a clue who owned this comp before I bought it, but it is a riot. The bookmarks stored in here crack me up. All space defence and crap. It is very amuseing. Ok poof.
posted by Chuck Pierce 11:52 AM 0 comments

"You need it overnight? Sure No problem"

Damn you tiger direct, hopefully the Audreys will be here today. I can not believe I am awake at 5 am. groan. but got alot to do so trying to get organised. In theory I should be online up there, but it is a bit spotty so we shall see. First though I gototet out of here and stop on the way and buy food.
posted by Chuck Pierce 5:17 AM 0 comments

Thursday, October 11, 2001

Great dinner at the GF's but was not albe to bring her the new Fem.. Sigh OK I am wiped. Long work weekend.. Night.
posted by Chuck Pierce 10:11 PM 3 comments

Well that was an opps. I overloaded the 10T network and crashed my router.. Opps. Was only off line for an hour till I figured it out.. Sigh.
Ok I should be on the way to the GF's right now, but I am gonna try to go late and bring her the new fem. Landlordy got his 2 in and mine are in route so I want to get it to her befoer i go away for the weekend. Thats the theory at least....
posted by Chuck Pierce 5:31 PM 0 comments

Well I am now gonna make the 8100 a happy camper so I can take it up to Auburn with me. I also had this great I dea if I refuse to look and see if she made any comments I will refrain from getting myself into more trouble. What a plan huh?.
posted by Chuck Pierce 2:50 PM 1 comment

Well got the balistraids on the porch done. Just got to fasten the rails down once the landlordy figures out what he wants to do with them. The stairs are gonna suck though. I keep (in my ever so tactfull way)(like a sledgehammer in other words) mentioning that a piece of Laticwork would be like 20 mins and would last a long time. Sigh, they are not buying it though. Doing it the hard way is gonna take a long long time and is not worththe effort.. but hell I am getting paid so I should just shut up. Sigh

The GF is cracking me up. i made 2 cracks that she can beat on me for, and she found one i didnt even mean to say. Oh well, she just got mad, as in not went insane and drove me nuts so thats ok. I can handle mad, heck normal state of affairs mostly.
Dinner at her place tonite, the I think 2nd time she is makeing me dinner. Should be fun.
posted by Chuck Pierce 2:38 PM 2 comments

Wow it is just so nice out I can not stay inside.
So I am putting balistraids on the porch.. Fun huh.. Good old carpentry to chear ya up.. Ok Poof I am on the clock...
posted by Chuck Pierce 12:25 PM 0 comments

Uh oh. I think I am in trouble. And um well I think its a tad more than I deserve. But, and this is a big but, she does have a few point. 1. I am a man so I am automatically wrong. 2. I guess I was giveing the impresion she left him all the time.. She doesnt, like um 2 times in the past 5 months I think.. both time for a few hours so we could do a concert or dinner.. 3. I was trying to express my feelings of guilt for takeing some of her time with him away. 4. I was in no way impuning her excelence as a mother. 5. I am a man so I am automatically wrong.
posted by Chuck Pierce 10:45 AM 10 comments

OK OK Ok I am awake. Off and running to do the morning run. BB in a few hours and get some crap done.. Dinner at the GF's tonite so got to make sure my insurance is up to date. (Joke. she is I am sure a wonderfull cook) (course she prob will poison me now for the fun of it)
posted by Chuck Pierce 7:38 AM 0 comments

Wierd dreams... This damn fan made me dream I was sleeping in a audatorium. Least I hade 3 beuteyful fems with me, oh and the the GF.. hehhe no that was just a a mean joke, the GF was one of the fems. I am basically a nasty person at heart at 5 am.
posted by Chuck Pierce 5:12 AM 0 comments

"Who are you people"

Was bored and looked at the stats last night. Bout 380 people a day. Damn I could like add banners and buy a candy bar in a few months.
No really Hi all you new folks, be welcome. I strongly recomend all new folks read my journal info.. And I am again sorry for this plave looking like crap. It is in the works I promise. Remember that posts are done by time dureing the day so latest will be on bottom. So anyways, Howdy to you all, and remember this is my place about me working the way through life day by day, so if it is a bit raw at times just deal with it. Feel free to make links also just please do them to the main page.
Oh while I am doing general clean up, I WILL get some pics up. I sorted a few last week but never posted em.. it is in the works I promise.
posted by Chuck Pierce 5:09 AM 0 comments

Wednesday, October 10, 2001

hmm ok they made a mistake and I am pissed. Ok it was a mistake, but lets set the record straight. Pease AFB does nto exist. It has been the Pease Tradeport for like 5 years. Also if the pres was going manchester NH he woukd frigging fly to Manchester. It has a more than long enough runway. And the drive from Pease tradeport to Manchester SUCKS. Easyer to take a bus.
posted by Chuck Pierce 9:12 PM 3 comments

Well,hmmm, It sorta works. Took me like 10 mins to get it to not crash when I hit publish. Tiny bit annoyiing that was. ED was good tonite, and should be a good west wing. had 2 people call me so far. I get like one call a week at night till I am watching tv. One was the GF and it was a reasonable call. Jacko called just to be a bum and annoy me. But, the screw with Chuck's head award definatly goes to the landlordy for the flashing Audrey in the window. Ok so progress is being made, now if I can get the 8100 up and happy on the net tomarrow all will be well. Was missing some AAUI connectors but I grabed them from the barn today.Ok west wing is on...Poof.
posted by Chuck Pierce 9:02 PM 0 comments

I also heard the other day someone refer to this as WW3. and damn, that makes sence. Since we are not fighting a religion, or a country, just an action then we can not confine it to just one area. Do we just make the UN the worlds policemen? Realising that we have only as much say there as say china. Me I can saftly say am not a real believer in democracy. Yea Yea suprise suprise. But I still think it is hard to believe that the colective moronicy. Yea I know its worked so far, but me I am in favor personally of a king. Well as long as it is me that is king at least. And let me tell ya things would be different if I was king. Ahh if I was king I could really piss people off on a regualy basis. You think I annoy people Now? WOW I could just be me and make 1/2 the country furious with everything I do. Just sit back and think for a minute if you know me how much I could screw up if I was king. Boggleing aint it.
Anyways, nice train of thought, from the XGF calling to me being king in only 12 easy steps. Scary huh. Ok ok I will shut up now.
posted by Chuck Pierce 8:56 PM 0 comments

