Hey you know what happens when you take a pasty white boy who lives in a cave and put him out in the sun with out a shirt? Yea well other than blinding people in all directions he also turns bright red. Yea I fried my back a bit, well, and everywhere else too. No worries, cept when you have a little monster on your shoulder once again checking if your shoulder is edable. Anyways, he is being a dream. I am still afraid I am going to wake up and find out he is back to being so unhappy. He just slept 5 hrs, and woke up smilly and happy and sucked down 5 oz. me gad, I guess I wont turn him in for the deposit after all. Oh and did I mention my feet hurt? But exercise is good for me, really it is, if nothing else it gives me something to complain about other than Eli. On that note (watch how slick this is) John wants to go striper fishing all day Sun and invited me to come and bring Glen. But I have taken advantage of Sharon watching the tyke 2 times in one week so I told him I didn't think I could do it.
posted by Chuck Pierce 11:28 PM8 comments
Well we have a/c in the car. .Yeah. Bout time. Well we had a good time. We went and walked about back bay and met all kinds of nice people, and a few not nice ones. One lady I nearly decked, she walked up and just fliped up the sun cover and reached for his foot. I snaped it over her hand and asked her if she wanted to be decked. And then proceded to explain in a loud voice as she scampered away that is is incredably rude to not even ask permision. Not to mention it was a very hot sun and he can not be in the sun. And DO NOT reach out and touch my child with out going through a full decontam you fat smelly pig. I got a few rounds of applause I might add. So ok the next thing I need to do is run a piece of thread from the back to his pacifier. Cause let me tell ya no fem walks by a screaming baby. So if I can pop it out and generate a full scream at the right moments.... Could be very usefull. Gives me an excuse to move into the shade and pop the sun cover up. Anyways, was a good time, he screamed alot and I walked 4 miles and now I hurt. But it was well worth it. Then i went over to the Great Lost Bear (Support your right to arm Bears) and since he was hot and in full scream mode they stuck me all by myself. i had my own waitress to come and talk to me and play with Eli and everything. very nice. I am not really in the habit of going out to eat alone but the loaner they gave me was a POS and I didn't want to go far. Anyways, Eli was with me so I was not alone. Not that he is really talkative, sigh. Or is that a good thing. Anyways, lots o exercise for both of us and hopefully we will sleep again well tonight. Of course right now he is PISSED cause I wont feed him. He is gonna have to wait till 6 ish. hey I know trying to get an infant to follow a sched is nuts, but since I started not feeding him inside of 3.5 hrs he has been 500x happier... mostly.
posted by Chuck Pierce 4:54 PM2 comments
Damn can this day get any better. He slept 4 hour incraments all night. Slept and or didnt freek the whole drive this morning. Just had a major fuss time but he was filling a diaper, and now he is sitting htere stareing at me. He stares well. I would get up and play with him but there is not exactly alot to play with. i mena, he hasnt figured out the hands are his yet or well, anything. So I do play with him but he really misses the point I think. But all I can say is thank god the formula is kicking in. So this afternoon we are going to drop off the car and then walk around Back Bay in Portland and pick up chicks. Or well think about it at least. I still have not figured out a way to say, "His mother was the love of my life but she went insane and doesnt talk to me anymore so he is all mine, want to move in? " with out it sounding desperate. hehhehe Ok well i amuse myself at least.
posted by Chuck Pierce 11:27 AM0 comments
"The wonders of childbirth revisted"
Ok sit down, you are not going to believe this, he just did a feeding at 8,12, and 4. Yes those are 4 hour intervals. Cept for a nice crying fit tween 6:30 and 7:30 he was quiet and asleep all night. My god this must be a dream. This keeps up and I might have to find something else to complain about.
posted by Chuck Pierce 3:57 AM1 comment
Tuesday, July 30, 2002
Long ass day. The ac was not fixed even though I sat there for 4 hours. They changed the lines and got it all happy then the compressor caught on fire. So tomarrow I get that replaced. Sigh. I am beat. poof.
posted by Chuck Pierce 7:54 PM0 comments
"This to shall pass" Long but good night. He actually did 3 hour intervals. WOOHOO. So I am tired but not as bad as I was. But I bet today will be hell. I think the nurse was right, the two things she suggested was no interrval feedings... If he ate make him wait at least 3 hours till next one. Formula on top of formula might be what was causeng so much gas, that and not try and stuff him. so I did 3 ozers all night and he didnt complain.
posted by Chuck Pierce 6:55 AM0 comments
Monday, July 29, 2002
My god he is still awake, and not screaming. just looking around and even acting happy. Well this is the longest he has stayed awake in the swing. I should take him out and play with him but then he might start squeeling
posted by Chuck Pierce 8:14 PM0 comments
Well I made so,e of my world famous corn Chowdah for dinner. yea it IS hot as hell, but it will last a few days and I felt like a major meal then crashola Of course, this is all contigent on him going down.......... he isnt. Ate, screamed for 20 mins and now is rocking and watching me. Sigh. Wide awake. Oh well, he will sleep eventually and he stoped screaming so thats a start.
posted by Chuck Pierce 7:34 PM0 comments
OK well for anyone who cares, I fixed the archives. Yeah. Wasnt easy, but now you can see all the old ones. Super cool huh. I got him to go down for 10 mins and that is what i did. I never did get a nap damn it, the nurse called just as i was going to. So I guess we will stuff his face and mine and then crash.
Tomarrow is gonna be wierd. No Eli on the run. He has been with me since day 3 of his life. Sharon is gonna sit with him tomarrow morning. Since the forcast is 85-92 it will be to hot for him in the car. The good news is they got the piece in for my AC so at 1:30 I go and have then fix it. Then we can drive and not bake. Course, we then wont need it ever again, i mean this is Maine. Sigh.
posted by Chuck Pierce 6:06 PM0 comments
Well just had a visit from the traveling nurse. He now weighs 9.14. Right on the curve.. woohoo.
And best of all he had a fit while she was here. I was beginning to think I was just insane when he acts so upset. But she got to have the fun of trying to sooth him and it didn’t happen. So we a re going to give the formula a few more days and try some different feeding things and times. But she thinks it might be acid reflux. He also has a nice case of acne breaking out. That is normal though. Big diff is no more small meals. He WILL go 3 hours and then get a full bottle. No more eating then wanting more in an hour. Since he is right on the curve we can try a few diff things and see if we can make him more comfortable. Damn the gas. Then again if I put him on the other formula he might start his own natural gas co.
Oh and she is going to come back agian in 2 weeks.. woohoo
posted by Chuck Pierce 4:57 PM0 comments
Well ok then. more legal crap so run now if you don't care. They came back with an other compramise and this time I said fine. ready for this wording? Plaintiff shall be and hereby is allocated the rights and responsibilities to make all decisions regarding the welfare of the child, including, but not necessarily limited to education, religious upbringing, medical, dental and mental health care, travel arrangements, child care arrangements. Additionally, Plaintiff shall provide the primary physical residence of the child. In the event the child suffers a serious accident or serious medical condition, Plaintiff shall provide notice thereof to Defendant.
Um ok, that ladies and gentlemen is also called sole parental rights and responsibilities. But they wanted it to not say that. ok fine. Amusing to say the least but thats what they wanted so hopefully they will just sign it.
Hopefully we can get this all wraped up in a few days. Woohoo. ok NAP TIME
posted by Chuck Pierce 2:01 PM3 comments
"Quit your bitching."
ok I am gonna try and not complain so much anymore, gonna be hard though since that is my default state. he did not have his worst night ever last night and I did get some sleep. (3rd worse and I got 45 mins) Opps wasnt supposed to add that. Anyways it is hot as hell and I am bakeing slowly. Got a crap load of bottles to wash then it is gonna be nap time.. hmm or maybe now. Remind me to rant about morn baby designers at some point. Fo example, why put cute little words on diapers for newborns.. 1. they can't read. 2. they have a hard tme looking at thier ass's. Just a thought. Ok well I need a nap. Hopefully I might leave Eli with someone tomarrow morning so he wont shake and bake in the car. The ac will finnally be fixed in the afternoon, the part finally came in.
posted by Chuck Pierce 12:12 PM0 comments
Sunday, July 28, 2002
Ok what did she do to my baby. He just was changed, had 2 oz burped and went back down like a lamb. man I give her a screaming beast and I get back a sleeping baby.. she changed him with an other one.. I hate to wake him up to check birthmarks, but this can't be my son who has fussed since granny left.
posted by Chuck Pierce 9:34 PM12 comments
What a day. I went fishing and Eli went to play. Little bugger he slept most of the day too. Anyways, we did like no planning in advance and did a fishing trip from the seat of our pants. Sharon, Glens wife to be offered to take care of Eli. I was nervous, not cause of Sharon but cause it was a long time to be away from the little guy. Anyways, she had no problems (big surprise) he got fed and changed and so forth on schedule (big surprise) and slept most of the day and for about 5 mins after I walked in the door and then woke up screaming (big surprise). But after a meal he went right back down and is sleeping (Wow that IS a surprise). Sharon not only kept the little bugger alive she also kept a list of when and how much he ate and so forth, AND her Mom cleaned and sterilized the bottles they used. Um ok folks, you do know that spoiling me like that is not exactly a good idea. I can get used to someone else doing all the work real easy. Anyways, Eli had fun and was a little angel so now he can be a pain for me all night. So we went fishing, Glen took like 12 hours to get ready but we finally hit the water and went out to Drunkards Ledge. And caught fish. A lot of fish. Glen kicked Johns and my ass by catching prob twice as many and by far the biggest, but then he also worked at it and fishes 500% more than I do. I relaxed and chilled. All we caught were junk fish Mackerel and so forth but it was fun to catch things and Glen did get a striper hit. I got bupkas but I basically threw it in the water and paid no attention to it. All in all it was a fun day and nice to get some time away. Now we continue on with the regularly scheduled life. No pics really cause every time someone got a fish on their line and I turned on the camera, the fish got away. No shit, was a riot. Glen sumed it up by sayng thank god I dont work for national Geo or we would never have seen a pic of an rare animal.
posted by Chuck Pierce 8:19 PM3 comments
Gone fishing. Be back later. Please leave a msg after the beep.
posted by Chuck Pierce 9:44 AM3 comments
I grew up in a strange strange house. every Sunday morning rain or shine we had Biskets and gravy. Yea that is breakfast. Mostly it was just eggs and biskets and a white sauce but still was a tad wierd. i guess it is a southern thing, but it has scar'd me for life. I can no longer look at a Sunday breakfast the same. So in the spirt of my dear departed father, I am gonna hve biskets for food this morning, but I have forgoten how to make the gravy. And no Mom do not send me the bloody recipie I am quite content in my selective memory. I need some sleep. i also need ot find out if we are going fishing. Hmm I guess I should call people.
posted by Chuck Pierce 9:09 AM0 comments
Wow what a wierd blogging night. I actually talked to one of them on AIM and found about 6 new blogs to read. Since I was up most of the damn night that was handy. Sigh.
posted by Chuck Pierce 9:01 AM2 comments
Ok so question, It is early am. You have once again had a pretty rough night. you have a baby screaming at the top of his lungs for food. You know he shouldnt need it. do you let him scream or do you give him food? Answer you give him 2 oz and he pukes it up over EVERYTHING. me my legs my chair the floor. Little bugger. When he wont stop screaming no matter what you do and he is not hungry then I got no clue what I should do. But then again he is so HAppy after he pukes.. goes right to sleep.
posted by Chuck Pierce 8:49 AM2 comments
Wierd dreams. I dremt I was in a hotel room with Eli and Glen keept wanting to bring people over to party in it. Was a very wierd dream.. and Glen wasnt Glen. Also that I was picking up girls.. Now don't get me wrong. I am single and pissed about it, so it is not wierd to imagine my picking up girls, but this was a matenity ward. um yea... NO.
posted by Chuck Pierce 6:43 AM2 comments
Ok this is big and awesome and probable an accident, but woohoo. he has been fussing for an hour now. Last 30 mins of it in his crib onhis tummy. since he was fussing when I held him there is no point still holding him when he just wants to fuss. So anyways, all of a sudden, quiet. absolute quiet. Now I am freeked out about sids. Absolutly unhappy about hte whole concept so it lasted about a min (the sillence) till I went and looked.. God I hope this is a trend. Of course it also shows how much I suck (pun intended) cause I never tried to give hima pacifier. Oh well, I think this is progress. Of course, I can't goto sleep while he is on his yummy and now I hate to wake him. Sigh.
posted by Chuck Pierce 3:02 AM2 comments
"Try real hard to not step on the Baby"
Well we might go fishing tomarrow. Since I have like done absolutly a complete lack of planning ahead it is a maybe still. Annoying John is ready to go, Glen is ready to go. And I think Sharon is willing and wanting to watch Eli. Course we have not actually taled to one an other juct generally signified a willingness to do this all. Kinda amuseing since I normally plan things out. Eli is not a happy camper at the moment but darned if I didnt just get 3.5 hours sleep ina row. I think thats a new record. Anyways, if I can get my head out of my ass and get organised we might go fishing. If not then maybe we will when I actually can plan something before hand. My mind is mush. Eli is sleeping on the floor tonight. On a quilt of course. But he is not complaining about being flat for once. Problem is I have him in the middle of the room and well,,, I am used to ignoring stuff on the floor. I came reall close to stepping on the bugger in my dazed I just woke up so stop screaming mode. He is almost happy about it but his nose is pluged up again.. Sigh.
posted by Chuck Pierce 1:43 AM0 comments
Saturday, July 27, 2002
Damn but sometimes I an idiot. Can you tell I am tired? Ok get this.. For dinner I was gonna have some hamburger helper and a salad..Mom is gone so I can eat normally again (heh) Ok so I got every thing ready. Since I am really well organised I actually date things that go in the freezer, well I need to mark what they are also I guess. Grabed a thing of hamburger and defrosted it then poped it in a frying pan. All pretty normal so far. Then i came back in a few mins to move it around, and guess what. it isnt hamburger. Nope it is that steack that is beat up so it looks like hamburger.. Well I guess I am haveing steak for dinner. Swift huh. You would think tween deforosting and dumping it in the pan I would have noticed. But nope, Hi My name is Chuck and I am a Moron.
posted by Chuck Pierce 7:15 PM0 comments
Sigh. Ok I guess I do bitch to much on here. But then I am good at it. He is fussing, I am tired. All is normal. Ok nuff bitching. Liza finally found the blog and figured out how to post comments.. YEAH. Bethy is still missing in action, but I have no fear someday she will remember. Nice to have Liza show up though, childhood friends can rule. Some turn out to be complete assholes when older, mentioning no names of course..... And some get better as they get thier own lives. Liza got better I think. We used to walk about 2 miles on a regular basis at night. About this time of year when the nights got a bit cool after a hot day. Good times, I have no clue what we talked about but I remember it was fun.
posted by Chuck Pierce 5:59 PM0 comments
Why is he alwas happier after he pukes.. Very wierd. but he did and he is.
posted by Chuck Pierce 4:40 PM1 comment
Well my friend came here instead so we rearanged some furniture and fed the beast and I claened some. Eli has a stoped up nose and is unhappy. Big suprise... But he is sleeping fitfully now, so I am gonna clean and get ready for the next feeding in an hour or so. Such fun.. I think I really might go out fishing tomarrow if Sharon wants to watch him, but I am not sure I am comfortabel elaveing him yet. I am really not sure if I can break away, but then again I might be able to handle it. We never had babysitters as kids and I am ok with that and don't really think I need to do much that he can't come with me on. But I am getting burnt out so I don't know. Wow I am rambling, can you tell i am exausted...
posted by Chuck Pierce 2:50 PM0 comments
"Be nice on your blog"
What a night. Was a very very long one. He is just still not happy withthe gas situation. Was incomsolable a few times dureing the night and you feel so helpless cause nothig works. Little buger. So today is gonna be fun. I get out of here around noon and then I am gonna meet up the Mr Seavey at all. He is down for the weekend and has yet to see the little guy. Since he has 2 little ones of his own both girls I can understand his reluctance. But I think it is my job to make sure eli and the landlordies daughter get together. Just for the fun of it. Ok wyea well thats 15 years away.. .Anyways so I think I am gonna go down to OOB (Old Orchard Beach) and vistit them. Of course they picked the one cold day we have had in 2 months. Oh well.
posted by Chuck Pierce 10:53 AM2 comments
Friday, July 26, 2002
This guy is sucha riot. He can lay on my stomach for an hour straight. Sleep like a baby. I take him off me and put him in the same position and he freeks. Put him back on me and poof instant sleep. hehe What a riot. I guess he cares. Of course he would prob be as happy with hot water bottle. Well I am bored. And tired. But more bored.
posted by Chuck Pierce 10:18 PM1 comment
This is a good week for movies. I rented a favorite the other day and The Thomas Crown affair is on tonight and it is also a fav of mine. Screw you tv guide giveing it only 2 stars.. it is a great flick. The one I rented is called barbarians at the gate. Special cause one of the characters in it is based in real life on a friend of mine. Very cool. We had a small bout with colic, but now it is ok. laid down with his head on my stomach and draped down off me and it worked this time. Course I didnt move for 2 hours.. sigh. I am a restless person i dont sit long. Hmm guess thats where he got it from.
posted by Chuck Pierce 6:56 PM1 comment
nap time. he is finally down and so am I.. zzzzz
posted by Chuck Pierce 3:32 PM0 comments
OK well I win the complete idiot of the award again.. 2 days in a row. I am up at work, and guess what I forgot.. Got food for him, and me, sleeping bag, clothes, hmm Oh yea Diapers. I have 3. Opps. Think those will last 24 hrs? Yea right. damn . I guess I need to goto a store.
Well I do feel pretty damn dumb. And Jacko and I are going to go 3 rounds here soon. Damn it I hate it when people screw my stuff up and then don't put it back. If you touch this computer, or any of it's cableing put it back the way it was asshole. God I hate people who never put things back. It is not like it is comunity property, it isnt. I brought it up here for my use only so cut the crap.
Damn I am pissed I forgot diapers. I have like 3 bags at home and now I have to go buy an other. Growl.
posted by Chuck Pierce 12:57 PM3 comments
OK I am already late for work and I havnt even started to pack most the stuff. Were gonna be late today. I think i might bring Guido with us though...
posted by Chuck Pierce 11:00 AM0 comments
"A good night means only a few fatalities"
Well, it is a start. We actually had a pretty good night.. Up at 1 and 3 then 5:27. Only prob is 5 one was a full scream that is pretty much ongoing. Sigh. Great way to wake up
posted by Chuck Pierce 5:44 AM0 comments
Thursday, July 25, 2002
Well that was not so bad. A nice long scream fit, bout 2 hrs and then peace settled. He just had 5 oz happly, 4 mix and last on just lacto free. So I think we might be on track. Laundry is done all bottles washed and I am exausted. But hell might as well clean as he screams. Either that or I need to get a closet big enough to stuff him into. Hmm I migh thave to build one. Ayways, dead tired, and he isnt... but thats ok. I am gonna put in ear plugs about 11 and sleep anyways. Food... I ate really health last 2 days, Lemon chix and rice and last night a huge salad and leftovers. So tonight I am eating Cinn buns. A whole tube. It is finally cool enough I can cook and not bake inside to. Tomarrow is a hell friday, loads o fun.
Mom has been gone a week now, and we are both still alive. And so is mom. I guess thats good.
posted by Chuck Pierce 7:51 PM4 comments
Well we are back and with Lacto Free formula. So far he is not thrilled. I am assumeing it tastes different and he is not really pleased but does eat when he gets real hngry. Also got 4 more bottles cause at this point I can not have to many. Hope thiss helps cause he was so unhappy before. we shall see.
posted by Chuck Pierce 3:41 PM0 comments
Ok then. We just had an other king of the stinky diapers. wow, these are just nasty. Anyways I think he is happier now and he got to piss on me while i was trying to clean him up to so he must be happy. I can hold all the things against him for when he grows up can't I.. stupid question, of course I can. He is still to gassy so screw this we are going to try lactofree formula and see if it helps. Nurse ok'd it so I am going to get some when I go out in a few mins. Then i have to drive to east gish and take annoying John to a new beater he bought for the winter so he can drive it home. Thinking, and just thinking about going fishing sunday. I don't think he is ready for it so I might pawn him off for the day. Baby for sale, real cheap..
posted by Chuck Pierce 11:22 AM5 comments
Well he is being wierd. Now he is as calm as can be. Playing and smileing and acting like he has not a care in the world. Ok. well, guess it is better than screaming.
posted by Chuck Pierce 7:01 AM0 comments
"Some may dream of freedon, some dream of peace. me I just want one fucking night of sleep."
Sorry, some abstract peotry to start the day. AHHAH I mean continue it, silly me who starts the day at 6 am, thats like 6 whole hours of torment already passed. He has STILL not dirtied a diaper ....WTF Ok I just used fuck in a sentance and now I am trying not to say he still hasnt taken a shit.. hmm weird. He has major gas, but it is bugging him not cramping and makeing him screem like a few days ago. i am afraid we need to change formula.. ARRRGGGg. I am gonna call the dr. today. Other than that, little sleep, but he was more uncomfortabel than pissed. He hasnt screamed much since last night when it got him nowhere.
posted by Chuck Pierce 6:23 AM0 comments
Wednesday, July 24, 2002
Ok very unhappy baby. Stuffed up nose and he just puked all over me. BUT he has finally stoped crying for hours, so progress.
posted by Chuck Pierce 9:48 PM0 comments
Ok well we have just had a nice bout with I am gonna scream no matter what you do.. So he is screaming.. Sigh. colic sucks and I think this is it.
posted by Chuck Pierce 5:08 PM4 comments
Well Crap. I hate it when I outsmart myself. Ok well, not hate it, but strongly dislike it. So here is my swift move for the month. I finally get the car into get a few tires replacd...But I had planed ahead and I had stoped at a junk yard a month ago and got a spare rim for the car. So today I go and spend 200$ that i dont have on tires. Ok fine, i needed one REAL bad and the other was darn close. So anyways, I had them take the better of the two and keep it on the rim and use the new rim for the car. So the end result is I get a full size spare tire.. Great plan, but minor opps. Ya see the huge space built in fo rthe tire is real big, but not tall enough so the back of the station wagon floor is not flat. DAMN. so I guess I got to rethink. Pisses me off though, dumb ass desginers...
posted by Chuck Pierce 4:45 PM0 comments
Someone wants to fill a diaper, but can't yet.. Makes for a very unhappy baby. Sigh.
posted by Chuck Pierce 1:04 PM3 comments
Somtimes I really miss Granny. Other times I wander the apartment for 2 hours swearing under my breath at her. Where the HELL did she hide my nail clippers. I am just about to use a pareing knife. This place is trashed. Despite my penchance for it being remotly clean, I have been sleeping instead. My bad.