Here is a qoute for ya, one I have not used for a daily cause it is to confusing. And it definatly reveals my attitudes on people in general.. This is not word for word, jus the idea. “It is not that people are good and bad. It is more that all people are bad, just on different sides”
Ok now lets explore that a tiny bit. Yes we got our asses creamed by a few idiots who hijacked a plane. But why is it that most people can not see there resaons for it. Yes it was a bad thing to do, I am not disagreeing with that in anyway. But um our goverment has not exactly been Santa Clause to everyone. I am I think just as patriotic as anyone, and if the country calls I will go, ut lets be serious, Bill the moron Clinton did not exactly help alot of people around the world. And to be fair it is not just him, the goverment is way to ponderous to be changed by one person even over 8 years.We think it is bad for them to try and kill us, but they see us giveing them guns and missles and then yanking our suport when the russians are trying to kill them. We think it is horribal the way they treat women, ok fine. Um but here is a hint, we defended countries in the gulf war who are just as bad. So does that mean we should just forgive and foget? Hell no, I think Bush is doing the right thing. But no matter how hard you try you can not stuff your morality down someone elses throught and expect them not to get pissed. Many years ago the US had a issue that it differed from a lot of the civilised world on the morality of. We felt so strong about it that we had worse causualties fighting about it then we have in any other war. And nowadays people could not imagine liveing like we did. The issue was of course slavery. Yet now we are fighting a people and holding their way of life agains them. Please dont misunderstand I think we are doing the right thing, but the general public et all, has the general inteligence of a herd of sheep. I mean look at how much of the us uses P.C.’s and thinks they actually like haveing to fix them on a weekly basis. Yet an other good analogy, comparing the Islamic Extreamests to the KKK. I like that one, it puts is all in a perspective people can understand. Course all that stuff aside, it pisses me off when on the news we here some little piss ant country says we can not fly over them or something. I do admit I see red and my first thoughs are well eat this little tomahawk and see if you rethink this in the morning. The US really can not be the police and or morality police for t he world. But damn, would be nice to shoot a few morons who have more bluster than brains.
posted by Chuck Pierce 8:56 PM 0 comments

Well had a nice chat with the XGF today. It actually was fairly nice too. And that is fairly scary to say the least. Did say some things that bothered me though. The whole 12 years we were together the dogs spent NO time in a kennel. Except for us going to UK and a weekend away we allways brought them with us. It bothers me a bit that the dogs have spent more time in a kennel in the last 6 months than the whole 12 years. Funny coralation here actually. I grew up in a household based around kids. Ok that is not completly true, but it is fairly close. We did not have babysitters. If the whole family did not go, then Mom and Dad did not go. Now alot of people say they did not have babysitters, but I mean did NOT. We had I think 3 before we were old enough to take care of ourselves (like over 18). hehhe for that matter I do not once remember the folks haveing me watch the CFM..Boy my folks were damn smart arnt they. So anyways, we never were dumped for the weekend by the folks, and I had really hard times doing it to the dogs. Now the current GF is of a differnt bent. And being a single Mom I guess I can see that, but I sometimes make an effort to not be around so they can spend time together. This to say the least pisses off the GF but so be it. I fully understand she needs to get away once in a while. And I realise it is really nice that we can do things alone once in a while. And I agree the IF would be perfectly happy to spend time with both of us. But all those things being said, I think Mom and Son should have time alone now and then. She I am sure thinks I go to far with it and assumes I just don’t want to see them both. But I feel pretty strong about it and I just come up with a excuse. So anyways, funny how one thing follows to an other isnt it. Start thinking about the XGF and it leads to the GF almost everytime now. Wierd huh. I guess I am shifting my thoughs more to the gf day by day. I also miss the XGF more now than before to so that is a good sign. The first few months I didn’t really miss her much, and I knew that it was not good. Pretty sure missing her is on the road to getting over her and all that crap. So I am optimistic about life these last few months. I am also getting fat. Time to fix that I think, but not yet. First I need a few days of playing with the new female in my life. She and her twin should show up tomarrow, and I am really excited. I have sold or given up almost all of my playtoys in the last year. and damn it is nice to get a new one. I am sitting here just babling today. But ya never know when i might say something interesting. And now curtosey of Conny a page break.
posted by Chuck Pierce 8:38 PM 3 comments

Ok baby, I got it to work. I am lieing in bed watching tv and being obnoxious at the same time. On battery power no less. Aint that just cool??
BTW the name for my main computer is Biff...

Ok now for my earlyer posts that got eaten...
posted by Chuck Pierce 8:38 PM 1 comment

I am pretty bad at nameing things. Really I am. But I do have my good times... Was amused as I tried to get my damn laptop on the web today, by it's name.
Yerp are ya ready, it is Glinda the Good.
No I have no CLUE why I would name my laptop after a witch.. It was named about 7 years ago or so.. But I moved the HD to the new laptop and I was amused... So anyways, poof off to good tv night..
posted by Chuck Pierce 8:03 PM 0 comments

Well damn it blogger finally ate a post.. It was a damn good one too. Sigh.. did not make me happy.
Ok well it is good tv night and I am trying to get the damn laptop to reconise ethernet...Then you should be scared cause I will actually be able to rant from bed.. Wow that will be scary. Course once the new love of my life shows up I will be useing that.

OH reminds me.. the damn landlord is gonna pay... He has his audrey stuck in a window withthe led flashing at me... All night for last 2 nights. The bugger, he is gonna pay when I get mine...
posted by Chuck Pierce 7:54 PM 0 comments

Well, Finally got the damn Cable modem up here at work to um, work. Been a day long effort, cept I didnt really try to hard. Brought hte laptop up to keep me amused and it did, wrote a few nice rants that are sure to bother and disturb. Other than that took a nice 2 hour nap, and um, watched alot of crap TV. Nothing to exciting. Got about an other hour up here, and it would be fine if I had a real comp.. Or at least a real Browser. Christ, you people volantaraly use this piece of crap called explorer and they don't even pay you to? All Microsoft sucks retoric asid, jesus, this thing screws up the text on everything. Netscape might not be the best thig going, but at least I can read the type face it uses. Course I am on a really dumbass comp so.. In fact i was so sad and happy to see one of these at the CFM's house. Happy cause it looked like he was gonna have a real comp, even a realold POS. But sad of course cause they went and bought a PC. Oh well, him not bothering to ask for my help aint exactly new. Anyways, nough on the CFM.
posted by Chuck Pierce 5:34 PM 0 comments

"It's all fun and games till somebody pokes an eye out"