And I am also pissed at you 2 people I gave my URL to at the fest cause niether of you has spoken up or emailed me... Get with it.
posted by Chuck Pierce 7:21 AM1 comment
Well I am awake but feeling very run down. Had wierd ass dreams about family and alligators. And why the hell would I ever keep them in my basement.. I don't think you could pay me enough... well anyways. I am tired. Got an apointment at 3 today to get new tires for the car, like I can afford em.. oh well.. sigh. It is only money
posted by Chuck Pierce 6:34 AM0 comments
Nut, I have to be up at 4 am. Why the hell is Glen up. Goto bed you moron
posted by Chuck Pierce 3:59 AM1 comment
"And the fact that the one thing I could do with, apart from a damn good shag, is one thousand pounds." From here.
Sorry but that line amused me.
God it can suck when feeding time comes. it takes time to warm up a bottle. But my god he screames like he is going to die NOW. and there is not alot of consoling him. But i have a way of fixing it now.. Yes a new invention by chuck...
You take a pacifier and you put 2 rubber bands on it, then you attach the band behind his ears and he can no longer spit it out.
Works great, or would if I dared to do it. I have this wierd feeling when he spits it out is cause he needs to take a breath. But hey, as long as he is quiet right?
Yes i am jokeing, but if I thought it wouldnt strangle him....
posted by Chuck Pierce 12:44 AM3 comments
Tuesday, July 23, 2002
Ok folks, new pics up. Go look if you want. www.chuck.cc
Includeing a dirty diaper pic just for the person who asked for one.
Oh and a soon to be famous 2 shot of me feeding and then getting puked all over.
posted by Chuck Pierce 9:40 PM4 comments
I am so sick of masaging nipples.
I should leave it that but I am also sick of cleaning the bottles too.
posted by Chuck Pierce 7:17 PM5 comments
Well he just spit up again. Fountain effect this time and I lost an other clean pair of shorts.. Not a biggy but I only have 2 pairs of shorts. so we are waiting till we give him more food. Yea right. theory is good, but he does not have a grasp of wait for a bit ok? no he tends to scream bloody murder. Sigh. So he is.
posted by Chuck Pierce 6:12 PM0 comments
Some days it just does not pay to get up. Oh wait I never went to bed…
Ok so here is the latest. Called the lawyer as he was about to call me. The lawyers had just talked and she wanted to make a change in the paperwork. Ok here is the rough change… Instead of WHEREFORE, Plaintiff prays that this Honorable Court enter an order awarding him sole parental rights and responsibilities respecting the said minor child pursuant to Title 19-A M.R.S.A. §1654. They want it changed to be allocated rights.
Ok so what is the difference. Sole rights mean she has no say until or unless she goes to the court and asks for some and gives a cause why. Ok .. makes sense. She can never give up her rights completely she can always ASK, and I can fight it if I must. What she wants is allocated rights. Me to still have sole custody and all that but in case say he needs life threatening surgery she would have to be consulted.
I said no. Screw that.
If we have to go to court then we will. Fine. I will probably come out with less than I have now but that would be ok. If I have full responsibility for him and she contributes nothing then she gets nothing. I have said from minute one that she can have contact with him, in fact I hope he gets to know his mother at some point. But if she wants to be a part of his life then she has to be a part, and that includes supporting him and actually talking to me. I have had no contact with her in what almost 6 months now at her choice. I have not contacted her because I was told not to. Same with her parents, it as been 4 weeks today and not the slightest attempt to make contact.
So my lawyer is going to let it sit for a few days and then tell them that we decline their proposal. I am sorry, maybe I am pigheaded but I think that she is playing games as she has since x-mass. If she wanted to see him all she had to do was call. If she wanted to see a picture all she had to do was call. Hell, I would not deny her a lot but she refuses to get within 20 miles of me so she has no reason to complain.
posted by Chuck Pierce 11:50 AM10 comments
Well we made it through the night. But I am dead on my feet so I am gonna come back and get a nap after morning run. He has had his 2nd feeding at 1/2 strength and all is well, cept he is very unhappy.
posted by Chuck Pierce 6:32 AM0 comments
"When I grow up I want to be a baby"
The baby is dead..
No not really you moron, but he is not wakeing up to eat. Looks at me, gives me a rasberry and closes his eyes again. Ok fine, he charts the course I am just the dumb father...
posted by Chuck Pierce 12:18 AM9 comments
Monday, July 22, 2002
well so far so good. he has sleept for an hour or too so gonna wake him in a few mns and try some 1/2 strength formual. if he spits this up it is er time.. Sigh. Nuts to worry about just some spit up/puke but he can dehidrate in hours.. so it is a biggy.
posted by Chuck Pierce 11:27 PM4 comments
Well TV sucks. i am watching "Meet the parents" amuseng premise and I have to admit I am mildly amused.. I would rather be asleep though. But cute. Since I have had the fun of doing a few complete parent meetings from hell I was amused. I still remember asking D's dad if I could propose. Christ, that one was loads of fun. Did me a hell of a lot of good too. That and the ONE time I broke my life time rules of never sleeping in the same house with someone while their parents are there too blew up, I am sympathetic to the guys.
posted by Chuck Pierce 10:18 PM0 comments
Oh and as a lession for the imagination, how much laundry can he mess up pukeing 3 oz twice...
Answer a complete crapload. 8-9 cloth diapers, 2 sets of clothing for him, 2 sets for me and a quilt
posted by Chuck Pierce 9:30 PM10 comments
Christ. This is gonna be fun. Eli is sick. He just puked it all up after 2 feeings... Thats bad. So i called the nurse and we are going to try 1/2 strength formula for the next 2 feedings. But if he pukes again then we get worried. Unreal, I was told by like 20 people that pedialite is useless and don't get any. Ok fine. Since one was a Dr. I didnt get any. Well the nurse wanted me to give him some. Oppps. I guess what people neglected to tell me was if they are under 1 month and puke more than once then you do use it. Sigh. So we try the 1/2 strength formula and it that doesnt work then we step back 10 and punt. he has been fussy as HELL all day so I figured I was gonna get some sleep tonite. Yea NOT. But he just crashed so I now have to stay up and watch him till he wakes up for a feeding. Sigh.
One month and the first big problem that I had to call about. I guess that is good. I do wish they would not say to have the mother do 4 hrs then you do 4 cause there aint no mother. Sigh. So ok here is the plan. gonna give it a few hours and see how it goes, he gets worse I am gonna call in the national guard and someone else is looseing sleep with me. Prob Faith or Sharon. But I will wait and see if he takes the next feeding fine first.
posted by Chuck Pierce 9:28 PM0 comments
I am tortureing my son. Really, just listen. He is complelty unhappy and has no interest in changeing to a happy state. So he is in his crib where he can not hurt himself to much and kicking and screaming. I was holding him but he decided I was a punching bag so he is on hos own for a bit. Not diaper rash either, i checked. But there is a cloud to every silver lining, at least he should sleep tonight. At this point he has been awake for 6 hours.. Straight.. and thats nuts. I need a supply of baby tranks.. Sigh. Oh well longer he is awake more chance I might get some sleep.
And I have been complaining a bit latly havnt I. Well, deal with it, it is my default state. But it is a wonderous thing I am doing. He grows and changes daily. Now if I can just not drown the little bugger we should be ok.
posted by Chuck Pierce 5:49 PM0 comments
Eli is one day short of one month old. And he is a frigging music critic already. Ok I know my voice sucks for singing, but I was happy. He was to for a bit then decided he wanted headphones or something. Everyones a critic. So i will just sing louder, ha, that will teach him.
posted by Chuck Pierce 12:04 PM2 comments
well today I really am wiped out already. Was actually woken byh the alarm, something that has happened so few times in my life I can not even remember the last one. Musta been the feedings at 12-1 and 3-4. Anyways I am awake and up if under protest.
posted by Chuck Pierce 6:33 AM0 comments
"So many people have come and gone, their faces fade as the years go by"
It really was cool to see old friends, I am glad we went to the fest...
God I remember the days when I would wake up at midnight and say, if I fall back asleap I can still get 5 hours.. Now I just hope I can get 1 hour. sigh.
posted by Chuck Pierce 1:04 AM0 comments
Sunday, July 21, 2002
Well here I am waiting for someone to wake up. He is so asleap I just changed him and he was just limp.. Not that thats a bad thing, he does love to get in the way when being changed. But he has to be awake to eat. and well, there is NO point in me going to sleep when he is due some food. But man it is so hard to wake a sleeping baby, cause you know he wont go back down.. Sigh. Ok well here we go, sigh.
posted by Chuck Pierce 10:01 PM0 comments
Other incoherent ramblings from a mind that is no longer on the usual wavelength…
How by all you hold holy and dear do you a get a frigging stroller into a porta-potty. I strongly recommend this as an intellectual challenge on the basics of geometry. Or let me put it an other way, you can’t. Ok so how do you take a piss when you have an infant? For some weird reason I have a feeling leaving him outside alone is not a good idea. Nor is propping the door open with a foot. I guess the answer is to suffer. Sigh
My son is a month old next week. He owns a BB gun, more toys than me and 3 times the clothes. What does that say about him? And me??
I have two pictures on my desk. One of Mom and Eli in the Hospital, and one of Carol and me at her 40th B day party. I also have 2 computers and 2 monitors one of them LCD. Shouldn’t the picture to computer ratio be higher than 1 to 1?
If he does not find his hands and or thumb soon we might both go insane.
No one gets his name right away who has known me for a long time cause no one ever knew my middle name.
The list of things he should be able to do after one month from “what to expect, the first year” he has down pat. So he is probably not retarded, but I am going to be amused if he ends up using his hands for a living since he has been searching for his thumb for a month.
I am caught up on the thumb issue, but then again, to put a pacifier in you might as well use your own thumb cause he knocks it out in 30 secs. And then gets pissed.
It is hard to type with a baby on your lap. But it can be done.
This was the first time I have ever went to the Clam Fest and not bumped into an ex girlfriend. Like ever.
I have 327 mp3s on my Itunes revolving play list. But it is slowly going down cause if I get sick of a song I delete it.
The only music less than 10 years old on my play list is some Moresset and Enya. Ave age is prob 20 years. And I LIKE Styx so shut up.
I only mentioned my website to two people at the fest, and I hope they both can find it.
Being single sucks.
I am going to write down the story of why I am single and just hand it out to people. I am getting so sick of explaining that I have NFC why she went insane.
If you are still reading this you have to much time on your hands. The fact I am still writing it does not apply.
All you whimps who never comment suck. It is painless I promise. I know pages that 1/3 the hits this one does and gets 20 comments a day, I have had 816 comments since march, I know cause I just counted.
We just toped off his tank, I wonder WHY he felt he had to have 1/3rd an oz, but hey whatever.
Ok folks.. Sorry my archives are completly screwed up. And my brain hurts.
So i will work on it next time I can keep my eyes open with out useing toothpics. Honest I will... hehe Ok well at some point at least. Wait didnt I say that last week? hmm I think I am rambling..As someone non famouse once said, who is chuck pierce.. In a word? tired.
posted by Chuck Pierce 7:00 PM0 comments
Oh and the screaming match is over. took hom 45 mins to fill that diaper. The little digestive tract is not quiet up to speed yet. But anyways, nice big dirty diaper, 5 oz formula over 1.5 hrs and a bath and now it is play time and the never ending search for that missing thumb. It is out there, he keeps finding it, but it goes away again. And we had visitors and het got to puke on someone new today and be fed by someone else. It is such a riot when people have never even held a newborn, 5 mins with me and you will have, and fed and burped one. I will teach any one if it means they hold him while I get the bottles done ot dishes washed.
posted by Chuck Pierce 6:42 PM0 comments
Want to try an experiment? Go out side and listen very carefully.. Hear him? Yep thats Eli screaming bloody murder. Eggads. I think glasses are goignt ostart breaking in here. He is fed, dry and all set. But he wants to scream and short of holding him under water I have o clue how to stop him. So he is screaming. great fun too, I wonder if he gets a headache also...
posted by Chuck Pierce 4:13 PM2 comments
Well we went down to the fest for a few hours again. Ran into a few people I was dieing to see including Beth h. YEAH. And she is getting married in a month and her hubby to be seemed really nice. All he basically had to do was stand there and not look to bored while she cooed over Eli and we caught up for a few mins and he did. Most people have a hard time with that. Anyways, had fun, he was a monster and only fell asleap for the last 30 mins we were there. But that is good means I might be able to get a nap in. WOO HOO.
posted by Chuck Pierce 11:28 AM0 comments
"Can I have a few straws with that?"
I need straws. Ok well they probably need to be called something long complicated and medical. for example manual gas reduction units would be a good start. You see after spending almost a month with a baby, I have come to the conclusion that most of his pain is caused by either hunger or pain. And the pain is mostly caused by pressure and gas. So my idea is 2 straws, One for the front and one for the back. This poor guy can spend 20 mins screaming trying to get a nice fart. And don't even ask about getting the 3rd burp after lots of food. So what they need is a way to reilieve the pressure that does not include me patting his back for 45 mins.
But have no fear, I am not going to stick any straws in him, even though thats what he needs. I might ask the dr for some gas relief drops though.
posted by Chuck Pierce 8:02 AM0 comments
Saturday, July 20, 2002
Ok then. he is still napping, so I have done some cleaning. Gave the wonderfull Diaper Champ a scrub, was not dirty but grubby. Did an other load for him and my weekly load for me. Cleaned up and titered away. Also finally got the last few things I think I am going to addd to the X10 system. Added the A/c so now it is on a 1 hour timer. Wonderful. Hmm I need to add an on till I tell it to turn off to.. Forgot that. It is just so wonder full to control the whole house with scripts. Hmm most of you have no clue what I am talking about do you. Try www.shed.com if you care for some more info. I am happy though the house is starting to make some sence. I have to much furnature in the liveing room though. Trying to decide what should move into the bedroom. The crib, changeing table or rocking chair. I am thinking the chair so I can rock and watch tv. He does like to be rocked too. But you get bored quick with nothing to watch. He wants/needs both hands so itis hard to read at the same time. Ok well I am now rambling arn't I.
posted by Chuck Pierce 7:51 PM0 comments
I just looked at the stuff Glen droped off. 2 WONDERFULL outfits includeing his first pair of overalls. Very very nice. And large too for when he gets bigger. Also a bunch of toys and they were boiled first so now I don't have to. It is a riot the kid has a crap load of toys and no clue what a toy is yet. Hands, we need to find the hands. Anyways, just washed 20 bottles and boiled em all. Sigh. I hate boiling stuff, but they say I must so I do.
posted by Chuck Pierce 6:45 PM0 comments
Well that was fun. Went down to the fest for a few hours. eli had a blast. Puked on dad not once but Twice. Lucky I gad spare shirts with me. We ran into lots of old friends, and one I was looking for with her family. (Liza J) And all in all had a wonderfull time cept the pukeing part. Now I am trying to clean all the stuff we got dirty this weekend.
posted by Chuck Pierce 6:23 PM0 comments
Well we made it home. And with 5 mins to spare till he screamed. I ran OUT of food up there. He dirtied every bottle I had in 24 hrs and I was not goign to try and clean things up there. But we made it. Time for more bottles...
Ok so food for him and shower for me and then we are going to go walk around the fest. Glen droped off a bag of stuff and I don't even have time to open it.. Arrrgg.
posted by Chuck Pierce 1:36 PM0 comments
"Every cloud has a silver lineing."
His nose was all pluged up. nothing I could do about it. And he hated it was not happy... But, if you miss a burp and he pukes it up he cleans out his nose too.. And that is all good. It was a nice opps. He has been sleeping fitfully hour here then up 2 then an hour. Grug.
posted by Chuck Pierce 4:34 AM0 comments
Friday, July 19, 2002
Well it has been a quiet night. Time to (HAHAHHA) get some sleep. So now I will wake the sleeping baby and see if I can top off his tank so we can go back to sleep. You know I have a computer that is the best in the world..At least till they unveil a faster one, and I like this old ADB keyboard so much more. I like the longer key run and the pleasent click. Yea ok I am old and all that but damn it the Shift key works like it should for me on these old ones.
posted by Chuck Pierce 10:06 PM0 comments
Crap. I need to call my bro but I do not have his number. Ok so I am an idiot but I need to reorganise my phone. Well, I am gonna be home tomarrow from 1-2. Not before or after...Working till noon then 1 hr drive home. At 2 I am going to the Fest with Eli cause I want to show him off and meet people. Oh and he loves his stroller....
posted by Chuck Pierce 9:07 PM0 comments
My dad was not exactly a loveing person in many way. He cared but he showed it in other ways. Dad would not exactly hug you and tell you it was gonna be alright. So, I am amused that when Eli is screaming bloody murder for absolutly no reason at all, just for the hell of it, all I can think is what Dad would have said. And before everyone gets pissed take it with a grain of salt please. "If you want to cry I will give you something to cry about"
No Eli does not need a reason. he is good most of the time regardless of me bitching about him, and he is a good baby. But wow he has his moments, He has eaten 4 oz, clean diaper and been burped. Now he is just screaming cause he can. Usually holding him will quell him but not tonight. Sigh. He has his first cold.
posted by Chuck Pierce 6:37 PM0 comments
Well I payed as usual for the nice nap he took this morning, I just got him down. He never even slosed his eyes tween the last two feedings. We played a bit but he is not exactly fun to play with yet since he is only a stomach and head at this point. Oh well. I had fun.
posted by Chuck Pierce 4:31 PM0 comments
Ok we made it up N. ok. And he FINNALY dirtyed the diaper he has been workingon for 9 hours.. my god I though he was gonna explode a few times. His digestive track is still in the break in phase. SO we are here finally and he is wide awake and restless. But htats ok.
posted by Chuck Pierce 12:49 PM0 comments
I just want to sleep for a week.
posted by Chuck Pierce 5:16 AM1 comment
(2:14 am)"Waaaaaaa Mom it's your turn... Mom? Mom? Ahh shit." And from a bumper sticker......"HONK if you have never seen an uzi fired from a car window"
My god it is hard to fix a bottle with a baby on your arm screaming like he has a pin in his leg. He does not have the muscle control yet so he throws arms and legs out violently, they hit something or his ankles hit each other and it hurts so he does it again...and again. even if the bottles are pre made it takes a few loud mins to warm them up. Sigh. And I do mean Loud. Anyways, i cant wait till it is coming meam=ns something to him. Getting good at typing one handed though aint I
posted by Chuck Pierce 2:29 AM0 comments
Thursday, July 18, 2002
Got an other email today from someone who told me to stop whining that it is not to hard.. Ok quick breakdown. It takes at least an hour to feed,diaper, burp and calm him. Period. Every time. he is on a 3 hr scheudal. So there is 8 gone right there in 24. Plus I need to eat and clean up. nother 2 hrs gone. I have to wash the bottles, seralize then and do the laundry he puked on.. Nother 2 hrs gone. that is 12 hours and I have done no playing with him or even looked at the computer. Not to mention sleep or anything else. You think this is easy? walk a mile in these berkenstocks.
So when I whine to much either mail me some crakers or shut up. Heheh guess I told him.
posted by Chuck Pierce 10:18 PM1 comment
I ma never goingto sleep again. Or at least for more than 30 mins
posted by Chuck Pierce 9:49 PM0 comments
Mom LIves. She stoped for the night and called. I should email Glen and others, but damn it ELi is up so I am gonne be busy for the next hour or two.. ARRRGGGG
posted by Chuck Pierce 5:27 PM0 comments
Ok now I am not a perfect family member. I admit this openly and freely. In fact I suck mostly. I am very introverted most of the time and I rarely call people as much as I should. My brother lives like 40 miles from me and till this year we never saw each other. I have been in this house for on and off almost 2 years and till Eli was born he did not even know where I live. So I am not perfect family type person. But man some people just suck.
I am in fact referring to Eli’s other grandparents. Ok, so D wants nothing to do with me. And she feels so strongly about it that she does not want anything to do with Eli either. Ok. Her call, and well, if she thinks it is best that is fine. But her parents have no friging excuse. I have offered verbally now 2 times slowly and carefully so there could be no misunderstanding that they can have as much access as they want to him. Of course I have heard no word. Ok that is their choice I guess but what about him. I can tell you I am not going to lie to him or hide the truth. When he is old enough to want to know why I am going to bring him over and let him ask them. For god’s sake he is a baby, as innocent as they come. Ok so they obviously have bought what ever story d has told them about why I am such a slimy slug, but why are they holding it against him? Would a call or a note hurt? And what about D’s other son. He knows he has a brother out there in the world somewhere, he is 6 but that has to make him wonder.
The reason this comes to mind is I can force a accidental meeting. I know where they sit during the parade, and I know they fest habits. I could easily run into them by “accident” this weekend. But I am not going to. Oh I might but it would be completely random if I do. I have decided on what I am going to do about them though. I am going to send a letter/card and a pic in a month or so, and then one at xmass. If they ignore them fine I will drop it. I still think they suck though.
Then there are peoples like the XGF’s daughter (read demon spawn from hell) Who has no brain. She made her grandfather and mother kick me out in the snow, and I mean made, cause she is a stupid idiot. Her grandfather needs someone around pretty much 24/7. After years of working at it me and the XGF had gotten into a routine of doing just that so someone could be home with the dogs. But I guess she is happier now that her poor blind grandfather sits at home alone for most of the day. Cause hey I am not around and that must be good. God I sound bitter don’t I. Well really I am not anymore. People make their own beds, and then get to lie in them. I am HAPPY with how my life is going though I wish I had someone talk to who could talk back. I always wanted children, and now I have one. And he is all mine. Well this was going to be a nice rant on families and how I do not say thanks or go and see my brother enough, but it went to hell. Sorry.