Ok I am awake, but not real happy bout it. Heading up to work for the day. The computer up there is acting up so Its 50/50 I will be on...Gonna bring the 8100 up here but it is not ready yet.
I got this litte fan to move air around the heater and all that, the idea also is to create some white noise for me so I wont here everything..well, it does create noise.. I think it kept me up all night. Sigh. Once again, the theory looked good on paper...
Anyways, time for a shower then I am goneso
posted by Chuck Pierce 6:32 AM 0 comments

Tuesday, October 09, 2001

Publish you bugger.. they broke something I think today on bloger...
posted by Chuck Pierce 8:11 PM 0 comments

Well thinkI am gonna call it an early night. Pretty wiped out got alot of things done today though so thats good. Try for more tomarrow, hmm no I am working.. oh well. Poof
posted by Chuck Pierce 8:09 PM 0 comments

Well Blogers servers are down so I can't publish this till later.. Just went out and saw the new house for the landlordies....or the hole I should say. The footings are being poured today. Gave them a bunch of crap about how it was gonna be 2003 before they got it dug, but thank god it is makeing progress. The gf and I had a long and fairly coherent talk about future crap the other day, and what my current plans are... She failed to kill me so I guess she musta liked or tolerated them.
Well No real suprise but the CFM wanted Moms phone #. Not my place to deny him stuff so I passed it over, but I hope he uses some sence. For many many years he only called me in the middle of the night. Hopefully he is over that stage now. And when you are in pain getting woken up sucks.
Well I am jazzed the 8100 Mac I got down at the hamfest is up and running.. works great but the other powerbook might be terminal... I spent about 130 on comps, the 50$ one works great, the 20$ one is happy. The 30$ I sold for same price to Doc, and the 20$ is iffy.. So I did ok.
Really Jazzed about the new love in my life showing up on thursday, or so she should arrive. Hopefully she will be all I think she will be. Since I got one for the GF for her B-Day she should be happy too. Tween me and and the Landlordy we orderd 5. sad huh. But they should rule for what we want to do with them. I am of course talking about Audrey, scroll down a few days to find the link. Now if I could just make her run CL then we would really have fun.
posted by Chuck Pierce 4:56 PM 1 comment

Ok we are in business. I made my shield... The damn things supposidaly can not catch cloth on fire, only melt plastic so it should work.. We shall see. What a crazy way to live this is, but oh well least its almost free...
posted by Chuck Pierce 1:35 PM 0 comments

Well damn. one of the laptops I bought is not gonna come right to life.. Sigh. Ok well I am gona shelve it till I have more time. Talked to my Mom, she is ok but hurting a bit. Kinda screwed up there whole schedual alot and not sure what the plan is now.. Poor mom.. But least it wasnt A hip or something she broke. Coulda been worse. Since my Aunt and Uncle she was staying with are off celebrateing their 50th wedding aniv, Mom is staying at my cousins. Oh well, long as she is safe all is well. Ok so now to project 12 out of 250 for the day.......Makeing the heatshield for the bed..I got powertools and hotglue, I can make it work.
posted by Chuck Pierce 1:08 PM 0 comments

Well home late from the morning run.. Stoped and bought some stuff so I can hopefull stop my bed from catching on fire tonite. Smelled burning plastic a few times last night and that can't be good. And I called TigerDirect and chewed em a new ass about my order that they were sitting on.. what a pain, but it is now being sent airborn so should get here soon. Ok back to house work.. got LOADs to get done today
posted by Chuck Pierce 12:56 PM 0 comments

"Sometimes you feel like a nut, Sometimes you just are one."

Mentioning no names of course (Rev Doc...) This url was passed to me...

Got to do some more redesigning today, I thinkI came close to catching on fire a few times last night...I need some shield over the heater, Hmm I am working on it.....Off to NH as per usuall
posted by Chuck Pierce 7:16 AM 0 comments

Monday, October 08, 2001

Ya know, liveing in Maine has some good points.
But it also has a few drawbacks, and today is one of them. I can not find words to convey how frigging much of a shock it is to go outside tonite. It is frigging COLD. That being said, damn the stars are beutifull on a cold night. Stars are great equalisers they really put a dent into the whole I am getting old concept. The GF is about ot have her 30th B-day soon. And I remember how hard a time I had with mine, growing old sucks. But the stars must give you pause, they were here long before us and baring terrorists on the spachshuttle should be here for a long time to come. It is wonderfull to stand out side freezing your ass off and at least get the awesome spectical of there very existance. Ok nough out the damn stars, have I mentioned it is REAl cold out? I am going outside to be bad wearing a down coat and winter hat and I am still cold. Anyways, It should be a fun month, the GF will prob have a prozac moment thats lasts about 3 weeks I figure. I kinda already told her that I am getting her an other woman for her birthday... hmm I guess that sounds bad, but I think I am gonna leave it at that just cause I can.
posted by Chuck Pierce 9:13 PM 4 comments

Hey guess what I am still awake. Gonna make myself a big dinner of a bowl of popcorn. Aint is just healthy or WHAT. sigh.. poof./
posted by Chuck Pierce 8:26 PM 0 comments

Boy am I tired.. Was trying to work on one of the powerbooks, but just can't keep my eyes open, so screw it. While I am still at it gonna try and get some of the batteries working on the 520. Well sent off an email to my brother today, the non CFM one. Be interesting to see how it is recieved. I really need to work on the chuckpierce site, but just havent felt like it for a few weeks/months. Also got a few customers who I have to set up and get happy. Damn was gonna play HF Radio, but the bands are real noisy tonite.. Lots of snap crackle and pop. Stoped by and saw Jaco today, he has a few great litle presents for me.. Some comp stuff and a box of popcorn. HEHe sounds wierd but it did make sence. Trying to recondition a powerbook battery and stay awake till it is done, not easy. Oh well. I will prob only take a nap knowing me and then be up all night.
posted by Chuck Pierce 7:05 PM 0 comments

Well it never rains but it sure does pour. My Mother is on a tour of England, and would ya believe she fell and broke her wrist.
Arrgg. Gonna cut into her knitting I am afraid but she will muddle through. Handy for me cause I just get the LEC to call and ferry news to me. His phone is all set up for international calling so it has to be cheaper than the ones at my aunt and cousins. So thanks LEC for being so helpfull as you slide down to the mouth of your cliff.
Well that cut into my cleaning and was gonna see the GF but told her to bag it cause I was on the phone pretty solid there for 20 mins.
Ok off to finish up, this place is stilla disaster area.
posted by Chuck Pierce 5:03 PM 7 comments