He misses grandma. Whom I hope is not dead in a ditch. She did not call when she stoped to rest or she is driveing straight through. But I am not worried. Mom can handle herself and does not get into dumb situations that could get her in trouble. The xgf's family was an call as soon as you get home type. Ok for 900 mile trips but annoying when we are only going 10 miles, Don't know why it drove me nuts, but it did. But it was a minor annoyance, kinda like when a guest leaves the house trashed and eats all the food. Mentioning no names of course (Mom) (heheh). The cupboards are pretty bare though. Was gonna go shoping but took a nap instead. We are going to be gone all tomarrow and most of Sat so no real point yet either. Yes tomarrow we are going for our first overnighter. I still have the weekend job where I go and make sure a disabled guy does not kill himself for 24 hrs. And Eli is coming with me. He will be upstairs with me and Kev does not climb stairs so no worries. Gonna suck but the $ is to good to stop. it puts food in the cupboards and all that. Ok well, what else is going on. Not a crapload.. But actually I have a rant perking soo maybe I will do it now...
posted by Chuck Pierce 5:07 PM0 comments
Well today has just been wierd. Had a GREAT morning, he slept and was happy most all the time in the car. Then he woke up. And was pissed. For like 3 hours. Sigh. wouldnt eat and just wanted to scream mostly. But I finally got him to eat and back to sleep so I got a 1.5 hr nap. Woohoo. I am going to need it. Got woken up from my happy nap cause I am an idiot. I still forward the emails from my main account to my phone. That then beeps till i notice it. Sigh. Great concept, but the aplication can really suck. Got a very nice email from someone correcting my spelling on a comment on an other blog. Yeah, um, ok. Thanks. Wow, you know not to be rude, but if all you can do after reading about my life is mention my atrocious spelling then you need to get over it. I spell that way cause I can not tell you how littl eI care. Most of the time it is typos, and sometimes it is me being a moron, but either way, who cares. But it was a nice email so I should not slam on the poor guy. But hey I look at my spelling as a litmus test. if you get that caught up on it then you really are cluelss.
posted by Chuck Pierce 3:41 PM0 comments
"She is gone"
Mom left. Sad. Soo now we are on our own, I am sure you will enjoy reading my decent into madnes and sleep depravation. But she had to leave. She needs to get home and I need to be sure I can do this alone. But it is sad. i do not tell my mother how much I love her and how wonderfull she is often enough. Course she left the house trashed and all the dishes to be done to give me something to do and keep my mind off my troubles.. yea right. heheh. I have a feeling she will stop and get some rest before she goes to far, she ended up getting up in the middle of the night more than once. Now I have been left by some of the best, but at least when Mom left she left US. I am not alone. Of course saying that is assuming a little moveing and squeeling hot water bottle is a person, but he will be. It might kill me but he will be. So now the great adventure starts for real. Well I have a safty net or 5 still, but we are gonna be alone so it is gonna get alot harder before it gets better. Gosh, lucky I am not the type of person who complains alot :)
posted by Chuck Pierce 6:46 AM3 comments
Wednesday, July 17, 2002
Poor mom. She is going to be so glad to get home. She was just commenting on how a month ago (pre Baby) we had lots of food and cerial and the place was spotless and so forth. Now, how do I phrase this, it isnt. I do not think I have vacumed since he showed up, nor food shopped. he is only 9lbs, man I have had bigger bowel movments, but boy he does wreak havok. But he smiled today. On his own. while I was holding him. And it was almost worth it. of course he also puked all over me and my shirt when we went out to lunch with a friend. And it was a real good and curdy one too. And of course i was wearing a black shirt. Sigh. But he can be cute, and damn but I am going to have fun with him this weekend. This weekend is the Yarmouth Clam Festival. Exciting if you are a clam or a small boy ina dead dull town. The population will go from 9k to 90k pretty much overnight. It is also old home week in that anyone who can goes back for the fest to see all the other people and damn am I not going to drop alot of jaws when I walk around with Eli. The idea of me reproducing, though scary to me and net people will shock the liveing hell out of most my teachers and old friends. Watch for the rush on the obits on monday as all the teachers just give up and die now before he hits school age.
posted by Chuck Pierce 6:35 PM5 comments
Ok here are the pictures.. and bookmark the page cause that is going to just be used for them.
Oh added some movies too, they are sorta boreing but cute.. and LARGE.
posted by Chuck Pierce 5:05 PM4 comments
"Sleeping like a baby is over rated."
Well. i crashed. Fell asleep at 9 and slept right through till 6 am. First and last time for that for a long time. I needed it though. And thats why no pics. So this morning Granny is gonna sleep in and we are gonna do the morning stuff alone. Gosh I was tired too.
Well got my car back after a large bill and it is not all fixed yet. The A/C needed some special line so that had to be ordered and I will get it next week and then I should have A/C. Just in time to not need it for a year. So only thing really on the list is new tires and I wil work on them tomarrow or today.. or 2 new tires that is. Te broken spring screwed up the alignment and that wore out the tires on one side. Sigh. Well tomarrow granny leaves. Both sad and glad. I am going to really miss haveing someone here to help but I guess I need to sink or swim on my own. So it will be nice to see if I can do it. Course if I can't then I had better learn how fast. heheh. So tomarrow we turn into a batch pad again. Wont that just be fun? NOT
posted by Chuck Pierce 6:37 AM6 comments
Tuesday, July 16, 2002
Well the little bugger is pissing me of now. granny might just be takeing him home. he has learned that if he kicks out as hard as he can into my stomach it hurts me. Can colic be starting already? lord save me. He is pissed when he is not being held. period. Sigh. It is all grannys fault she is spoiling him
posted by Chuck Pierce 8:33 PM0 comments
The big question is do I post the pics I have already taken that are all him wearing the same clothes or do I wait and do a few days worth at a time. So hard to decide.
posted by Chuck Pierce 8:12 PM2 comments
Oh and I have the camera and it is great. I will make plenty of pictures very soon and even maybe a few movies...
posted by Chuck Pierce 2:39 PM0 comments
Well i guess I am still in trouble. heheh Like thats new. Called the XGf to say hi again since last time her demon spawn daughter was there. And she chewed me a new butt hole for calling her incredably stupid daughter demon spawn or whatever I called her. Screw that. bad way to go. That useless bitch screwed up my life, her mothers life, and most importantly her grandfathers life cause she felt like haveing a temper tantrum. There really are no words to decribe how little I care what she thinks. If anything I owe her a thanks, if she had not been the complete moron she is I would not have Eli.. So thanks bitch now get off my web page. Heheh the fact she reads here is so amuseing, I can't help but snicker. Her the XGf is still special to me in many ways, and she has really went out of her way to be excited and to help with preperations for Eli. Really went out of her way... But frankly I have told her many times and I will again there is NO, ZIP, NADA, NONE AT ALL chance of us getting back together while her life is controled remotly by her daughter. She (the XGF) will probably be alone till her daughter dies or moves far far away. No one ever will make her daughter happy, and for that reason the bitch will probably be single forever to. I feel bad for the XGF but she kicked my out cause her daughter told her to, so she made her own bed.
posted by Chuck Pierce 2:37 PM4 comments
Well the camera is here..Except of course it isnt. They went to the front door, Morons. So i have to go out to their depot and get it or wait till tomarrow. Screw that. Once he is fed and happy we are on the road.
posted by Chuck Pierce 12:38 PM0 comments
Well he slept ok the rest of the night mostly. but he was trussed up like a turkey and covered like a parrot. He just wanted to be wraped last night I guss. Very strange little baby I have. Today is gonna be wierd, Mom is goign to spend it with friends and I am gonna hopefully get my car back. in theory. And WOOHOO the camera should be here also. Yeah. Looking forward to that let me tell ya.
posted by Chuck Pierce 6:57 AM0 comments
"it is a giant consperacy"
And since I can not even spell it thats impressive. I am sure there is a reason why I can NOT sleep before midnight. But wow it is begining to really suck. Eli is restless and being a brat, and I am wide awake. Damn but kids need to be programed better at the start. Poor guy wants to sleep, and wants to suck.. simple we give him his pacifier. But he has no control over his hands so every 90 secs he knocks it out of his mouth. I am pretty sure I am not supposed to duct take it in (joke) so I wrapped him up tight. reat but he hates haveing his hands wrapped.. Grr. Back at square one. I blame it on God for not doing enough programing, man it is like Microsoft made up the boot ram for babies. Ok well try 45 at getting some sleep. sigh.
posted by Chuck Pierce 12:14 AM0 comments
Monday, July 15, 2002
Well. It was bath night. And it worked. No screams, no drowning. he actually liked it I think. Or at least did no complaining. Will wonders never cease. I have a goal of haveing the smelly boy in school. No not really, but we are batching it... heheh. And off we go, back to sleep hopefully.
posted by Chuck Pierce 9:01 PM0 comments
Well I just screwed up. makeing a cassaroll for dinner, and burned the liveing hell out of my hand. Sigh. I should not have preheated the oven.. i was putting it in and the base of my thumb touched the top of the oven.. OUCH. Probably would not have been as bad but my hands were damp and I saw a nice puff of smoke go up.. Owwwww. Sigh. Bet this is gonna hurt for a few days. Dinner better be good. Sad isnt it my Mother is here and I am doing all the cooking and cleaning. Growl. She is failing on the helpfull mother checklist. Course she did it all the first few weeks but I have a very selective memory.
posted by Chuck Pierce 6:14 PM2 comments
Well got most of the letters done. And did the washing up. Now I am getting bottles steralized and ready for the next onslaught of hunger attacks. We are haveing a nice thunderstorm here also that has droped the temp a whole lot. It is amazing how many bottles we go though dureing a day. Just astounding. Since we keep track of all the feedings I can tell that since Sunday Night when mom mixed up a 1/2 quart all at once he has been eating more, so we are going to try that again. Rather than mixing up 2 oz at a time. Seems to have less gas, which makes sence cause no shaking to get the water and formula mixed up that fills it with bubbles. Ok well better post before cable goes out in the storm.
posted by Chuck Pierce 5:49 PM0 comments
Fun day,not. Well after the morning stuff I crashed hard. Good plan but Eli thought differnently. So he came and slept on me for an hour or so. And I do mean on. My car is still not done, the morons. I droped it off a week ago with a nice laundry list. But they screwed around and are still workingon it. I should have done it all myself, but I am not able to do A/C work with out spending a few grand on tools. So hopefully we can go get it soon cause Mom set up visiting people tomarrow on the asumption my car would be done. Grrr.
Well rest of today's project is finishing these blasted thank you cards. Not that i am not very thankful, cause we are, I just hate writeing 30 letters in one sitting and I am to good to make one and send it to everyone. Sigh.
posted by Chuck Pierce 3:42 PM6 comments
Opps that was from late last night.. He swilled down 5 (FIVE) oz a few times last night.. WOW. ok we are gonna be late today...
posted by Chuck Pierce 6:41 AM0 comments
"Yes I am a single Parent, No I am not happy about it, Yes I am accepting aplications"
New t-shirt I am gonna have made for me. He is now up, working on 2 more oz's. gonna be a long night after all.
posted by Chuck Pierce 6:38 AM0 comments
Sunday, July 14, 2002
My god what a painless feeding. he just inhaled 2 3/4 oz. Never opened his eyes, burped on time, and didn't even complain as he got a new diaper. WOOHOO. It is not usually that easy let me tell ya. now if he will stay asleep we will be way ahead. Swing to it baby. Damn but that swing was a great idea. Well I will give him 5 mins then I am going to crash. Like a rock i hope. It is freeky to know people who are reading m journal are doingit not only to be entertained and cause they care but also to get to know me better. damn but it must be cool to meet a guy with a user manual. Had a really cute waitress come over and make eyes at Eli during dinner tonight, but Mom is a nit of an kill joy when it comes to meeting women. heheh She wants to keep me for herself. it really is freeky, we do not go out to eat alot but we do often. It is so funny to figure out what I am going to eat and then watch Mom decide on the same thing befoer I tell her what I want. We really are a mother, son match. Ok I am rambleing (like thats new) so I uess I need to go and confront the sleep demons.
posted by Chuck Pierce 10:40 PM0 comments
Damn it.. My archives are all screwed up. The new lady I sorta met online mentioned something and I had no clue they were saveing to the wrong place.. growl. Gonna have to fix that at somepoint.