Damn am i being good today. Cleaning like a deamon. But then again this place was in the trashed catagory easily.. So makeing progress.. I have moved my bed to the other side of the room, so now its right at the foot of the computer... Hopefully he wont kick me now. hehe. Anyways, doing all kinds of crap like defrosting the fridge and so forth.. Also rebuilt the seal on the fridge. So in theory, this might be better, we shall see. Ok back to it.
posted by Chuck Pierce 3:10 PM 0 comments

"Pull up, Pull up"

Had a blast playing on HF last night. But today is a work day so off I go like the good little boy I am. Course, I only work for 2.5 hours, but still. TFR cracked me up. I gave him some major crap for being so noisy in the morning so he was quiet today. No to put it loosly a mouse fart wakes me up, but he really tried, untill he kicked my feet. Was really funny, he was like oh damn guess he is gonna wake up now. But other than kicking me he really was quiet. Sleeping on the liveing room floor sucks, but WTF least it is comfortable and temporary
posted by Chuck Pierce 7:18 AM 0 comments

Sunday, October 07, 2001

Well makeing progress tonite, Dog tired but I am GONNA make a few of these comps work. I bought some new ones at the hamfest Sat...Very cool two laptops and two towers. Been doing some HD swaping and stuff so the current list is...one 165c with now a 160 meg hd and 14 ram.. Works great and has been car comp, but is now on the block, repalced with a 520 with 36 ram and 1 gig hd. All up and running mostly. Also got a 5300 with no hd yet I am still working on. Picked up a 7500 that is already gone and a 8100 for some reason.. But the ave price was 30$ so did FINE. Now if i could just make this 520 reconise the batteries I would be happier. Sigh..
posted by Chuck Pierce 8:55 PM 0 comments

Well we had a great time. only took the 300 Sav and the 22. pistols but it was great fun anyways. Went to a new place and it was not perfect by a long stretch, but it was usable. Course we were there 10 mins and it started to snow/hail. Sigh so we ran for the cars and waitied it out. The Gf played withthe 22.s and did really good for a girl (HAHA just a JOKE) Anyways was fun and the 300 was as accurate as I remember it. Boy am I beat though. Might play comp tonite fixing a few of the new ones I got.. Or gonna play radio and have some fun with my new privalidges. Either way gonna unwind some, been way to keys up with family shit and takeing this damn test. (Did I mention I passed? Oh I did? good.)(heheh sorry been telling strangers i am so jazzed about it)
posted by Chuck Pierce 6:02 PM 9 comments

Ok well me and the GF are gonna go shooting.. woohoo. Should be fun even though it is cold as hell outside.. Poof.
posted by Chuck Pierce 1:30 PM 1 comment

Ok well I took some time this morning and finally finished my responce to Yana, you can find it below or on the brothers page...

Still considering many things from a phone call with Larry last night, I will try hard to work on them tonite so bear with me. As for now, I am about 24 hours late to go visit the GF and If i don't make it by Noon, then I will prob not come out alive.. So later all I will post more about this in theory later.. My mind has a slow digestive prosses.
posted by Chuck Pierce 11:28 AM 0 comments

"Im not my brothers keeper"

Still considering the best way to do things, but I will get off the fence tonite hopefully.
posted by Chuck Pierce 10:12 AM 1 comment

Saturday, October 06, 2001

Ok sorry no posts about the stuff going on, I am considering a few things. By monday I will have decided and all that...
posted by Chuck Pierce 9:01 PM 0 comments

"This is N1MSA Temporary AG"

That means I just passed the test.. Woohoo. Just got in, I will write later.. Dead tired but got lots of new toys.
posted by Chuck Pierce 5:19 PM 0 comments

Friday, October 05, 2001

I really am on a time crunch, but I finnaly finished getting all this stuff in order... As per usuall I really did it for me, but I will give out the URL.
That covers all the brother stuff up to now... It is alot easyer than trying to figure out what posts are where and in waht order.
posted by Chuck Pierce 11:24 AM 0 comments

BTW today is Moms bday.. Happy one mom.
And I am gonna go to the hamfest early, I have decided.. but i really want to get a project done first so I am hard at work...
posted by Chuck Pierce 10:57 AM 3 comments

Oh I forgot to mention, I took some time Yest to add to the long and exessive line of the women who love me irrationally. Yes I have a new love in my life and her name is Audrey. If you want to know go look at... http://www.shed.com/tutor/audrey.html
I will talk about her more sooon....
posted by Chuck Pierce 7:05 AM 1 comment

"I don't eat cereal in public; it's just rude"

Damn I am just not sleeping well this week. TFM woke up WAY late and is haveing to scream up to work like a banshee. Got a comment below but I will reread it and reply later, I know better than to do it when I first get up. Thanks btw fols for all the emails on the subject, most of the things mentioned have already been covered. I got a absolutly wonderfull and incredably informative email from my aunt last night also. But I forgot to ask her if I can post in its entirety.. Its fairly large and very personal for her so I will wait till I get an ok. But was needless to say incredably informative. Well TGIF and that friggng check had better be at the P.O. Box. The trust swears it was mailed on Wed.
I for once really am not broke, but I want to pay all my bills. hheheh i took a few hours since I had so much time this week and got em all ready to be mailed in way way in advance. I just want to send em so I can forget about em.
Tonite is going to be interesting. I am gonna look at the weather, and if it is farily nice I might go and camp out down at the fest. WTF not like I need to wave goodby at the airport to anyone. Ok well shower time... poof... BTW notice I took 2 showers Yest, Must be, um that L word that I never use when she would then use it against me.
posted by Chuck Pierce 6:58 AM 4 comments

Thursday, October 04, 2001

What a wonderfull night. We wnet out to the Shogun resturant, one of the places where they cook right on the table in front of you. Had the table to our selves and had a wonderfull time. Then we ended up the night haveing Ice Cream sundays and I droped her off early enough to get some sleep. All in all a wonderfull night. Of course the XGf picked the perfect time to finally return my call. hhee oh well told her I was busy and hopefully she will call back at some point so we can sort a few things. Ok well i am wiped out, time to crash in a big way.
posted by Chuck Pierce 10:38 PM 0 comments

I am sitting here on my group W bench (long story) playing on the net, and I am hearing the wierdest noises nknown to man. For the first couple minutes I thought it was a cow. The I figured it was a cow with digestive problems. Then I finally gave up and went and looked. The landlordett is learning the trumpet. Had he says his 3rd lession in school today. But Mom is trying to get the baby to fall asleap so he is practiceing out behind the shed. Practiceing is a VERY loose use of the word. But just imagine a very very sick cow giveing birth to say a VW bug and thats about what it sounds like. Very strange thing to listen too.

But amuseing

Anyways, Now i need to go get ready, or I am gonna be late. Got a date with the GF tonite since I am person non gratis with the family. Don't know where we are going yet, but I will improvise. Later all...
posted by Chuck Pierce 5:15 PM 0 comments

Sad thing is I have lots of other things to think about today. Went out by myself for lunch just to get away a bit, and cause I was in such a bad mood and to cause a bit more hate and discontent in my life, stoped in to see the XGF. Well see is a bit strong, walked into her office and said "thanks for calling me back", and left. hehe I am so easy to amuse. Called her like 1.5 weeks ago, and was getting pissed she never bothers to call me back. Oh well.

And I now have almost a complete collection. I got pulled over, Again. This time in falmouth for speeding. HEHEH My bad, I was fumeing and not paying attention. Only going like 9 over and got a warning. But that is all the surrounding towns cept Yarmouth, and I never get pulled over there. So one more decoration for the fridge. Lucky i am geting so many magnets. Got like 4 more in includeing one from Texas with my name on it, and a couple of generic ones from around the world. Keep em coming folks, I still need more.
posted by Chuck Pierce 3:17 PM 7 comments

Sigh, this is completely pointless, and a complete waste of my time and effort, but just for shits a giggles lets try it again. So here it is, an open letter to the CFM.

You in no way nice and politely asked for me to not use your name, you threatened me and went about it very belligerently. The sad fact you CFM is I did NOT use your name till after you made a stupid stink about it. Whom I talk about is none of your damn business, even if it concerns you. Read the constitution moron. If you want to accuse me of Libel, feel free. If you really want to I will dig out the email that happened in what May? I made a joke about you in passing and you acted like I was out to get you. Moron, you are not important enough that I would have a vendetta to try and get you. On that note, I don't believe the word stupid has been used. Once again learn to read what I say before you blow up. I call you CFM cause you are one. Don't like it? Change my perception. Other than that deal with it. You are being called for the way you are acting. Words have meaning, so use them correctly.
to quote you, accurately notice, "I don't do drugs, I never have done drugs, and I am not some pathetic alchoholic that lives from drink to drink." Bullshit. Sorry but I watched you. I have watched you many times. For one semantic reason both alcohol and nicotine and caffeine are all drugs, but we were in fact talking about Mary Jane. Lie to the world if you want, I really don't care, but we both know the truth. And we were not alone on the boat you moron. As to drinking, name once I have seen you in the last 10 years where you did not either have something to drink in your hand or next to you. Maybe it is part of your life and you no longer see it, but it has been there. Driving under the influence of any drug is stupid, illegal, and dangerous. Period. Ask the surgeon general or any cop.

My history with school you can not even get right. Yes I left school with out graduating, Because I was bored. Now a days I would have been diagnosed with ADHD but back then it was not as prevalent. I also got in the top 2 percentile on my sat's (math at least. ehhe) I had a scholarship offer for 3 years waiting for me if I ever wanted to goto school. But I didn't. You would never remember or know that I got the 2nd highest score on the G.E.D. ever recorded in Maine. And I took it one day on a whim after work, 2 years after I left school. As far as I know none of us Pierce kids have ever been called "stupid".

Once again, learn to read moron, "And for Chuck to running home and posting on his website that I was "drinking and drugging" is a bold faced lie." Yea it is a bold faced lie cause I did not post that, its easy to see it is even time stamped.

You poor pathetic moron, no one is out trying to get you. I posted my daily thoughts as I do everyday about everything. They were not nearly as harsh as they could have been. You endangered my life and I was stupid enough to get back in the car with you, luckily I do learn from mistakes. As to the GF making comments, she can only speak of what she see's or hears. If you don't like the fact that everyone you grew up with thinks of you with a cloud around your head then don't smoke it.

As to me trying to hurt you, well I guess thats where you really earn your new acronym (CFM) I could not have been happier that you seemed to have your life in order. I was even willing to give you the benefit of the doubt that the other night was a one time occurrence. But you have made it fairly clear on here by your words that you really "do not get it". If I was not so sad at the way you acted, or bothered by your actions why would I ever bother to talk about you. The fact that I left your house very disappointed and depressed should be a big clear sign maybe that is why we are talking about you. You get judged by your actions, don't like the judgment change the actions.

What I am afraid you have missed the most, sad as it may be, is. This place exists for me to talk out my problems to myself. If others enjoy reading about a day in my life, fine. But I do it for me. Maybe you failed to read the disclaimer in the journal info so I will quote in part..."Well it is my daily thoughts, expressed in journal form. Before you look at it you should keep a few things in mind. It is MY Journal, so if you do not want to know what I am up to, don't read it. It covers a very wide gamut of rants, thoughts, and feelings. The language used is mine. I rarely bother to edit it for public so if I need to use a certain word to convey my feelings I will. Please also understand I rarely if ever proof read it, or spell check it, and my grammar is to say the least a creation of me. Please do not feel you need to tell me about spelling errors or so forth cause I really do not give a rat's ass about them. My "net" names and my personal name is all meshed here along with my "net" personalities and the real me. If you are easily offended then just go get stuffed now. If you strongly feel love/hate for me, now might also be a good time to go because getting to know the real me might change those views. "

And to continue...
"This page is provided without warrent of any kind as to reliability, accuracy, or actual existence. Chuckpierce.com specifically does not warrant, guarantee, imply or make any representations as to its usefulness for any particular purpose and furthmore shall have no liability for or any responsibility to you or any other person, entity or deity with respect to any loss or damage whatsoever caused by reading, absorbing, understanding, or being read to any parts of this journal or any attempts to vent your rage by hammering your keyboard or dropping your computer into a deep well or by any other means whatsoever and moreover asserts that you indicate your acceptance of this agreement or any other agreement that may be substituted at any time by coming within eyeshot of this journal or by observing it through large telescopes or any other means."