Went to bed at 9. But can't sleep. Getting more and more nervous about being all alone with Eli. yeah I know I can handle it, but I am still nervous. Ok food time for him.. he hasnt woken p but he is overdue so I am gonna wake him.
posted by Chuck Pierce 10:21 PM2 comments
We had fun at the mall. Didnt buy a thing just walked alot and then went to a nice restaurant for dinner. he was a pain in the mall and an angel at dinner. Now we are waiting for him to wake up and scream for more food. Won't e long I have a feeling. Ok well if I hop into bed Mom might feed him. heheh Luckly she enjoys it too.
posted by Chuck Pierce 9:05 PM0 comments
Welli went and worked for 6 hrs or so. Since Jacko is in NYC I figured it would be cool to make some extra $. The little peanut ate like a pig while I was gone. in 3 hours he had 8 oz of formula and lost 2 in the middle. Little pig, heheh. That will prob be the last time he gets left with Granny, so from now on he rides with me. Gonna miss granny when Mom heads back S. but we will be fine. This Granny/mom stuff is freeking me out too btw, same person differnt names.. very wierd. Well I need some exersise. My back is bugging me from all sitting and no walking so we are going ot go take advantage of the airconditioning and walk around the mall. We could do Back Bay, but I think Mall is a better plan. We have a nice stroler, lets go use it. So we are waiting for him to wake up so we can top off his tank and away we will go. Gonna be amuseing since I never goto the mall and have no clue what 1/2 the stores there are.
posted by Chuck Pierce 3:41 PM0 comments
Long long night. He decided to not be cooprative. I am now going to work for a few hrs and get some rest. Lucky I can sleep on the job. Poof.
posted by Chuck Pierce 8:09 AM0 comments
"Don't eat the green wobbly bits"
Stillup but about to crash. eli had another good day and is doing a regual 3 oz. see if he does well tonight. he really is getting to be a cute person not just an angry head with tummy attached. And he is smiling. not alot but at times.
posted by Chuck Pierce 12:16 AM0 comments
Saturday, July 13, 2002
Lobster. Lobster is a pain in the ass. Ok I guess if you do not live in Maine they are a big deal, but they are null food to me. Yea they are good but they are such a pain in the ass to get the meat out it is not worth it. So I rarely go out of my way for them and I never order them for dinner. Ok so that being said, I had forgotten soft shells. Ok now this is a fish of a different color completely. It reduces the Pain In The Ass factor by a good 50% and makes em worth the effort. Some friends gave Mom 3 and she is even now bending over the sink cackling to herself as she picks out their brains with a fork. I am quite content with the tail and claws. I don’t care if it does occur naturally I do NOT eat green bits that come out of things heads. So anyways, I am having the good bits while she roots around like a 8 month hungry dog in a trash bin after some green gooey stuff. But you never turn down lobster when you are given it so Thanks Goss et all. On that note mom went off to her shower and then brought Pam back here, they cood over Eli for a bit and then Pam headed home and Mom stole Eli to go and show him off to the remnants of the shower people. I did what all new, single fathers do when given a few hours of quiet…. Had a glass of wine and took a nap. Ahhhh. Course Mom woke me up when she got back, growl. I coulda slept till morning. Hehhe yea ok so Eli needs to be fed every 2.5 hrs… Technical detail.
So now I am up and alive and I might live for an other day. In theory at least.
posted by Chuck Pierce 8:25 PM8 comments
Quiet morning here at the dungon. Granny is off at a baby shower for a friend so we are batching it. course she is also leaveing next week and then the real fun begins. Granny is also being very annoying and doing it on purpose. heheh cracks me up but she can be a pain when she puts her mind to it. And I am trying to help all I can. Did minor rearanging but gonna wait till the granny bed is gone for major.
posted by Chuck Pierce 12:03 PM0 comments
"Praise midnight"
Err well not realy. he has been doing much better last few days at eating then sleeping. up to a steady 3 oz now. But he is lasting 3 hours or did today all day tween feedings. Not much progress but hey it is a start. he is gonna miss his granny though. But thats ok, she will be back. Probably soon if I start to go insane. Can you tell I am doing the late feedings, sigh. but I try to take a nap every afternoon for an hour or so. And on that note, he has eaten and now I am going to bed.
posted by Chuck Pierce 12:01 AM0 comments
Friday, July 12, 2002
WoohOoo I passed 4th in Clan Lord. if you don't know don't ask.. its a game. But about time I passed 4th
posted by Chuck Pierce 11:13 PM0 comments
Exercise is a bad bad thing. Well we just took a walk. Eli and I. Did about 3 miles tops and had a nice time. He was wide awake for over 1/2 of it and happly looking around and playing with his hands. It is 10 deg hoter in the apartment as per usual so we needed to cool down. And yes it is dark but there are sidewalks and or something close almost all the way we went and the stroler has reflectors. he enjoyed it and lord knows I needed the exersise badly. Mom was dead on her feet so we left her to crash. Was a nice walk, but next time I might drive to the school and walk from there or something. the sidewalks do suck down here.
Other news. Hmm none. Still no final paperwork on Eli, I am not worried mind you just anxious to get it finalised. My car is still in the shop but should be done Monday and then I will ahve to give up driveing the Windstar. Shame too cause I kinda like it. But I do miss my radios so will be nice to be back in the old shitheap again. Sorry old expensive shitheap. I do love that Taurus, I am spending some serious cash on it right now but it has done real well for the milage and daily use.
Women front, well nothing. I called the XGF tonight as I was walking him just to say Hi and tell her I was out walking the peanut and her daughter answered (Look under mega bitch demon spawn) Didn't say a word just handed her the phone. heheh I guess I got her in trouble but thats not my fault. Anyone who allows their 31 year old daughter to rule their life desrves what they get. So well thats all for me... Maybe I will go play play for a bit.
posted by Chuck Pierce 9:27 PM0 comments
Well got a new stroller and car seat combo deal. very nice and easy to use. He is not happy about more straps on him but he is much safer than the other seat.
posted by Chuck Pierce 3:19 PM3 comments
Well we stoped and got a changeing table on the way home. Nothing fancy and used but it willbe handy once Mom leaves. Till then it might have to stay in the garage.. this place is getting packed. Eli slept all morning in the car like an angel, first time for everything I guess. Grug. Now we are going to go stroller shoping, oh yeah. Gosh I am tired, maybe a nap first....
posted by Chuck Pierce 11:02 AM0 comments
"Got to love a guy who comes with an user manual"
Sleep, I need to sleep. Really I do.
posted by Chuck Pierce 12:00 AM0 comments
Thursday, July 11, 2002
Last couple of weeks has been differnt on here. Not alot of my emotions more aboutthe baby. havnt decided what I am gonna do aboutit either. Frankly it is alot more information than alot of the readers on here need. for example, Mom, family friends and so forth. Lord knows there is enough in the archives. So I might me ME to a seperate blog, or Eli to one or do nothing, have yet to make up my mind.
I shoul dmention on here that I did something I have never done before I was encoraged by a friend to do it and I posted a thingy on Match.com. Been interesting, i even have gotten some mail about it. One of which is interesting. We have sent 2 emails back and forth, still very much in the anon sparring territory but interesting. I figure I come with a user manual, cause it is hard to read this and not know pretty much all you ever wanted to about me and way more.
I think it is a selling point at least. heheh But then I am wierd as we all know.
But seriously I am back in the looking for someone to spend m life with mode. i do not mind being alone but I do not like it either... So send me pics and info on friends, sisters, hell anyone available. hehehe
posted by Chuck Pierce 11:29 PM5 comments
Well. I finally did the nasty. I spent way more than I can afford and bought a camera. sigh. but it is a good sigh. I have a Cannon A40 on the way. Should be here Tuesday I hope and then I will be takeing loads and loads of pics. In fact I will probably take so many you get sick of looking. Oh well, deal with it. Jacko and Jen stoped over and got some stuff Jacko needed for Macworld. He invited me but I really don’t thin mac world is a great place for a 2 week old.. I mean ok he has a gun and sits here under the glare of my lcd but Macworld would be pushing it. Was fun to have em vist and he almost puked on Jen but she wimped out on holding him so he got Mom instead. Such is the life. Ok well all I have energy for today. Poof. But I got night duty, so I will prob be back.
posted by Chuck Pierce 9:18 PM1 comment
Well, had an ok day. he is sleeping a bit so tonight will be hell but he is being regular and that is nice. We went visting all afternoon and now gonna eat while he sleeps. Hehehhe cept he will wake up as soon as we sit down. I am broke but I am starting to shop for a dig camera anyways. I am scared we are missing things we will never get to see again. So this should be fun.
posted by Chuck Pierce 4:25 PM0 comments
WOOOHOOOO. We have lost belly button. Yes he no longer has one. WOHOO. and no infection or anything so we are jamming. Soon I will be able to drown, opps mean wash him in the tub.
posted by Chuck Pierce 7:31 AM0 comments
2 bottles every 2.5 to 3 hrs. Is about 16 bottles a day of these small ones. No wonder it seems like I am always washing them. Could be worse I guess. Soon we will be on bottles with bags in them and we will just have to wash the nipples. Oh and when I say wash, what I really mean is soak, wash, rince, wash, rince again then boil for 10 mins and then take out and place to dry. Lenghty prosses even if you do it a few times a day. That and boilding all his water for the formula. It is not exactly hard mind you, but you have to remember it takes 4-5 hours to cool down to room temp afterwards. Lots of preplanning or you have a screaming monster and nothing you can do. Have to say this carrier (sling) is pleasently like being pregnant. Pleasently of course cause you can take it off. heheheh
posted by Chuck Pierce 7:24 AM0 comments
"yea yea yea I heard ya"
Well I took the night off, not on purpose mind you, I just crashed and Mom got baby duty. I still woke up when he cried but if I heard movement i rolled back over. he is actually a lot better thqan he was the other day, he has had a few 4 oz feedings and is sleeping a bit more regular. We also got him a wedge thingy to sleep in in his crib so he thinks he is in a small sapce. It helps. But he is restless as can be right now and whimpering in is sleep so I guess i am gonna carry him for a bit. Off we go for an other day of adventure. After just completly looseing steam at Sams yesterday I think we need to do some walking or something today. Exercersise, I dimly remember hearing something about it once...
posted by Chuck Pierce 6:48 AM1 comment
Wednesday, July 10, 2002
One of the major problems of being me is my TV watching habits. I just am not real interested in ER and Friends and the other pap they serve up for the sheep out there. So I tend to spend all my time watching Discovery and History channel and stuff. Current best channel not overrun by marketing weenies is the Science channel. A good 80% of the time I can find something on it that I enjoy. The problem though, is that I am not a typical geek. I do not weigh 7000lb’s so I am not interested in bowflex commercials. I know how to operate a computer and I am smart enough to operate an intelligent one so the talking head with his learning cd’s drives me insane. In the last 45 mins I have made an attempt to look at the commercials and the only one I would EVER even consider spending cash on is the Boise Wave radio… that’s it. Everything else they keep trying to toss at me was either complete crap or something I would never be interested in. Frankly in many ways I love it when a channel is new and the marketing weenies have not grabbed control yet, but damn these commercials suck. The problem child of mine after a few hours of if you do not hold me I am gonna scream, is now in his new snuggly sling, in his swing. Heheh Killing both birds with one stone, but hey he has been asleep for 2 hours. The problem is that being asleep for 2 hours is a bad thing cause he is gonna wake up in 30 mins and want more food. The Dr. cracked me up today. I was worrying and asking a million questions and she was unperturbed. Her words were and I almost quote, he is gaining weight right on scale, so nothing else matters. Ok fine, I guess I am doing this right.