Says it all doesn't it. I was so willing to help you in any way I could have, I was willing to give you stuff you wanted from Dad, To loan you a gun for your squirrel crusade, Give you webspace with out you even having to ask. And FYI webspace costs $. But I was more than willing to do whatever I could to help you, yet all I hear is that I was attacking you.
It is sad cause you could learn so much about me, no innuendo, no why did he say that, its all here in black and white. My thoughts my feelings as I have them. I have had a hard year, lost damn near everything I loved through no fault of my own. And yet I continue and come on here to help myself work through it. I am so sorry you feel you do not have a place here, but deal with it. I allow other people the opportunity to submit feedback, this is a choice I made. You could use this opportunity to actually learn what I was upset about (by um, reading?) or continue to be a CFM. Either way, you do not now nor will you ever be able to control my content. You end by telling me to grow up, well Ok. That is the general idea.
posted by Chuck Pierce 3:03 PM 0 comments

Well for those of you who have not yet, take a few mins and read the comments from yesterday. I get spanked by folks left and right. Frankly I think they are wrong, and that their vision is either clouded or that they also suffer from creative reconstruction like I do. But that is their right. You really should go read yesterdays comments though, cause I am responding to them here.

I did misspeak myself and I think that is was started most of the hostilities. Mom had a large number of items of Dad's and asked me which ones I really felt I had to have. After careful thought over a few days I told her what I really wanted and what I thought would be more appreciated by others. Some items I do not remember even having a choice over so I did misspeak myself when in a conversation about them I said " I know I gave you those" And I apologized for it on more than one occasion. That was not my intent, my intent was to say I knew you had them and I had agreed you would treasure them more than me. Seems a dumbass thing to get all caught up over, especially since the items of Dads that I wanted I have talked with him about for 10 years. Only 2 things were really important to me, one was Dad's jackknife. Sounds like a dumb thing to care about in todays throw away world, but to me it was. It originally belonged to my oldest brother who died many many years before I was born. Dad carried it in his pocket every day for as long as I could remember. The covering is all worn down and the blade is way beyond any sharpening but I did not want it to use it. I just remember the many times he cut into an apple with it and handed me a piece. or the way he treasured it for so many years never using it when it was not suitable, walking back to the garage for a carpet knife to cut a small scrap of something when he had a knife in his pocket. It is my only tie to a brother I never met and still know next to nothing about. It now sits on a shelf, where I look at it every day. Sometimes, I even use it to cut up an apple.
The other things I really cared about were the guns. Dad's guns are old, they are worth next to nothing and in many cases the safeties are so unsuitable they are unsafe to even carry. But I wanted them cause they remind me of all the good times we had hunting, of Dad teaching me to shoot with them and then correcting my mistakes. Some of them I already had, like his shotgun, cause it was just plain dangerous for him to use. So I had years ago replaced it for him and now the old one is a wall hanger. Glen lately had decided that he wanted one of them, and at first I was going to let him have the 22. But it was the first gun I ever fired, and I remember the stories of when Dad first got it. In fact I have the scope Dad bought back during WW2 when it was so hard to buy anything. When it was replaced for one that Dad could actually see through I took the old one home. The gunshop refused at first to mount it on a 22 for me, saying it would cost more than purchasing a brand new and 100 times better one, but I just smiled and paid happily to have it put on. Many a time I have missed a target because of that scope and just smiled in remembrance. When Mother no longer has a need for it, I will have the old scope remounted and it also will be a treasured part of my collection. Till then, Mother uses it and I will not deprive her of it.
Other than that i actually brought very little of Dads home. A few small things like his very old down winter suit, useless to anyone else because it was to small for Dad, but I have many memories of him out snow blowing the driveway with it. And his golf clubs. Since everyone in the family is right handed and they are left, I have been having fun learning to replay golf left handed. And god do I suck, but it is fun and thats the point. Other stupid things, like the Firepoker I helped hold while a blacksmith bent it to Dads exact proportions many years ago, And Dads straw hat he used to wear when the mood came over him. Small things but important to me.
Many of the things though I knew others would treasure far more than me and so did Mom. So anyway, once again, I did not mean it in such a way to imply it was only my choice.

Sigh I guess I should continue this on though I know its a bad idea. But lets give it a try...

Yana, please reread what I wrote. Lord knows I do enough to get yelled at, at least quote me correctly. Trust me I do enough to get in trouble with out any help. But I stated in there very clearly "Maybe he wasn't drunk, but if so its worse, cause being drunk he at least had an excuse for being such a complete asshole." as to him drinking the same as me that is wrong. I had ONE glass of cider, and I then did not drive for 1.5 hours. Glen was finishing wine when I walked in, he then had cider at least one glass and then opened a beer or 2. Any ANYWAY, it is a moot point, he was driving while his reaction time and judgment was faulty due to the influence of alcohol. Since he drove through a stop sign at over 40 mPH this is I think hard to debate. As to the drugs, as I said clearly he DID do drugs in front of me the time before when I had saw him. Period. And he then bragged and talked about it for 20 mins. He says and I believe him that he would not have if a buddy had not offered it, but that is no excuse at all. I am so sorry that you got a bad impression of me, and I was very much looking forward to meeting you. I noticed you stayed out of the general conversation after a bit but put it down to your allergic reaction and being tired. I am glad if you get along great with Glen, and happy that you enjoy his company so much. I would love to spend time with you and talk about me, it is in fact my favorite subject. Frankly we rarely "sit around and think up bad things to say about people" up here either with a few (glaring) exceptions. The sad fact is that I never sit around and think up things about Glen because I don't think about him. Sad as it is, life is to short to deal with CFM's.

Larry, Same thing, please reread what I said. You have a the great advantage of not having to argue about what I did and did not say. It is here in black and white. So do try to not misquote it. I already commented on your conditions and I wont escalate this further but to say. (hmm that makes alot of sense don't it.. I wont continue the fight, but before that let me just say this.) I am sorry you feel that I said things "about someone elses life or History just to piss them off" That was not my intent. Hell trust me, we could have a great time getting into it about microsoft and computers, if we wanted to just fight. And I am really sorry that you all seem to take me saying "I am really glad you look like you have your life in order" as a frigging insult. I was glad, it is that simple. Don't tell me that I am saying lies about people unless you got the proof to back it up. I was so complete floored by you and the realization that the argument you and Dad had was partly my fault, That I was and still mostly am willing to do alot to build a relationship. But I can tell you right now, we can be friends, even close family, But if you think you can do that and use words like "I WILL NOT ALLOW" and "I am the oldest and I will TAKE control! " then let me steer you right. You can set any limitation you wish on us getting together I will either meet them or we will not get together, that is as always your right. But you need a hell of a lot more behind you before you can start to tell me what to do or say. And by the same token I can set any conditions on what behavior I will have around me. When Glen stops drinking and drugging and gets his life straight then we can talk. Till then, he is just a part of the nameless masses who can only be pitied.
posted by Chuck Pierce 12:46 PM 27 comments