Oh and thank god it is finally cool out. I was so sick of baking. Gonna be hot tomorrow again, but cool nights make it oh so nice.
posted by Chuck Pierce 11:06 PM7 comments
Well I just died the death of 3 hours sleep. Went out like a light and if Mom had not been talking on the phone to people and useing my name probably woulda slept all night. Yeah ok, at least till he cried. Nice little recharge though. Eli is being a brat and sleeping quietly as long as he is being held and fussy once he goes down, heheh, such an attention hound. So I guess it is my turn to cuddle for a bit.
posted by Chuck Pierce 9:08 PM0 comments
Well we got a wonderfull snuggly sling thing. He loves it and cuddles right up. So much nicer than carrying a big car seat around. We went on a long shopping trip and he was happy as a clam. Got loads of other things, a bottle brush and all kinds of small stuff. Also got a Sams membership that we were given a card for at the shower.. So that was fun. now I am exausted and am aiming for a nap.
posted by Chuck Pierce 3:46 PM3 comments
8.8 lb 20.5 inches and all is well. he is right on the curve and they are please. And he got the nurse and THEN puked on me.. Sigh,. he is SO good at this stuff. I think he is in training or something. Anyways all is well and they do not want to see us again for 6 weeks. yea um, No? I am not pleased with that long a wait so I am gonna have one in middle. Anyways, he is well and I am in wet shorts, Again. So now we are off to do some shopping. A few things we wanted but were waiting to see if we got at the shower.. Oh and loads of Shower pictures were taken, and they are online, but I do not know where. Wierd huh? He will send me the link once he remembers.
posted by Chuck Pierce 11:59 AM0 comments
"Sucha nice dirty diaper."
Well we pretty much all crashed last night. He slept tween all his feedings and so did we. This mornign is gonna be busy cause he has an apointment at 11 so I have to do the morning stuff and hurry back for it. This place looks like the day after christmass, stuff in piles all over. Got like 4 loads of washing and then we can put it all away. grug.
posted by Chuck Pierce 6:07 AM0 comments
Tuesday, July 09, 2002
My god, what a shower. We got a pile of incredable stuff. I will do a list and the highlights, but I am just so tired. I think the most unusual and least likly to ever be a duplicate was the Gun from Doc. Yes my son is 2 weeks old and already owns a gun. It is a Daisy red Rider BB gun. Unreal, Doc is just incredable.
posted by Chuck Pierce 9:48 PM0 comments
Got all ready and then got puked on. it is like 90 and I am wearing jeans I guess cause he just got my last clean part of shorts. Sigh.
posted by Chuck Pierce 4:08 PM0 comments
getting ready for the Baby shower, gonna be fun. i know the landlordess who is hosting it has planed a multitude of way to humble and embarass me, but, I will persivere. Or shoot her, dealers choice. Well Eli knows something is up so he is wound sky hi. Sigh Ok time to get ready, feed him AGAIn. and then I guess i should shave. Been a few weeks so prob time.
posted by Chuck Pierce 3:46 PM0 comments
Food for thought at 3:30 am. Best ways to torment your newborn and get even for being woken up every 25 mins.
Every time you pull the bottle out vary the nipple so sometimes he gets a fast flow and sometimes slow.
Pull his hat down over his eyes so he thinks it is always night.
Put him in the swing backwards so instead of front to back he goes back to front.
Duct tape his pacifier to the ceiling over his head where he can see it but not get it.
Ok this woulda been a great piece of writeing, Really. trust me Ii had such plans. But my heart is just not in it. And except for the putting him in the swing backwards I would never do any of the things. Also my karma is acting up cause he just puked while I was typeing.. Sigh. Looks like I missed a burp, again. And for the record puke is just spiting up. But I like the sound better and lord knows I don't get enough enjoyment since I can never swear and so forth again....So deal with it. So anyways, go away this morning amazed at how wonderfull a piece of writing I was going to do but didn't.
Hey I just rememberd that Doc took a bunch of pics the other day and mailed em to me. i forgot to put em online.. My bad.. Sorry I will try to tomarrow
posted by Chuck Pierce 2:41 AM0 comments
"Waaaaaaa....aaaa......aaa....aa.....a........a, Redo from start"
Bout time we had an Eli qoute. I just woke up after 5 hrs sleep in a panic cause he hadnt been fed. Mom of course had done it and I sleept right through it. Can ya tell I am getting exausted. He is haveing a good night wth no crying and is actually in his crib. And now I am going to stagger back to bed and sleep the sleep of the old and tired.
posted by Chuck Pierce 2:13 AM0 comments
Monday, July 08, 2002
Long day, no suprise. he has been a monster all day. I think we have finnaly figured out he wants 3+ oz but not 4. 4= puke. 2 = cry. sigh. it is a very fine line that changes every time. this is the 2nd time today he has sleept for more than 30 mins straight.. as I said, been a fun day. Tomarrow is the Baby shower, unless I should have invited you and forgot in wich case forget I said anything.
posted by Chuck Pierce 9:02 PM7 comments
"Monday Monday be good to me"
Well someone still is not happy. I know there is nothing we can do but it still sucks. He is just growing faster than his belly can. Ok well off on the run. I was up with him till 1 or so and them mom was with him from 4 or so .. But he got 3 hrs sleep in the middle.. sigh. Ok nuff bitching for least 20 mins.
posted by Chuck Pierce 7:07 AM0 comments
Sunday, July 07, 2002
Well, he just got me AGAIN today. We have hit both the hiccup stage and the much talked about spit up stage. Sigh. I am running out of clean clothes and so is he. It is all grannys fault, she had me put a new shirt on him so he felt the need.
posted by Chuck Pierce 10:59 PM0 comments
Well fun day. Went over to see Rev Doc had a nice visit and eli puked on me not him... Then we went and visted some old family friends and Eli got them too. He is ona roll. Poor guy has had an upset stomach for a while now. But is sleeping like a rock now.
posted by Chuck Pierce 9:17 PM2 comments
Well we actually cought up a bit on sleep for an hour or so...but now we are awake and in full voice. I need a sling carrier.. Anyone ever used one? He is to small to be in a snuggly or front carrier. I have heard of slling ones but never seen one. Anyways, anyone seen one? or used one? Not like they can be alot of cash but I really do not want to go looking unless I know someplace has them. It is not fun to drag a screamer around let me tell ya. Lots of thoughts percolating today. First day alone with him really, so i think I am gonna go visting. Cause I am going bug eyed here at home. I'd take him to the movies bt he is a tiny bit young and they would prob charge me or something.
posted by Chuck Pierce 12:16 PM0 comments
"How time flies when you are haveing fun"
Well Eli is inconsolable tonight. he just is very unhappy. No one is sleeping tonight.
Well it has been a year of blogging. What changes. The mind boggles in fact. fascinating to look back over the last year and see how my idea's have changed and failing that all the different ways I have spelled things incorectly. Absolutly amazing. Thanks Mr.Nosuch, for good or bad this is all your fault.
Long ass night. Well Mom is away all tomarrow so we can (HAHAHAHHAHAHHA) catch up on our sleep. When cows fly. Wow do I sound cynical? Well he hasnt sleept more than 20 mins for the last 3-4 hours, and he has been crying most of that. Or least it seems like it. I sent Mom back to bed at 3:30 but hard to sleep when he cries. Nice lungs he has let me tell ya.
posted by Chuck Pierce 4:52 AM4 comments
Saturday, July 06, 2002
Welll I played CL for a bit and watched the movie. Eli was mostly a pain but he did sleep for a few hours. He is not happy I think. Dr. visit on Wed so we are gonna ask about his stomach.
posted by Chuck Pierce 10:46 PM0 comments
Ok bad email joke I won’t tell ya where I got it, but boy it does remind me of someone.. (LEC)
A man had great tickets for the World Cup Final. As he sits down, another man comes down and asks if anyone is sitting in the seat next to him. "No," he says. "The seat is empty." "This is incredible!" said the man. "Who in their right mind would have a seat like this for the World Cup Final, the biggest sporting event, and not use it?" He says, "Well, actually, the seat belongs to me. My wife was supposed to come with me, but she passed away. This is the first World Cup Final we haven't been to together since we got married." "Oh ... I'm sorry to hear that. That's terrible. But couldn't you find someone else, a friend or relative, or even a neighbor to take the seat?" The man shakes his head........
"No. They're all at the funeral."
posted by Chuck Pierce 8:47 PM1 comment
Well he is um, 11 days old. And I have been feeling bad that I have neglected his education so badly. So tonight we are rectify that and have out first father son Monty Python's Holy Grail time. So I went out and rented it so we can watch it together. Since he has had a tummy ache for like 2 days now he wants to be cuddled. So we can do that. And what a suprise Mom left me all the dishes to clean. Sigh. Of course they might be there in the morning too. hehehhe
posted by Chuck Pierce 3:56 PM2 comments
Well it is a guys night in tonite. First of many I am afraid. Mom is going to a wedding and leaveing us here all alone. Probably with all the dirty dishes too. Or she is after she reads this..... We went and got a new light for the living room today and I hooked up all the X10 stuff. The x10 stuff allows me to control all the lights and well anything running on AC from the computer., So i can have it do things like after 10 when you turn on the light only turn it on 30% unless I hit the button 2 times. Also can set up scheduals so lights come on when I want em to and not when I dont. Very Very Handy.
posted by Chuck Pierce 2:09 PM0 comments
"But my tummy hurts...."
Eli did not have a good night. Well I should say evening. Mom thinks he had a tummy ache and she is probably right but he was not a happy camper for a few hours. Squals every few mins no matter what. Sigh. But he finally settled down. And I forgot to make sure all of yesterday had published, so it didnt.. oopps. Anyways, you can see it now.
posted by Chuck Pierce 8:19 AM0 comments
Friday, July 05, 2002
You know what good is the web if you can not search for a simple string like “what are the best diapers for infants?” and not get a bunch of useless crap. Sigh, and we call this the technical age. What else is going on, hmm well feeding, like every ten mins. Actually it is a few hours but seems like 10 mins. I have pretty much given up on the crib for now. He only sleep sin his car seat and the swing. Fine, as long as he sleeps. Sigh. I am not looking forward to Mom leaving, this is gonna suck alone. Owe well could be worse. I could only have him weekends or some crap.
posted by Chuck Pierce 10:00 PM0 comments
Longish day. mostly doing nothing. We both played on the comps alot and eli slept and saved his energy for tonight.
posted by Chuck Pierce 4:37 PM0 comments
"Carpe Snooze" (Sieze the nap)
Don't even ask.