Oh and I survived the night without the CFM kicking my ass... I allmost feel special.
What a CFM only like 10 people even know where I live right now.
posted by Chuck Pierce 6:58 AM 0 comments

"Oh brother where art thou"

Wow, slow to move today, gonna be a long one. Didnt sleep to well, prob should not have eaten all thous dried apples. Should get a big ass check in today, least I hope so. If its not here tomarrow someone is going to have to get my boot surgically removed from a sensitive area. Its not even that I am broke anymore, cause I got an other check in, and I could allways have dipped into the saveings. its just that I wrote out checks for every bill I owe on and I want to mail em and forget about em. OK well shower time. Pooof
posted by Chuck Pierce 6:57 AM 0 comments

Wednesday, October 03, 2001

She does deserve a night out anyways. Tomarrow is payday and she deserves it for all the time I have not been around. And also cause she hasnt had a Prozack moment for quite a while. West wing was great, and a new Law and Order.. Cool beans.
posted by Chuck Pierce 10:08 PM 1 comment

On a good not CFM note, It is good TV night.
Ed is still missing, but West Wing is on. Show is still way up there as a favorite. Its a out of series one tonite, pretty much in support of the Ny rescue,firefighters, and cops.
Nice of em to do it. And so far its not bad. Good. I need some entertainment tonite. I allmost ina bad enough mood to call teh XGF and raise hell, but not quite. Oh good, Ed comes back next wed. Tomarrow since I can I bet saftly assume my company will be spurned by my brothers, I am gonna take the GF out on a date. Yea the whole 9 yards, i might even pick her up and drive. Yeck least 50% that I will pick up the check, I am just such a soppy romantic guy. Hmm maybe Ill get her drunk and then see what happens. hehe.
posted by Chuck Pierce 9:37 PM 0 comments

Glen C Pierce
Who just ordered me to no longer talk about him. Well tough. He told me and I am almost quoting to not use his name or he will beat me senseless. Well, wrong attitude shithead.
But since I really don't need to fight with anyone especially a complete fucking moron, we will refer to him as a new acronym. I think CFM fits really well don't you? The sad thing is it was apparent to me by the way he was acting he is not so much mad at me but mad at himself, so I should just blow it off and let it go, but I don't feel the need. Screw you, and your attitude. It is your life and you can do what you want, but I resend my earlier offer to wait a bit and see if you calm down. You complain you have never had a big brother, well maybe is cause you are such a poisonous little snot. I was so excited that you seemed to have your act in gear, but I was deluding myself. Lets do a short retake, seen you 3 times in the past few years, all in the last few weeks. Every time I have, you have had your hand on a drink. I take you out with me and a friend and yes we had a real good time, but you drank steadily the whole time, and when your buddy offered you a bowl you sure as hell didn't say no. Yes it was nice of you to move downwind, but bragging about how good weed you found and how you spent 250 bucks on a bag of it the night before makes me sick. It was cool of you too bring some fireworks and they were fun, but notice you were shooting them in my direction within minutes. All in all you are a complete fuck up. I don't do drugs, I don't like people who do drugs. And I don't spend time with people who do drugs. Most people can at least respect my feeling and keep it out of my face.
The fact you can't learn to shut the hell up and let me spend some time with my other brother is mind boggling. And the fact you got so worked up about a dumbass argument about what the lights on the horizon are is unbelievable. Sad part is you were wrong, sorry if you have lived there for years, but you were wrong. I was also wrong in part funnily enough, but it is stupid to tell someone who has climbed most of the towers in the area what is what. Hell I have changed a few of the light bulbs on the towers we were looking at so it was a dumbass argument.
You are going to be 30 years old this year, and you are still a CFM. You have a as far as I could tell a wonderful girlfriend with 2 cute kids. But I for one am scared to consider you in a house with 2 kids. You might be the greatest thing in their lives, I don't know, but your actions so far tell me you need to be in a AA program not around kids. But as I said, I do not know, but it concerns me. So the ongoing count continues, last time I talked to you and you were not drinking was in High School... I would be proud. You asked why your sister has issues with you, and I tried to give you my perspective, but instead of listening you just attacked me. Well congrads, you have only one brother and sister and one 1/2 bro and sis. Funny, the ones who actually like or speak to you were the ones not around when you were young. No that's not fair I can't speak for the others. So well to sum up, you want a big brother, then get your head out of your ass. I once again I made an overture and you pissed on my outstretched hand. Sorry if you do not want to read about yourself, but its easy to fix, turn off the power switch. But you will never tell me what I can and can not say or think. I don't accept threats from CFM's let alone family. If you don't want the world to know what a CFM you are, then grow up.
posted by Chuck Pierce 8:44 PM 9 comments

Well now I think I need to take a breather, but I am not gonna. So strap on the saftey belts cause I am pissed.

Let me start off by saying, This is MY place. Period. I allow and encorage comments and feedback. But I say what I damn well please about whomever I please. Some poeple are adult enough to respect this and if they do not like what they are going to read they do NOT come here. But to put it simply, anyone who wants can at any time disagree with anything I say, but hire your own hall. People now a days, hmm let me make that kids, never learned to respect property rights. This is MY place, period. So if you don't want to be mentioned on here, don't fuck with my life. If you don't like what I say feel free to send me an email and I will forward my lawyers office number. This rant is brought to you curtosy of...
posted by Chuck Pierce 8:07 PM 0 comments

Well was bored and roaming around Google today. hehe try this one, and no I still havnt bothers to do it linked right. or I might have, lets see.
Darn sometimes I impress myself. HEHe Waiting patently for Boydo to get home so I can go over and play with Audrey.
Don't ask, its a computer thing.. I will tell ore about it once I play with one.
posted by Chuck Pierce 5:52 PM 0 comments

Well I am not overly pleased about this brother crap. But screw it. He knows how to find me and the conditions I will accept. He has not been in my life for a long ass time and life will go on with out him in the future I am sure. Just a shame that he could not have just shut up while the big bro was visting. Oh well screw it.
So what else is going on today, Eating a crap load of the apple pieces I dried the other day. Played on the comp for a few hours. cleaned for about 12 secs, and now bored. Oh well I will keep myself occupied I am sure. Feel damn dumb for takeing the week off for what turned out to be a useless reason.
posted by Chuck Pierce 2:35 PM 4 comments

Well did not really sleep worth a shit, but life goes on. I guess my problem is I am just not good at dealing with irationality. If I do something wrong, and you get pissed fine. Hell if ya wait 20 mins I am sure to do something you can get pissed at, but to give me crap for an hour over dumbass stuff just really bugs me. Be interesting to see how he behaves if he was dry for a few weeks. Oh well screw it I have enough important things to obsess over. Off like a turd of hurtles.
posted by Chuck Pierce 7:30 AM 3 comments

"Have a coke and a smile and shut the F up.