The wonderfull monster has gotten the I will sleep only while being held down pat let me tell ya. Or Granny can she took him most of the morning. But I still wake up every squal so I might as well have. No worries, but I would love 10 hrs quiet sleep.
posted by Chuck Pierce 8:53 AM2 comments
Thursday, July 04, 2002
Well, yeah. Remember how he hadnt puked on me yet? Well he just got me twice in an hour. Sigh. And my cloths, and my clean clothes, and my bed. Sigh.,
posted by Chuck Pierce 7:43 PM3 comments
What a wonderful day. We spent it in normal family fourth of July style. Had a wonderful babryq and knocked around a baseball. Then we taught Eli about sparklers and firecrackers. Then we went and watched the fireworks. Oh wait no that was a dream. We actually went and lugged some of my crap form the basement to the Barn and visited people then crashed and took naps.. Oh yea and since the Dr. told us too we let him be diaper free for a bit. That was just a great plan. Sigh. Yet more washing to be done. Don’t get the idea it was accidental either, I wear he aimes at people. Guess he defiantly is my son…
posted by Chuck Pierce 6:09 PM0 comments
Well I actually got a few hours sleep. But Eli sure didnt. he has been up wanting food or something almost every hour on the hour. Grug. So now we either make sure he stays up all day (by all I mean at least 20 mins) so he will sleep tonite. Sigh. Yea I know you can not spoil em for the first year but he is only happy when being held. Sigh. Anyways, all is well, I am just grumpy cause once again i woke up to mom screwing something up with her email. The mind boggles.
posted by Chuck Pierce 10:19 AM0 comments
So I am just sitting here screwing around waiting for the squall to come. No sense wakening him till he is good and ready..oh there it goes. Darn but he is getting predictable though. So now we wait 15 mins to see if he is done or if he wants more.. Or has more gas or anything . he is starting to use different cryâ??s for food and things, very cool.
But still the most important thing to remember is if he smiles at you cover up, you are about to be puked all over. Such simple rules.. Sigh.
posted by Chuck Pierce 12:50 AM1 comment
God what a load of crap that is (pun intended). This little monster is a bottomless pit I think. Ok lets try explaining it this way. 7/3/02 he had (and we logged) about 20 oz of food and water mix. He pissed out a good 5 oz. He gained about 1 oz weight. So where the hell did the other 12 or so oz go? And he is due again to eat in a few mins. Good part was he is almost regular today, 2.5 hrs mostly. The XGF came over and saw him for the first time. Was great fun. She started to mother the crap out of me saying things like you need to support the head more.. and so forth, Hey, I catch the little bugger when he carpet dives, I know what I am doing. But anyways, she had been told by me that Mom was asleep and it was safe.. HEEH Mom of course came out and made her nervous as hell. Was amusing. She is like 50 and Mom can make her almost run out just by smiling. Course Mom had a smile that looked like she was trying to decide if the neck was the best part to start on or if a shoulder might do. And what type of wine would go best with her. I was amused. That being said Mom is gonna leave soon and though that should make a dramatic increase in my sex life it will also cut my sleep in 1/2 again. Eggadds, can it be cut in 1/2 again? Oh and did I mention it is blooming hot? Yea now I know it is the same temp most of you deal with every day but hey, don’t blame me that you’re an idiot. It does not get that warm up here… So no where is equipped for it. Most cars do not have AC including me till it gets fixed next week and a lot of places are just baking lately. Ok well, time to prepare dinner or Whatever you call the next meal when you do em ever 2.5 hours. Sigh. But yea, as you can tell by the comparative (for me) lack of bitching I am having a blast.
posted by Chuck Pierce 12:15 AM2 comments
Wednesday, July 03, 2002
Well we had our first 4 oz feeding. be scared, be very scared. My god that is 8 times what he was eating in the hospital a week ago and twice as often as there. Sigh. But he can not get fat on formula so all he wants he gets.
posted by Chuck Pierce 6:43 PM0 comments
Well the Dr visit went fine. He know weighs 8.1 lbs Can't believe he gained that much overnight so someone has a scale wrong. But anyways. he has a blocked tear duct, nbd. So we will clean that out by strokeing it basically. Other than that he is fine. Oh and he scored on the nurse..WOOHOO I told he he liked to hit people.
posted by Chuck Pierce 4:03 PM0 comments
This damn heat wave has to end soon.. I hope. 90's again today. Got the AC on.. .it wont keep us cool we will hit 90 in here to but it does drop the humidity from 98% to about 30. and that is a big arse difference. OUr first well baby visit today.. yeah!
posted by Chuck Pierce 6:51 AM3 comments
You know the big problem with this swing is that you have to take him outof it at times. he really likes it and pitches a fit when he leaves it but it can not be good for him to sleep in the thing all night. We bought him a nice and slightly cheap but working thermometer. digital and beeps and all that. Not an in the ear one, that cmes later. but anyways, he hasnt even used this one yet but I get a kick out of it. My body temp amuses the hell out of me. 97.4 right now been as low as 96.9. heheh. Oh well, they say first sign of being sick for him is loss of appitite, not been a problem yet by a long shot.
Oh and people who say their baby was sleeping through the night at 2 weeks are dumb. They need to eat at least every 4 hrs so this is normal. Now I on the other hand fondly remember sleeping through a night.
posted by Chuck Pierce 12:17 AM1 comment
"Sleep you little loveable bugger"
Well my god he is almost following a schedual. i am scared. every 2.5 hours he wants 2-3 Oz. pretty regular.. He is on his stomach right now and not overly pleased. He has to spend some time on it so we do try but he is still very big into haveing the legs balled up on his chest. He doesnt cry just looks pissed and crabs trying to roll over. He has got the lets keep dad up late down pat though. Every one asks how we are doing. We are frigging tired, any other dumb questions? you try sleeping bout 2 hours at a whack. Oh and we have entered the hiccup stage. He is doing it alot.. Alll perfectly normal, but wierd to hear. And hehas a blocked tear duct. Sigh. Poor guy. now if he would just sleep for a bit....
posted by Chuck Pierce 12:09 AM0 comments
Tuesday, July 02, 2002
Long day. Nurse came at like 4 and he got a clean bill. He weighs 7.15, again. They loose a bunch of weight after birth and should getit back in a week and he did so all is well. He should gain about an oz a day for a while now. He is feeding almost at a schedual but not really. hehehe. And then we got the chair from Glen and Sharon. It works like a wonder and he crashed so we did. I got a good 3 hrs sleep that was needed and he got fed again. heheh. Hot day it is a tad warmer in here but the av has knocked the humidity down to 1/2 the outside humidty so we are mostly comfortable. But tired. I am sure we will be up and eating soon again.
posted by Chuck Pierce 7:50 PM0 comments
Damn it is hot. Granny forgot a burp and Eli puked in all directions. Opps. Has been up for last 30 mins very unhappy. Gonna have the Nurse come visit in about an hour and get him weighed and so forth. Then I think we get to go pick up a new Chair. Glen and Sharon are getting us a nice granny chair he can be rocked in. Nice blue and comfortable and Scotch Guarded..
posted by Chuck Pierce 1:30 PM7 comments
Oh it is gonna be hot. darn it this is MAine, I know I am bitching but we used the AC more so far than I used it all last year.. ARRRGGG. Ok of and running lets see how this morning goes.
posted by Chuck Pierce 7:26 AM1 comment
And a tie for this mornings Quote. “11:11 p.m. We may assume the somewhat flattened ex-opossum at Seventh and K streets would've sucked at Frogger.”( http://www.arcataeye.com/police)
“Oh quit your bitching (Granny- I leave to you which of us she was addressing)
Up at an ungodly hour for no good reason. He went down with a minimal amount of fuss after the last feeding. I slept most of the afternoon so I am ok for a bit. I am such a trial to my poor sainted mother (I did mention she was reading this right?) so I got night duty tonight. And I got chatting with her royal Shellness so had no clue time was flying by. Well tomorrow will be a busy day with Glen coming for lunch and then the nurse. And attempt #2 at the morning run. We got to get into a routine but since it is his first anniversary (1 week) I guess we can give it a few months. I really can’t wait till he discovers his hands though. Lord I hope it is not 90 again tomorrow we are baking
posted by Chuck Pierce 1:33 AM0 comments
Monday, July 01, 2002
Someone is lying in his crib watching me. has nothing to scream about but I have a feeling my typing is going to be short. Just took a power nap, #2 for the day. So I am on for the nights. God it is fun to watch him wave his arms about with no clue they are his. Every day or so he gives himself a good whack on the nose or something and then can't figure out why people are hitting him. Man you would think they would give a loaded EPROM on these things. It is amusing how far off I was with the Mom can only stay a few days and we will be fine. yea right. This is not a one person job I am afraid. But I am sure we will get into a rhythm soon and it will get easier. Tomorrow we get a visit from a nurse to check him out. Course she is also going to check Dawns cut and see how it is healing. Sigh, here we go again. I am gonna get really annoyed explaining the unexplainable to people soon. Maybe I will just type up a card and hand it to them. Hmm. Oh and Eli got me today… I changed him 100’s of times and nothing happened…. Sigh. Oh well I still have not had the full puke treatment but he is trying.
posted by Chuck Pierce 9:29 PM3 comments
We just had a visit from UPS and Kirk you rule man. Not only is the Diaper Champ a kick ass piece of engineering (ready and waiting for first load) but I have to say they did a kick ass job with packing it. It was in a HUGE bag. Bright purple with baby stuff on it. The bag is very cool. A little big for laundry but I can see stuffing comforters in it when I go to wash em. It is made of Mylar I think so should last for 50 years. Anyways it was wrapped and tired and very well presented out of the box. Nice job all around. I had no clue who has sent me the Champ so I was very surprised to find out it was Kirk (guilt trip on the rest of you all… Is it working??) Anyways, damn cool gift and it will be used, I would like to say loved, but it is designed for holding used diapers so that might be a bit strong. Mother wants it once he is beyond diaper age to put compost in from the kitchen, but I can already see it as a neat kids laundry basket or for a rag bucket in the basement. You just slap a bag in and you can use it for anything.. Damn cool. And even cooler that a blog reader sent it to me. Wanted to send you a private email saying thanks but couldn’t find it.. Sigh.
Well did the morning work today for the first time with Eli. He defiantly made it interesting. I guess the days when I would be exactly on time everywhere all the time are now hasta. He stopped and had some food on the way down at 9:00 then about 9:30 got cuddled cause he was pitching a fit. Then bout 10 had an other meal. So we were about 1/2 an hour late all told but no biggy. Came home and we both went to bed. So I got a few hours sleep and then gave him a huge 3 oz meal and a bath. Next time bath then food. He puked it in all directions.. Sigh. Bath #2. And by bath I mean a wash cloth he does not go into water yet… Anyways, we got to get him in the routine of not trying to have 1 oz and then sleep 1 hr and then want an other oz.
He also got some cool gifts form the party last night includeing a tie died one piece.. Very cool. And very blue. I seem to have a thing with him wearing blue. It would prob be pink if it was a girl. But he basically wears just blue till people no longer have to ask. Anyways, I need to go see if he is wet so we can try out the Diaper Champ…
posted by Chuck Pierce 4:49 PM2 comments
"My life for sale, only 3 easy payments of $19.95"
Wow sleep really is a myth isnt it. Course now when we have to get moveing he is out like a light. Oh well. I can be later today and now one will say a word. It is a riot we are leaveing for 2.5 hours yet we are carrying enough gear for a 12 member K2 attempt. Oh well. We have not gotten the minimum req idea down pat yet.
posted by Chuck Pierce 7:10 AM2 comments