Well, went over to spend time with my brothers. What a dumb ass idea that was. My younger brother just can't help but be an ass at times I guess. Don't want to be to hard on him but jesus, he really ruined tonite for me. Spent the whole night giveing me shit for stuff that happened 10 years ago. The he decides we HAVE to go see this view from the top of some hill down the road. Its a view, woohoo. I have flown over most of southern Maine, I have climbed damn near every mountain in Maine and NH I don't need to see some view by moonlight. But I was polite and went and smiled, trying like hell to enjoy for his sake. He had in my opionion to much to drink and was trying to show off for some reason. Drove like a banshee and I guess I failed to be impressed. Sigh. No really I tried, I tried real hard. He was a complete ass, but I just let it go and kept changeing the subject. But no he could not shut up if his life depended on it. Maybe he wasn't drunk, but if so its worse, cause being drunk he at least had an escuse for being such a complete asshole. My older Bro was very cool and put up with it better than me, but if I want abuse I will go pick a fight with the XGF's dumb ass daughter. So anyways, I guess for now all plans to do shit are off. I was gonna go down the Saco with them tomarrow, but frankly I would rather clean my sock drawer. It would be cool to be able to spend time with them both but I have no need to be abused for hours stuck in a canoe. So fuck him. If and when he wants to grow up I am here. It just so sad, I really thought he had his life in gear. He has a great GF who has 2 for all I could see great kids. Got a nice place, and seemed to have his life in gear. But it is just not cool to hold his whole life against me. I don't make him drink or do drugs so deal with your own problems. Was gonna go out to dinner with them all, give the women folk a chance to all meet and gossip or whatever. But much as I would like to at least take my older bro out, it would prob cause way to much tension there. We shall see, I will let them decide what they want to do. Just glad he didnt pull this shit in a resturant, cause I would have walked out. So anyways, I took the whole week off and now I guess I can do some of the crap I needed to get done. We shall see. Lord knows I am not the easyest person allways to deal with. I was tired tonite and I prob shoulda said no, But I was really looking forward to makeing a bond with the moron. Oh well live and learn I guess a lepord never changes his spots. Of course the person who really suffers is my Older bro. Well I tried, nothing else I can do.
posted by Chuck Pierce 12:13 AM 59 comments

Tuesday, October 02, 2001

What a long ass day. loaded and put in place about 2 yards of mulch. Tired me right out and it took most of the afternoon. i was planing on getting out of here at 3 ish but didnt happen. Maybe I can get over to see the bro's tomarrow. Well dinner time got 2 big squash from the landlordess and gonna fry em up with enough butter to plug a few arteries i hope.
posted by Chuck Pierce 4:22 PM 0 comments

Back from the morning run and mildly irritated, Was asked to help out here today and every one is gone. Sigh. My bro's are doing mount Wash and I woulda went if I had known. oh well I am sure they will be back soon.
On that note we are going to go out to eat this week, the Bro's. And my moron brother insists apon going to the most expensive resturant in Maine. Not that I care about the cash, but I was planing on talking more than eating, so what is the point of paying a crap load. But if it makes him really happy I wont complain, just is a waste. Ok well gonna go putter I guess.
posted by Chuck Pierce 10:54 AM 0 comments

Well sleep is not happening well. So I am makeing myself some tea.
Ya know I was really into stars when I was young, not astrolegy per say but stars. But I was allways amazed at the pictures people saw up there. I just don't have the right imagination for it I guess. But anyways its about freezing outsdie and the stars are beutifull, cept the moon is full and bright. Orion is finnaly up and Canis Major too. Funny that after all there years I can still name about 4 stars. Orions shoulders, Betelgouse and Rigel. The dog star Sirous and of course the north star polaris. All have special meaning. Betlegouse is a giant red and shows it, Sirous is the brightest star in the sky, though actually it is 2 stars. Rigel is also a blue white and very nice. Polaris is just there, and a constant. OK water is ready.. Night all take 4
posted by Chuck Pierce 3:50 AM 1 comment

Support the Maine economy, Smoke.

Yea a new .75 tax just went into effect in Maine, great incentive to force me to quit, again.
Wakeing up every hour or so wich is annoying as hell. Also kinda obsesing on the fact the XGF is blowing me off. I should be glad but it bugs me. Oh well, got alot to do tomarrow damn it I need to catch up on sleep. Boydo wants me to get a bunch of stuff done here tomarrow and I said I would. SHould also probably call my Bro and see how my other brother is doing while he visits. Oh well, gonna be going over there for dinner this week in theory and I am kinda looking forward to it. Bit of a chance to show off my georgous GF. Reminds me, I really will redo stuff soon and get some pictures up. been meaning to for weeks. Ok well guess I should go back to bed
posted by Chuck Pierce 1:44 AM 0 comments

Monday, October 01, 2001

Well Mom should be about at her sisters today in Devon, hope she is haveing fun and all that. I cut up and peeled and so forth about a dozen apples today. We picked soem fresh Mac's yest. So anyways got em strung accros the liveing room drying. I really need to buy a dryer someday, but this way works. Well i think I might try and crash. Night all
posted by Chuck Pierce 6:18 PM 0 comments

Well made it through an other 9 hour day. Got 3-4 hours of sleep so thing are better. Had a great time last night but boy was I tired this morning. This is gonna be a screwy week to so we shall see what happens. Think now I need to find some food... Forgot to bring some this morn and im hungry.
posted by Chuck Pierce 4:55 PM 0 comments

"Yea Baby"

Well we had fun. Now it is 4 hours after I got home and I am trying to wake up so I can goto work and sleep. The first annual Heather night was not perfect, but also was not to bad. We had a good time and all that I was just sad because to bad managment and haveing the idea at the last minute we nevver found the movie. So we say 2 others instead. Had indian food not really sure why but it was good and um drank heavly.
So anyways I am awake, might take the comp back up there again but I think I am just gonna not bother and go sleep. My comp is not exactly portable.

Oh also ran into an old friend last night who I only see every 2-3 years. Was amuseing in its own right. Ok well here I go, came in WAY after dark and leaveing before the sun is even considering showing. And peopel say my life used to be dull.
posted by Chuck Pierce 5:43 AM 0 comments

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